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FOX's Tribes (1990)

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March 5, 1990-July 13,1990




Ian Cox.....Stephen Burleigh

Melinda Cox........Lisa Lawrence

Stacey Cox....Kim Valentine

Virginia Cox.......Harriet Hall

Carol Delaney  ....   Susan Egan

Janice ___ Delaney    Janice Lynde

Lorraine Delaney....Jill Whitlow

Tim Delaney    Rick Scarry

Eileen Dooley..... M.E. Loree

Teacher Jensen......Marc Samuels

Darryl Johnson......Zero Hubbard

Diane Johnson     Rhetta Greene

Gordon Johnson.....Rif Hutton
Annie Kubiak.......Ele Keats

Bobbie Kubiak............Holly Butler

Uncle Carl Kubiak........Mark Costello

Matt Kubiak.......Scott Garrison

Aunt Sophie Kubiak........Michelle Marsh

Sheriff Mason........John Otrin

Principal Orsini....Parker Whitman

Big Bill Pressfield........Joe Burke

Billy Pressfield........Greg Watkins

Chris Pressfield......Patrick Day

Pamela Pressfield......Kerry Remsen

Inspector Ramirez..... Josh Cruze

Mr. Sego..........

Peter Sego......Michael Aron

Mr. Stevens..........      Lawrence Toffler

Mr. Wynans ....    Michael Simms




Carrie.....Carrie Barton

Dawn.....Alex Koromzay

Dillon[adoption lawyer]................

Dinah ....  Ana Auther 

Earl[gambling creditor]..........Nick Benedict

Frankie[pal, Bobbie]......... Michelle Stafford

Ingrid    ....   Annie Dylan

Jeannie  ...   Jolene Lutz

JoJo.....Ken McMurphy

Laura[blind girl].................

Macy.....Dana Jackson

Marco    ...   Alfred Dennis

Marilyn ...   Kristen Pearcey

Mia........Andrea Curtis

Rhonda ...   Latanya Masters Abner

Richie ...    Doug Clark

Samantha  ...   Marsha Clark

Selena   ....    Jacquelyn Houston

Spyder      ...    Andrew Zeller

Suzy[+ Matt]........  Theresa Vander Woude 

Tina.........Jentry Tuvil

Tipper ...    Bonnie Hawley

Xavier[+Bobbie]...............  Anthony Gray


Deputy....  Donald Craig

           ...   Terry Kohl

Salesman ...Philip Roberson

Sheriff   ...   Joe Taggert

Student Aide......Jasper Cole



???????????....Andrew Held

This is what I've found on Tribes. If anyone knows more, please let me know!

Edited by slick jones
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Tribes...I had forgotten all about this.

I still have the complete series on VHS, and hadn't thought about it in well over 20 years. It wasn't high art, certainly, and even one of its stars, Greg Watkins (later of ATWT) admitted he couldn't sit through watching it, but at least it was an attempt to bnng a new, modern soap to FOX. Too bad it never got off the ground. Some of the cast was good, and Scott Garrison was a cutie whom I thought could have a more successful career than he ended up having.

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Michael Aron played Peter "Pete" Sego.

Nick Benedict played Earl. Ana Auther played Dinah. Both were contract players towards the end of the show's run.

Holly Butler played Bobbi Kubiak. She initially started off as a recurring player, but returned later in the show on contract. I suspect she was given a contract when they introduced Michelle Stafford's Frankie. I believe Frankie was on the run with Bobbi.

I noticed Ele Keats, who played pregnant teen Anny Kubiak, is no longer listed in the cast in the show's final episodes. Jill Whitlow's Lorraine is also no longer listed among the contract players. Kerry Remsen's Pamela Pressfield is also no longer listed among the contract players.

Lawrence Toffler was Mr. Stevens. He was a contract player at the end. I think, but may be wrong, Toffler initially appeared in a non-contract role, but I could be wrong. He had some substantial play because Stacey Cox accused him of rape.

