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Martha Byrne (ex Lily Snyder) ATWT news

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I would formally like to nominate "Hutch Hutchinson" as the stupidest name ever on ATWT. I would've said all of soaps , but I can't forget about Bold and The Beautiful (Storm, Thorne, Ridge, etc).

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It was a crazy name, I don't know why they saddled him with that. Then again it was the most interesting thing about him. I wonder if Marland was inspired by one of the soaps I read about in FrenchFan's summer 1985 summaries yesterday...they brought in a character named Woody Wooderson. Why not just go all out and name someone Harry Wood?

Mitch, I agree about Martha -- I was not fond of that character, to say the least, until somewhere around the late 90s, when they began to mature Lily. I think Martha played that domesticated yet slightly lost version of Lily very well, and she was believable as loving but neurotic mother, it's just I found the character exhausting, especially her breakdowns and her love life. I never understood why Lucinda had to have such dour children. I guess that's one of the reasons I enjoyed Rose, although I know a lot of fans disliked Rose and liked Lily.

I guess someone at the casting for the Walker franchise must have perved on Hutch and Linc as much as some viewers did...

Thanks. Sederholm was the one who had been on Capitol, right?

With guys like that I guess I can see why RH managed to eke out a few final years...

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LOL, I love that picture...some of these soap studs are soooooo gaaaayyyy even if they were straight in real life (riggghtttt.)

The jeans studs became interchangeable during the end of Marland's run. I couldn't tell the original Mike (who now is on DOOL and looking strangely "orange," all the time) and Linc, and Hutch apart....I wonder if they all had to spend time on Marland's casting couch (like that great old thread on DataLounge, Daytime Dish said that John Wesley Ship had to let Marland play with his feet...I LOVED that old thread where people were writing the most ridiculous rumours which somehow seemed true.)

Yes, I always wondered how Lucinda could possibly have such morose kids..but most of Marland's "good," characters were morose, or turned morose after they reformed "Craig,". The only people who managed to stay out of that were the good/bad people like Lucinda and Lisa, and the vets whose identitys were already established like Bob and Kim(though Kim was alwasy comeing up with morose topics for "Patterns,"!!) They should have give Lucinda a long lost son like Lisa, who would be just as wild and full of life as Lucinda.

People liked Lily over Rose..."Yur kiddin me!" I always thought Lily was part of MB's personality until I saw Rose and I was like "Wow, she does have some life in her!"

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I remember when I used to read RATSC and places like that and Rose was loathed, especially during the Dusty/Rose/Paul story. People seemed to see her death as a good thing and that this would be more for Lily. I think the character wasn't the same after Scott Holroyd was fired (he looked younger than Martha, yes, but I loved Rose and his Paul together), but there were still places to go. Killing her off for shock value and an Emmy bait episode was pointless and I don't think it did Lily any favors.

I know Marland created the character of Mike but do we know if he was involved in any casting? I was just curious on that. I can't remember exactly when Shawn Christian showed up. Was it late 1993?

I used to know someone who was always annoyed with Iva and who said he couldn't believe this was the same actress who played Nola. He insisted that when Nola returned to GL, it was actually Iva under an assumed name.

It's funny though; for all her kids problems, Emma often seemed very chipper and looking on the bright side of life.

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Oh God, Iva, the Queen of Morose! I don't know why no one ever turned to her and told her, "The reason you can't find a man is that you are boring and depressing to have around," You know, just to be "honest," because as every ATWT character during Marland's run said, "Honesty is the most important thing in a relationship!"

Your right, Emma is chipper but they didn't DM make Iva adopted in a ridiculous attempt to stear clear of incest between Lily and Holden (now Davey would have had no problems with that..) Did they ever find Iva's parents? Were they living in a van down by the river morosely ruminating on honesty, and why no one loves them?

I loved it when they tried to perk Iva up by sending her on a cruise (like an old Betty Davis movie) and falling in love with that weird looking skinny actor who never made an attempt to even act straight. I kept hoping an iceberg would appear.

Yes, Nola was one of my all time fave characters and if it wasnt for Pam Long and her Reva/Zimmer obsession, it should have been Nola that had the last shot as GL went down the drain for good. And your friend was right, that wasnt Nola that made her way back to the boardinghouse, it WAS Iva Snyder, looking for a new set of people to depress.

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I think they made Iva adopted AND Josh adopted, just to make sure Lily would have no biological ties to Holden. I don't think Emma was but I'm not sure.

I actually did like Iva a lot and always felt so sorry for her, especially when Holden took Aaron from her and then lost all interest in the kid. Looking back, I do think wow, she was so depressed, and I wonder if I just had a soft spot for that type of character. I also wonder at times if she was Lisa Brown or if Lisa Brown became her, as Lisa's been similar to that in most of her post-Iva roles...although I did think she had some fun moments in her brief Nola return last year.

I did enjoy the scenes I've seen of Iva and Kirk, although I know that ended badly for her.

For a long time I thought they never brought up Iva finding her parents but then I saw some clips with her father. I remember one although I can't find it right now, where her father, Jared, was trying to woo Emma while she was dating Cal. I think he bought her a refrigerator (didn't she keep the one Cal bought her later?). Or I thought that was her father. Maybe it was some other relative? I don't know now.

Here's a moment with Jared and Iva, near the end of the clip, I guess when he's about to tell her that Kirk is married to cousin Lenore and has kids.

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That's funny what you said about Jason Benedict. That always felt a little rushed to me, although at least she had a happy exit. Did you see that actor when he played Billy Douglas's father on OLTL? Billy was the gay teenager. The father seemed like a closet case himself, although he wore some very unflattering golf pants that were Bob Hartley meets Homey the Clown.

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What a bummer. Although, unless they do a Lily swap (now that NB's contract is up), bringing her back as Rose would be even crazier than rewriting the fact that she died before our eyes and as MB said: that Rose was really dead and not in James wax museum! Selfishly I do want her back to wrap the show so that they can feature all the great flashbacks with Holden, Lucinda, the Snyder family, etc. I'm sure she wants to return as well.

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It was so funny seeing Jonathan Hogan having it out with Ryan Phillippe over the fact that "Billy Douglas" was gay AT THE LLANVIEW COUNTRY CLUB. As if that family would have that conversation in that very public place. ABC was too cheap to give the Douglases a set, and it showed.

Anyway, it was particularly funny because the first place I saw the actor was in AS IS, one of the first two "AIDS" plays, back in 1985, in which he played a gay guy named Richard Farrell.

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