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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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Ugh....Cynthia Cidre knows nothing about Dallas history. I'd rather see Bobby with Jenna than dull as dirt Ann. I hope PP does reprise her role as Jenna. And for the love of God bring back Lucas Wade too!! Thats if CC knows who he is....ugh.

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The writer obviously doesn't understand how to write soaps. This is Dallas with none of the family connections it had before. All of the returns from the original series serve no purpose and are just there (with 1 minute scenes) to say, "Hey we brought them back!" The closest that came to being done right, was Gary's return, but it fizzled out. They started out well, then they had Val come for her one minute scene and just when the story was kicking off (with Valene vs Sue Ellen), you never saw them again.

Other issues:

- The writers don't understand how to write serialized storylines or cliffhangers.

- The cast is mostly dull. Brenda Strong has potential, but has been given one of the most generic and dull characters ever. She can't come close to standing next to ANY love interest Bobby had on the original. Jordana Brewster is what sleeping pills are made of.

Compared to the legacy that the original left, this new show is pretty bad. I watch it because I love Dallas, but this is worse than the worst season of the original.

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I agree that Jordana Brewster and Jesse Metcalfe are awful. I was hoping for recasts with both of those characters.

I also admit that I watched Dallas as a child, so my memories of the show are likely nowhere as good as yours. That said, I didn't go into because I wanted to see Gary or Val. To me those are Knots Landing characters. Yes, I know they have the Dallas connection, but I don't consider them core characters the way I do Sue Ellen or Bobby. I wanted to see JR scheming and the unbelievable chemistry he always had with Sue Ellen, and I got that. I'm disappointed that they didn't find an actual use for Ray or Lucy though. To me those were characters worth seeing for more than just a few minutes. Ann started out weak and boring, but she's getting better. I understand the need to bring in new characters, and I think Harris Ryland is great from an entertainment standpoint, and his mother is deliciously evil.

If there's a serious weak point to me, it's that in both seasons, I felt that the second to the last episode would have made for a better season finale than the actual finale. That's a weak point, but I don't think it's a dealbreaker. I'm hoping they adjust the pacing a bit in the third season.

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Only thing I've seen that interests me is that it was said Sue Ellen and Elena are driving stories this season. We'll see about that, but they'd be smart to use Linda Gray more than they have. Bitchy Elena could work if that's what they go with it.

I'm disappointed they refuse to use Charlene as Lucy. And Ray deserved better than cameo appearances with throwaway lines.

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Elena could work as a bitch, but overall the women are so lukewarm on this show. Miss Ellie has such fire and was so complex, then look at Ann....Look back at Katherine, Pamela, Sue Ellen, Kristen, Lucy, DONNA. These ladies had such spark and Dallas wasn't even a woman's show! This show is less soap and more like a boring family drama which isn't what Dallas should be.

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