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GH: July Discussion Thread

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I know that bit but the #66 was used as clues and hints for Jason. Jason and he were both in LA when Liz's baby was born and kidnapped. Why would he kidnap a newborn in a hospital across the country which has no connection to Jason and which Jason doesnt even know about. This kidnapping seemed too random and made no sense. And Franco has a live feed conneted to the hospital's tv screens? Really? I dont get the purpose of throwing Nik/Liz into this as it came out of nowhere and completely unnecsary to Franco's plot and obsession with Jason.

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SoapBoy, I quite frankly would rather see Robin leave Patrick, and then reunite with Jason ;-). But since that won't happen, I am totally for Lisa/Patrick/Robin or even Robin/Steve. I like Robin/Steve to, but if that's going to be the case I would rather it just be either Robin/Steve or Olivia/Steve, no triangle at all. That just wouldn't be interesting to me at all, I think it would be kind of embarrassing watching her plot and fight against Olivia.

As for Shirley, yeah I liked her but her stay lasted way to long, IMO lol. I was not expecting her to be on GH for that long. Loved her and Liz together, but definitely was prepared for her to die and for it to effect Liz--a long time ago. When GH started having Shirley talk about her past and all that, I just thought it was to much. They should have just kept it basic. Your ideas are very creative and interesting, though. Something similar to those could very well happen, I want to see GH revitalize the Spencers, also.

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This would have made more sense if Franco just kidnapped Jake! That would have made the connection with Jason. Thinking about it more, it still doesn't make sense why Franco stole a random baby whose hospital ID number ended in 66. Maybe that will be explained, maybe not. I can't figure it out either way, LOL.

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Yeah, that was very very confusing! It would have made more sense for him to kidnapr Jake...But, if they were going for the whole theme of wanting it to tie into what happened with the hospital situation, he could have kidnapped Liz...Liz means a lot to Jason...So does Jake...Aiden? Not so much..

I'm hoping we get a better explanation than "66"...

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I agree, I would like Robin and Steve...But something makes me think that if they just end up together, it would be temporary, as Guza would just use it as a filler before he shoves Robin back to Patrick...The triangle, I thought, would give Olivia something to do outside of Sonny/Johnny.....And it would allow Robin to be in a fun romance story instead of the same ole "Im Lucky I gots a ma-yun, cuz I gots me some HIV postiveness, and he is such a goo ma-yun to even be wiff me!", and the other barbaric, out of this ccentury, misogynistic bullsht Guza writes her.

And I agree, her stint was a lot longer than I thought it would be...And I was a little bit surprised that there would be mentions of her past...But beccause there were, it gave me the idea of connecting her to someone else in PC...And thank you for saying my ideas were interesting! Haha, writing is my biggest hobby, so I tend to drift off into my own universe, writing plots that I think could help GH go back to what it used to be :P (As in family, love, DOCTORS AND NURSES, hospital drama, adventure, murder, mystery, etc.)

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To be fair, I sometimes mistype words when posting. It's not because I'm an idiot, it's because I just type too fast and post before screening what I have written. Sometimes I catch the errors, sometimes I don't even bother. Maybe that is the same case with who you are referencing? In any case, as hypocritical as it may be, I hate when people misspell words as well.

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Was it me??? I'm normally so good about spelling....I was an English champ in school, won awards! haha...But yeah, if I misspelled anything it's because I was typing too fast and just didn't catch it...I promise you, I can spell :P...Lol, But I don't know if you were even talking to me.

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By the way, I still thiknk Bobbie should be Brenda's mother...

Come on? Can't you just see it now?

Carly loses all her money in a bad investment, and has to go live with Bobbie, with Morgan and a now 2-3 year old Josslyn...Brenda's cotage has dangerous mold in it and needs to be fumigated...Wanting to be a good momma, Bobbie has her move into the Brownstone!

Carly and Brenda fight 24/7, including a fist fight that ruins the Christmas ham, a body slam that takes out the Thanksgiving buffet, and some hairpulling, biting, wrestling, and slapping!

And of course, Morgan and Joss just LOVE Auntie Brenda...Which obviously makes Carly want to slit her wrists, and Brenda just soaks it up, enjoying it more than she would bedding Sonny, Jacks, and Jason all at once!

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