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All: has every story been told?

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Well most stories that I would like to see that haven't been told are social issues. I would love to see a Muslim family on soaps. I have heard about one on a British soap (can't remember the name), but yeah the only soap I could have seen taking that story seriously is OLTL and MAYBE AMC, but neither will do it.

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There are an endless possibilities of stories out there, and I don't just mean completely new stories. Even the old tried and true triangle, who's the daddy, murder mystery, corporate takeover, rare illness, adultery, young love, etc, stories can be outfitted with some new variations and angles.

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Exactly. Simple romance storyline, but with a new angle. Who's the daddy, but with a new angle. Custody battle, but with a new angle. Just having it be two men or two women in a relationship opens all kinds of possibilities that have never been touched.

There's always one little crick in the road that can send the story diverging on a completely different path while still having the traditional foundation.

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Daniel's porn addiction on Y&R was something fresh and new and current... and of course, they dumped it. Men having gay sex on the downlow hasn't been done on daytime... it's been done on cable shows such as Six Feet Under, but not on daytime. And DAMMIT, a tearjerking medical malpractice stroyline could be SO GOOD if the doctor that screwed up was an IMPORTANT CHARACTER. Y&R almost did it with Raul and his diabetes SL, but once again, they backed down so doctors could be portayed as heroes of the universe once again.

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Basically there are only a few basic tales to be told period. However, a true artist is able to take the basic tales of human nature and make it compelling by offering new insights, striking characterizations, and mixing and matching the roads taken to get from A to Z to result in a refreshing experience.

IMO the current PTB of the soaps are just painting pre-drawn pictures by painting by number...the good old days featured writers who created their own canvas, and thus their own masterpieces.

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