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AMC: August 24, 2010

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This would be entertaining, if ABC hadn't, oh, I dunno... PROMOTED THE END OF THE STORY MONTHS BEFORE IT HAPPENED!! How do you "invest" in Ryan/Madison if we've been told about the reunion we've been waiting for? I don't buy anything either one of them says to each other because it's all being written from a false premise.

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That's what sucks about the Ryan/Madison thing, it's like they purposely wanted to pull the excitement of it away. Why air Rylee promos while this is going on? The story should be Greenlee is losing the guy she wants, I don't need the voice over telling me 'the reunion you've all been waiting for' the only way I continue to say this, the only way Rylee is bought to be finished is if Greenlee after she leaves David moves into the Chandler SL. Could they be setting that up? IDK, at this point it seems Annie needs a shock to wake up about how she truely feels about JR, so I'd have Greenlee fling w/ JR to set that up. But that's just me.

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Could you imagine the convos. w/ Lorraine and Brian?

worker A: Mrs. Broderick, Frons wants to see you.

Lorraine: Just keep writing guys, I'll handle Frons.

Brian: So Lorraine I agreed w/ your idea of the long arc for Ryan/Greenlee but when does it happen?

Lorraine: soon, it's a process, it's like I told you, we are slow burning them to make them rootable like you we want.

Brian: So the black kid is going to swoop in and take his girl? leaving Ryan heartbroken?

Lorraine: Sorta, I'll let you know. But keep making those promos we need them. Have a Rylee day!

Brian: I will!

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blink.gifblink.gif I have a feeling you're right about that, but I find it unfathomable. I really don't have a sense of how popular Ryan/Greenlee are, maybe there really are legions of fans out there who want them.

I only know how I feel and I think Ryan/Madison have way more potential. I like Greenlee a lot normally, but when she's with Ryan he makes me dislike her. Meanwhile, I dislike Ryan normally, but Madison makes me like him. I never realized what a difference a screen partner can make, but AMC is bringing that home to me right now.

Yes, Madison is being a little too nice right now. It's such a dramatic change, I'm not sure how I feel about it. However, Madison isn't as insufferable as Marissa can be and the show can only have so many " good bitch" type characters. Right now we have Erica, Kendall and Greenlee, so I think the show is right that Madison has to be something different. What I really can't figure out is why I like Madison so much more than the character SG played on GL (Tammy), but I do.

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Im really surprised she survived ending things with Ryan. She had no family or connections outside of him and the way Pratt was writing, it seemed as if she would be a goner. Tying her to the Chandlers has been the best thing the show has done with her and she's brought some much needed energy and life to them.

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