Here is a list of non contract roles

Don Craig as a deputy
Josh Cruz as Inspector Ramirez
Alfred Dennis as Marco
M.E. Loree as Eileen Dooley
Kristin Pearcey as Marilyn
Joe Taggart as sheriff
Andrew Zeller as Spyder

Doug Clark as Richie

Anthony Gray as Xavier
Bonnie Hawley as Tipper
Terry Kohl as a deputy
Janice Lynde as Janice
Annie Dylan as Ingrid

Jacquelyn Houston as Selina
Lalanya Masters-Abner as Rhonda
Michael Simms as Mr. Wynans

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  • 4 years later...
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March 5, 1990-July 13,1990




Ian Cox.....Stephen Burleigh

Melinda Cox........Lisa Lawrence

Stacey Cox....Kim Valentine

Virginia Cox.......Harriet Hall

Carol Delaney  ....   Susan Egan

Janice ___ Delaney    Janice Lynde

Lorraine Delaney....Jill Whitlow

Tim Delaney    Rick Scarry

Eileen Dooley..... M.E. Loree

Teacher Jensen......Marc Samuels

Darryl Johnson......Zero Hubbard

Diane Johnson     Rhetta Greene

Gordon Johnson.....Rif Hutton
Annie Kubiak.......Ele Keats

Bobbie Kubiak............Holly Butler

Uncle Carl Kubiak........Mark Costello

Matt Kubiak.......Scott Garrison

Aunt Sophie Kubiak........Michelle Marsh

Sheriff Mason........John Otrin

Principal Orsini....Parker Whitman

Big Bill Pressfield........Joe Burke

Billy Pressfield........Greg Watkins

Chris Pressfield......Patrick Day

Pamela Pressfield......Kerry Remsen

Inspector Ramirez..... Josh Cruze

Mr. Sego..........

Peter Sego......Michael Aron

Mr. Stevens..........      Lawrence Toffler

Mr. Wynans ....    Michael Simms




Carrie.....Carrie Barton

Dawn.....Alex Koromzay

Dillon[adoption lawyer]................

Dinah ....  Ana Auther 

Earl[gambling creditor]..........Nick Benedict

Frankie[pal, Bobbie]......... Michelle Stafford

Ingrid    ....   Annie Dylan

Jeannie  ...   Jolene Lutz

JoJo.....Ken McMurphy

Laura[blind girl].................

Macy.....Dana Jackson

Marco    ...   Alfred Dennis

Marilyn ...   Kristen Pearcey

Mia........Andrea Curtis

Rhonda ...   Latanya Masters Abner

Richie ...    Doug Clark

Samantha  ...   Marsha Clark

Selena   ....    Jacquelyn Houston

Spyder      ...    Andrew Zeller

Suzy[+ Matt]........  Theresa Vander Woude 

Tina.........Jentry Tuvil

Tipper ...    Bonnie Hawley

Xavier[+Bobbie]...............  Anthony Gray


Deputy....  Donald Craig

           ...   Terry Kohl

Salesman ...Philip Roberson

Sheriff   ...   Joe Taggert

Student Aide......Jasper Cole



???????????....Andrew Held

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I know this is an incredibly old comment, but I wanted to compliment you @SFK for foreseeing this. Besides "Swans Crossing" and "Fifteen" being available, 2/3 of "Tribes" is on YouTube. Out of 90 episodes that were aired, 68 are currently available. 

When Louise Shaffer was interviewed by Alan Locher, she revealed she was on the writing staff of a show headed by Mary Ryan Munisteri that was abruptly cancelled when Pinkerton guards came into the studio to remove everyone when production was halted and no one informed the cast, the writers, or the crew. Shaffer was referring to "Tribes." I think this resolves the issue of 95 episodes vs 90 episodes that has come up over the years. Since the show wasn't filmed in order, it is likely there were 5 uncompleted episodes that had been filmed at the time of the show's abrupt cancellation. Also, because of the suddeness of its conclusion, scripts were written through at least episode 107 per copyright information availble. I thought I had once found copyrights through episode 112 or 113 but I can only find through 107 now.

