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AMC: Tuesday May 4, 2010

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It's a funny line, but even "Original Recipe Janet," who was all frumpy clothes and bad hairdo, wasn't that bonkers (sorry, Daisy). To me, it's almost as if the writers either don't remember the original characterization, or they're suggesting that medication/therapy did her more harm than good.

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I dont know. Kate's Janet has always been over the top. Just check out this clip. This is the same exact Janet we are seeing today. Just as nutty, psychotic and out there

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I hope so. I realize how hard it is to rationalize the behavior of a woman who (among other things) stole her sister's life (and husband), pretended to be someone else after cosmetic surgery (oh, right, that never happened!), brought a gun to a wedding in order to kill the bride and groom, talks to her mirror image all the time, stuffed her husband in a freezer b/c he wouldn't shut up (not that I blame her; I, myself, wanted to put "Uncle Porkchop" in deep freeze years ago), and blew up an entire Mardi Gras party, killing one and exposing practically the entire town to physical and psychological harm. Nevertheless, even if I accept that Janet regressed somehow, for whatever reason, I can't buy even Janet "From Another Planet" Green being as nuts as she is today. I have to think that whoever was responsible for her therapy back in Colorado either misread her condition completely, or they pushed Janet to such extremes b/c he/she had an axe to grind. And you know what? Not that I'm HW material, but I'd like to think that Janet's then-psychiatrist, who might've been secretly in love with Trevor and wanted him for herself, used Janet's history against her, twisting her psyche even more than it already was, in an attempt to drive the Dillons apart.

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Or that Ceara (not to mention, the security guard) was too dumb to run or defend herself in the century that elapsed between her turning around to find Janet with the light fixture and Janet actually knocking her unconscious.

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OMG can someone PLEASE ship Marissa OUT for good. She bores me to tears and the woman can't act either.

I'm a bit tired of Janet's plotline each time she comes. Can't they do something else with her?

Jerica is still smokin hot :wub: I need to see some lovin next time.

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