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GH: August Discussion Thread

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Oh WOW did I die with happiness/entertainment, when Johnny woke up today and asked for Olivia...Then changed his mind and asked for Ethan. Thank God Guza has lost his Olivia hard on. I don't think I could have tolerated her huffing puffing and marhching into Johnny's hospital room telling him it was ALL his fault and lecturing him....Ethan was the better choice.

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I kind of get what he's saying. 17/18 on soaps has traditionally been grown up. If you look at Lexi or KA on OLTL, they still seem like little girls. I really found KA's baby story disturbing because of this. It seemed more "16 and pregnant" than soapy and entertaining. I don't know if that's good or bad, but it is different than when you have a 22 year old JMB playing pregnant LuLu.

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I get it too. Back in the day, these were GH teens. Far more mature than Kristina and Michael today. I think alot of people still very used to seeing more mature characters at this age as they can be given adult like storylines and work well with them without seeing too out of place. Brenda at 18, didnt feel as extreme with a 30 something Sonny as Kristina at 17 is with a 20 something Ethan or 30 yr old Johnny


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Lisa/Patrick/Robin is boarder line must see TV, IMO! Loving it. GH is hitting all the right beats with this story. Wish we could have seen what Lisa was doing with Emma while they were out getting ice cream, lol... those scenes should have been put in place of those insomnia curing, Rome BrendazZzz scenes.

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So true. They just showed the flashback of one of Sonny and Brenda's first meetings on the docks. Can you imagine Lexi playing Brenda in those scenes? I think the show wanted to do Ethan/Kristina and I think they do have chemistry. The problem is even though Nathan Parsons is only 22 or so, it just doesn't look right on screen at this point because whatever age Lexi really is, she looks about 14 on camera.

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Go back and watch the High school crowd of All My Children circa 1982. Laurence Lau, Michael E Knight, Marcy Walker, Darnell Williams, Debbi Morgan, Kim Delaney, Amanda Bearse, and Bill Timoney as Alfred. Just take a look at any one of them and then from any clip of your choosing from 1982-84, and then look again at the girl who plays Kristina. Any clip, any one of them, from any point in time. And then when you are done switch over to the High School scene of GH circa 1992 or so and look at Jagger, Karen, Brenda and Jason. And then look again at Kristina.

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I don't think the issue is Kristina, I think it's the fact that she's actually being true-to-age in real life, something that can NOT be said for the majority of Soap teens over the years. I think we've gotten used to people in their early-to-mid 20's being made to play younger, but we rarely have had an almost-18 year old actually playing an almost-18 year old.

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IA and thats why I said I like the actress bc she is good and doing well considering whats given to her. I dont like how they keep trying to give her adult storylines though bc she simply doesnt look credible with that stuff. Like when they had her pretending to be some temptress, using Johnny to get revenge on Sonny by pretending to sleep with him, complete with her fighting Olivia? Puhleaze, that little GIRL looked damn ridiculous fighting with GROWN Olivia over a man. A more mature actress in the role would have had that come across more convincingly. I think maybe they should stick to age appropriate stories for her and what they are doing with Taylor may just do that. I dont think she's ready to hang with the big boys yet

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Did "Wonnie DeMessTeeCoe"(©BrookLynn) really throw Zacchara's gun overboard? What a little bitch, talking about "doing the right thing" and [!@#$%^&*] like that. Makes me so sick to hear this buffoon talk about morals and doing the right thing. That's Guza for us, though, chanting the "f*ck the police" mantra.

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True. She's ready to be with Ethan - as they deSORAS him, or at least his behaviour. But I'm quite happy to have her leave the mobbies alone. Spoilers indicate we might get something age appropriate for them - Lord knows Krissy and Michael need something in their lives to laugh about for a change.

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