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DAYS: June Promo!

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Yes she certainly does look like absolute hell. That is the worst that Botox can do.

Kristian Alfonso is likely going to be the MVP for June and though it will be sad, I also think it's going to be beautiful too. Everything looks beautifully produced and lovingly written.

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How boring those first 22 seconds were lol....and I can't believe Carrie gives Sami advice.

I can't wait for Alice's memorial/funeral. Kristian Alfonso is AMAZING in the clips, and I love how she says "Days of Our Lives" :wub: this is going to be a sad month, but one to savor and remember for a long time. Looks like it won't disappoint.

And I love Jennifer!! :wub:

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and for the first time for months, I will be tuning in EVERY day this june. WOW. that really looks great. Kristian Alfonso knocked it out of the park.

I have been on a 1-2, sometimes 3 episode a week viewer since Sydeny came home, sine I think the show got boring....But THIS is gonna make tune in everyday.

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I'm pissed off that we're not getting a funeral. I want to see the funeral service. If this was just some minor short-term throwaway character, I wouldn't care in the least, but this is Alice Horton we're talking about. Frances Reid has been on the show since day one.

We have funerals when our loved ones die. That's an important part of the grieving process. As a long-time viewer, I want to see everyone gathered at the church, sitting together in the pews comforting each other, getting up one by one to give heartbreaking eulogies in front of all their family and friends. Just like John's funeral, which I thought was perfect.

I want extras. I want tears and snot. I want the whole shebang. A funeral service holds so much more weight than a bunch of people just meandering around a cemetery. There's a big difference between an actual funeral and a funeral "reception." For the writers to skip past the funeral and fast-forward to the burial/reception really pisses me off. It's like they said, "Hmm... how can we cut a few corners here? Oh, I know! Let's skip the funeral. We'll build this story over the course of several weeks and then when Alice dies, we'll push it into super-speed mode. Once she's dead, we'll put her in the ground ASAP. Nobody will notice that we skipped the funeral. They didn't notice it with Mickey. Let's just bury the old broad already."

It's cheap, tacky and disrespectful to not only the character of Alice Horton, but Frances Reid as well. Skipping the funeral makes me feel like I'm missing something. Something BIG. And I AM missing something big -- because the writers didn't put it in the script. Just like they didn't put it in the script when Mickey died and I was left feeling unsatisfied then as well. How can they just skip the funeral of a legacy character like it's no big deal? I don't understand that. Sad thing is, if Alison Sweeney left the show and her character was killed off, her funeral would last a whole damn week.

Bottom line... this show is too cheap. I was pissed off when Mickey died and he didn't get a funeral and it's pissing me off now that Alice is dying and she's not getting one either. Could they be any cheaper? No attention is paid to detail anymore. They're busting ass trying to churn out 1,546 episodes a week and as a result, quality has fallen to the wayside. The show is complete and utter [!@#$%^&*]. Cheap, tacky [!@#$%^&*]. It looks horrendous. Weddings don't take place in churches anymore -- they take place in living rooms and hospitals. Court hearings don't take place in courthouses anymore -- they take place in broom closets at the Salem P.D. Funerals of legacy characters don't take place at all anymore, we just skip to the reception. It's sad.

That said... I'm looking forward to seeing Carrie, Mike, Jennifer, Laura, Kayla, etc.

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