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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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Well i didnt expect big numbers for the premiere but glad it did well. It did beat ABC, NBC, Fox and even CBS during its timeslot. I didnt know they the actors had appeared on the Jay Leno Show two nights ago...missed it..damn....lol

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Just watched the first episode and it was decent. It doesn't all click but I think I had really bad expectations to begin with, so that possibly helped. The original cast still works very well and John Ross and Christopher (especially John Ross) were OK. Elena and Rebecca... no. But I did get the sense that Rebecca may not be as innocent as she may seem. Loved the back and forth concerning who had conned who. This, actually, feels very promising.

Little things that bothered me was the horribleness of the interior, and John Ross's blatant disrespect to Miss Ellie. The writing (and performance) should have allowed for a lot more respect and conflict on John Ross's part for his grandma. That would allow for some internal conflict along the way that could be interesting as well as humanize the character a bit. I have no problem with SOB characters but it seems much more multi-dimensional to me that a character feels guilty but does it anyway instead of just playing it as a spoiled rich kid that just wants his toys. Nobody identifies with that.

In any case, I remained interested in seeing the rest. I think a fight for Southfork Ranch (as opposed to Ewing Oil) is a great idea for a season-long arc.

No. Up until Season 8 on DVD (which I am currently watching), I do not recall a single moment of comedy that wasn't played straight and not whimsical. If there are examples of this in the first 200 episodes, I would love to know because it's possible I don't recall lol

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That would mean nuance, and that's not something shows want today. It's shock value, and we're probably supposed to think he's a stud for trashing his grandmother, similar to when Y&R had Chompers trash John Abbott just to show us how cool he was.

I can also imagine he hates Miss Ellie because of the time she asked him why he wiped cat litter on his face.

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That's very true. I'm thinking of the sheer amount of plot the first episode went through. All this "move it forward" mentality may seem fun and allow for shock value, but it completely hinders all nuance and character development. A definite misfire in the writing of a key villain. It seems shows today can mostly either do completely evil or completely good. I don't get why there is this moratorium on complicated characters. I was hoping that, this being on cable, would prevent that.

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Again, no. I don't think so. Comedic music is not the same as whimsical music. One compliments the actual funny-ness of the scene, while the other screams at you "this is supposed to be funny! Laugh!" and (usually unsuccessfully) tries to create comedy, all with a wink-wink air about it. But thank you for instructing me to watch again.

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The numbers seem fine. They were the most watched show in their timeslot, what more could they realistically ask for? I don't think any show whose selling point is 80 year old Larry Hagman and nostalgia is living and dying by 18-49 demos. It's cable, they have more leeway than networks do, but it does beg the question what would their ratings have been if it was on CBS.

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