I've begun a rewatch of what's available. I usually don't get passed the 20s. @slick jones I'll post any new information I come across. Just off the bat, Nick Benedict's character Earl was not only a gambling creditor, he was Pete Sego's abusive dad. Not sure if his name is also Sego, but I'll let you know. Also, Ana Arthur's Dinah character was Pete's older sister who was married and came back to town around the time Pete was dealing with legal issues stemming from raping Stacey Cox.

Something I appreciate about "Tribes" is the show is basically a traditional soap opera but told through the perspective of the younger characters. I'm in the middle of week two and lots of the drama results from the characters' family ties. Anny Kubiak, honor student and potentially the first person in her family to go to college, gets pregnant and passes out at the school dance. Anny's father Carl, a working class man, knows that Anny is hiding something. When she does reveal the truth, Carl is more upset that Anny thinks that he might hate her than being mad about her being pregnant (even though he is clearly not pleased). The tension then builds between Anny and Carl about who will handle the pregnancy and how. Melinda Cox seems to sense that there is something going on at home because her dad missed her mother's birthday and all his clothes have been removed from his bedroom closet. When her boyfriend Billy tries to make a move, Melinda blows up at him. The women in Matt Kubiak's life that are causing him the most grief are his mother, Bobbie, who he hasn't seen in years, and his cousin Anny, who he feels he needs to protect. Darryl Johnson, who helps his friends steal their trignometry test, gets berated by his father Gordon for his behavior with Gordon going on how Darryl will be judged harsher because he is African American while Darryl brushes off race. 

Mostly, I find the show enjoyable given the fact that it doesn't shy away from the heavier issues. It was rather somber to listen to waitress and aspiring fashion designer Lorraine Delaney explain to pregnant teen Anny that she (Lorraine) had had an abortion several years prior with both women discussing the need to make the decision that was right for them given yesterday's ruling. 


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Wow!  I've always enjoyed your wonderfully detailed write ups.  

I added Mr. Sego  ???? to the list after coming across the name in TRIBES synopses (possibly SOD, possibly elsewhere) so Earl's probably Earl Sego.  


Dinah Sego _____    Ana Auther    Pete's married sister

I'll add them to the cast list in the cast lists thread and will follow your posts and create a character guide  from the info you post.    

As always, your posts are truly appreciated.

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I'm into week 5. The show is a bit of a bizarre mix of social issues, potential potent family drama, and a bit of an attempt to interject action sequences into a very low key show. I will say some very weak sequences build into much more interesting developments. 

I'm not a huge fan of the initial trig test theft story. It is silly at best. With that said, I thought Gordon Johnson introducing his son Darryl to Selina and the Teen Crisis Hotline was a nice movement. There are definitely moments that seem very Y&R-esque (Trent Jones is head-writing with Mary Ryan Munisteri, Jones would have worked at Y&R at this point right?). Darryl and Selina's sequences tend to be a sounding board for social issues (poverty, drug addiction, suicide, etc.) and the language seems very dated. I think I caught at least one character saying something was heavy, which I believe was a Bill Bell staple. Knowing where this plot is going, I am okay with what is going on in the process. It is interesting to see the start of a mini-love triangle with Darryl, his current girlfriend Rhonda (played by Lalanya Masters who appeared as Jason George's wife on the UPN series "Platinum"), and Ingrid, a computer nerd who calls Darryl at the hotline looking for help connecting to the Internet. 

