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GH: August Discussion Thread

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I actually love the possibility of Johnny with Kristina and think theres alot of story potential there, but the actress looks too damn young. I think it would work better if they had a more mature looking teen, but unforutnately I like Lexi in the role andthink she's fine

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This is just an issue I have with so many actresses and actors in general: they no longer see their voice as a tool they need to work on. This girl, Kirsten Storms, Rebecca Herbst...they all sound like helium inhaling Olympic gymnasts. And then you listen to someone like Robin Mattson even when she was young, and you really see how important a good voice is. I don't know, maybe they should all pick up a cigarette habit or something, because Lauren Bacall they ain't!

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I don't think she was aggressive and abrasive enough. Every other scene was "I don't wanna use your money" or "I don't need your favors."

Horrible introduction, you're absolutely right about. But she was so bland and boring to start out with, that it's kind of like...Zzzzzzzzz.

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The show has been a little more complex than that - when Laura was "adventure girl" she and Luke were fine, but when they started living the White Picket Fence life, Luke was more and more out of his depth and knew it wasn't for him. The real spotlight was on the fact that NO ONE changes for love, people change because they want to for themselves only (memo on this to Robert/Holly also). LnL were mismatched but fan pressure (and TG's surprising lack of romantic chemistry with others) kept that couple around long after they should have been killed - circa 1982 from where I sit.

As for the Ethan/Kristina and Luke/Laura comparisons, it all has to do with age and the ridiculous notion that a decade or two ago that age gap would have meant nothing to viewers, but now it's seen as this impenetrable force until Krissy turns 18. We've always had huge age gaps in favoured couples with Luke/Laura being the best known, followed by Sonny/Brenda. Age is a red-herring because most simply don't like Kristina's attitude towards Sonny. Most forget she was always a mini-bitch and Kalli Rodriguiz's cuteness was often the only thing that saved her when she used to yell at Alexis and Ric.

I've seen pictures of LA with Nathan Parsons in r/l and the age/height difference is negligible. Soaps have short women/tall men all the time, and once wardrobe/makeup start dressing Lexi Ainsworth more true to life, I think the comments about her being 12 will diminish. As it is now, GH has so many short women anyway that NLG, LW and now AI look like Amazons in comparison.

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who the heck is Kali Rodriguez? This girl is he first Kristina to my knowledge that is actually a character.

The problem is TV traditionally casts people in their 20s to play teens. Brandon Buddy is something like 25 years old and doesn't he play a student om OLTL? Scott clifton was playing teen Dillon at 20. This girl who plays Kristina is just not old enough to project 17 or 18. What she is in real life doesn't matter, it is how she projects.

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The little girl who played Kristina before Lexi's 2009 SORAS'd version.

You make it sound like 18 year olds act like they're 46! What, exactly, is she supposed to be projecting? If anybody knows what it's like to approach something through the eyes of a 17 year old girl in 2010 -- would be a 17 year old girl in 2010. I'm not understanding the idea that there's a blanket idea of what a 17 going on 18 year is SUPPOSED to be. What isn't she projecting?

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