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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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It looks like Christopher's wife Rebecca is trying to scheme to get money out of him/his family. I definitely think it's possible that she could have been behind that email to Elena. Though I do think that she may have developed genuine feelings for Christopher in the process.

Also I think that John Ross may have some genuine feelings for Elena. He seems to care what she thinks of him. If so I think that's interesting and makes things more complex, especially since Christopher still has feelings for her.

I like JR's look at the end and I think the stuff with Marta not really being Marta, that guy that JR went to visit's daughter interesting. This show has a lot of turns and plots in it, I like it so far.

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So I was too young to have watched the original Dallas, but I decided to try out this reboot. Glad I did, already hooked. Probably minority, but I actually like Christopher, but I usually root for the "good guys". John Ross, not liking him so far, but hopefully he can become a love to hate villain like his dad, JR, whom I already love. I love all the backstabbing and pulling one over on each other. Very good soap. Can't wait for next week.

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I think the writing is probably the strong point. The cast is very weak and if Duffy and Hagman were not involved, the show would be DOA.

I know they are going more contemporary and sleeker but somehow it just feels off. Dallas originally was so larger than life and had a very strong larger than life cast. This doesn't have that feel at all and for me, that was much of the original shows appeal.

I think the show will do fine. They are going to hook in a lot of the Dallas followers from years ago and will probably hook in some younger viewers with the slicker production and eye candy

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I am actually loving this. I watched the last season of the original Dallas when I was a kid and still can remember how great it was. And, I've seen plenty of repeats. Speaking of that CMT has a marathon tomorrow from Noon-5PM EST. :D

I want John Ross and Christopher to beat the eff out of each other all the time. Since Bobby and JR cannot do it anymore.

Ewings fighting. Bring it on.

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The writing was so much better than I anticipated. I agree, the acting is a bit stiff from some people. I really didn't mind Metcalfe and Strong though. I really do think they're trying, and it does show. But yes, they aren't great, though it's not stopping me from enjoying the show at all.

I really like that all of the characters are grey. They have flaws. It's not just "good vs. evil" and everyone has a motive and a backstory and an agenda, good person or not. So I'm intrigued.

Patrick Duffy and Larry Hagman are once again carrying this show, for sure.

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire two hours. I'm hooked. Not even going to lie.

I'm so excited for next week. Cliff makes his first appearance!

I also love that the women aren't doormats. I thought Elena would take John Ross back and be totally manipulated by him. Glad that isn't the case and they seem to have real, conflicted, feelings for each other.

I do have to admit I saw a lot of the "twists" coming, simply because I'm so familiar with soaps, it's not that hard to guess what will happen. Though I still enjoyed every second of it.

And the Cattle Baron's Ball? I'm pretty sure that's how Texas would handle it these days, so It was alright. Though it should have been much more of an episode on it's own than just thrown into the second episode.

And JR still being on top no matter what? I love it. I loved how he put John Ross in his place and that he 'doesn't e-mail' and handles things in person. Perfect. Larry Hagman still has it. He's so good at JR it's unbelievable.

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They won't. They know they need them. And it's cable. They can get away with having a few older ones.

90210 and Melrose had people running them who didn't give two craps about any history or veterans. Dallas does. That's the difference. They really could have launched the show without Gray, Duffy or Hagman. They WERE going to. They KNOW they need them. Hell, Cliff Barnes wasn't even going to be included period. The Barnes/Ewing feud was going to be ignored. Something shifted and I don't think it's going to go away.

I think Bobby, JR and Sue Ellen can be very relevant and involved if used correctly, and so far, I'm pleased. Too little of Sue Ellen though, but I hope that changes.

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I can see them keeping Larry Hagman as long as he can work but the rest I wouldn't be surprised to see go. The show is mostly about the younger cardboard cutouts, and the older characters are window dressing to hide the flaws until viewers get used to it.

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I believe they will keep JR and Bobby to a minimum knowing that they are the draw (this is one show where pandering to children will not work). Good way to make certain we don't turn the channel. The property was beautiful, but did anyone notice that both events (the wedding and cattlemen's dinner) both lasted a total of about 6 minutes? WTF was up with that? Events are what drive soaps.

JM, JH, JB, the other chick or BS could keep this show going. There is no way!

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I really get why you feel that way Carl. You could be right but I'm enjoying it right now. I think we've all become so jaded by how daytime is run and veterans are treated that we just assume things. I'm really hoping that isn't the case.

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It depends on how well the youngsters catch on. Frankly none of the 4 young leads are impressive or have the kind of charisma or presence people like Tilton, Victoria Principal, Linda Gray had. They just seem very bland. Hagman did have a Heath crisis if I recall during filming but I'm not sure if this impacted his involvement in the show. How would a modern JR.less Dallas work? If the writing is decent it may not matter.

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