I'm slightly more impressed with the Anny Kubiak story even though Ele Keats, the actress playing Anny, is a bit green at this point in time. At this point in the story, Anny has been avoiding school in order to make some money at Topper's and has moved in with Lorraine, the drop out with dreams of a being a fashion designer. The story has explored all the angles: Anny has visited an abortion clinic, Carl planned on sending her to live with an aunt and uncle in Detroit to conceal the pregnancy, sleazy Pete Sego has hooked Anny up with an adoption lawyer Sam Dillon in order to arrange a private adoption, and Anny seems to be open to the idea of being a teen mom. Anny's friendship with Stacey Cox is noteable. I think Keats and Valentine work really well together. 

Valentine's Stacey Cox seems to have the strongest arc at the moment. After hinting at problems in the Cox marriage, Stacey discovers her father, lawyer Ian Cox, in an embrace in his office with another woman. Stacey now knows her parents marriage is over. Stacey starts to act out, dressing more flashy, and going to frat parties. A lot of the show's strongest moments are very quiet like Stacey coming home late one night to find her mother, PTA queen and soccer mom Virginia Cox (played by the late Harriet Hall) passed out on the couch after drinking too much. None of the stories are overly earth shattering, but I appreciate that the perspective is different. With that said, it would have been better to have developed some of the adult stories a bit further as it would give more weight to the kids reactions. 

Stacey's sister Melinda (played by Lisa Lawrence, who played the notorious Sarah Kasnoff on ATWT a few years later) has a much different reaction. Melinda seeks solace from her boyfriend, Billy (Greg Watkins who would later play Evan Walsh on ATWT), but Billy is more determined to get in her pants. This leads Melinda to the arms of Billy's best friend, Matt Kubiak. Matt and Melinda are very angsty as they know they shouldn't be together, but their story is just starting. 

The weakest pieces tend to revolve around Jojo (Kenny McMurphy), Tina, and their issues with Matt Kubiak. McMurphy plays the role completely over the top. There isn't a subtly delivery to any line. To be fair, Jojo is a cartoon villain trying to run Matt and Anny off the road and messing with the break line on Pamela Pressfield's car leading to her car accident. Tina is equally over the top, but I appreciate that there is a brief flirtation between Tina and Matt. Tina is styled a bit like Matt's mom, Bobbie, with big hair and flashy clothes. The dynamic between Jojo and Tina matches a bit the relationship between Bobbie and her controlling boyfriends. 

The family dynamic pieces are interesting, but they don't have a big overarching story. For example, the situation within the Pressfield household has the potential to be explosive. Dad Big Bill Pressfield owns a car dealership and has recently married a much younger wife, Pamela, less than a year after the death of his first wife. Both sons from Big Bill's first marriage (yuppie jock Billy and quiet introvert Chris) have different reactions. Billy violent rejects Pamela and takes issue with Chris when the boy gives Pamela a chance by listening to music with her and attending Shakespearan productions together. The dynamics are intriguing, but its not really a story as much as a situation. 

It's interesting to see some elements of Mary Ryan Munisteri's work on "Tribes" that pops up later on her brief "Loving" stint a year later. The perspective, the young people reacting to the adult stories, is definitely the approach that was taken with the Matt Ford and Ally Rescott story. I know Millee Taggert introduced both characters before she departed, but I believe Munisteri added the Reverend Ford rape plot. I remember thinking it was odd that they only spent one day on the trial for Rev. Ford, but watching "Tribes" makes me realize the story was only about Matt. 

Also, the Topper of "Tribes" is definitely the pre-cursor to the Checkers set on "Loving." Lorraine Delaney talks about wanting the waitresses to have themed uniforms which was one of the trade mark pieces of Checkers. During one of Ava's many attempts to marry Paul Slavinski, Ava went to Checkers to have Cherry Jones' character help her with her wedding dress. 

"Tribes" is appealing in a strange way. The acting runs from truly awful to surprisingly strong depending on the actors and situations. The hardest part for me is it feels like early "Generations" where there are a lot of neat ideas, but nothing is really coming together to be cohesive. 



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