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Y&R Discussion for week of May 3

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I'm convinced this is not Jack, but his crazy double. The real Jack Abbott is just too smart to leave Patty alone with the furniture, let alone his family. Especially when he knows what she's capable of.

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Yes, I have wished that a million times. I do not believe Sarah is Sheila's sister. I believe that Ryder and Daisy are Sarah's...but she called them Sheila's kids because she's some kind of obsessed fan of this famous psycho. I do not believe Terrible Tom has anything to do with it.

But it matters not. This is the biggest steaming heap of dogsh*t forced on this show in my lifetime. Even capable actors are smote by this crap. Leblanc had a nice scene with Stafford in the car, but his impotence and utter lack of trademark cleverness in the funhouse was appalling. And Stafford's "oh my god, it's not Lauren" moment was pure camp (not in a good way).

I liked a few small moments (Kevin's farewell to Ryder...Wilson Bethel actually has some skills), but the show was as bad as it can get.

For me, the question is whether they will recognize how awful this is (I'm assuming yes, and that's why we're getting this quick wrapup), and if there is any recovery.

But sadly, I know there won't be. I fear the ratings numbers will be up a bit this week, or the next Neilsen audience poll will send love to this tale...and we'll have more of it.


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You know what the sad thing is? None of the other stories or supporting stories are even properly developed or interesting to take on a lead role once this double doppelganger mess is done. THAT'S the sad thing in all of this. They banked their whole show on such a ridiculous story, while letting everything else pine away. They really have nothing up their sleeves. It's just lazy, predictable, poorly plotted and executed outrageousness for the sake of telling an actual properly developed story that comes from the characters themselves.

I don't watch the show regularly anymore, so maybe, I shouldn't even care...

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I must say, while I hate the storyline, Tracey Bregman is ROCKING IT!! She has created a distinctly different persona in Sarah Smythe- very, very different from Lauren. Her voice, her mannerisms, the way she carries herself- all COMPLETELY different. IMO, in the few weeks she's been playing both parts, she has totally overshadowed Stacy Haiduk.

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Can't we find out that everything that has happened over this past year was all a delusional soap opera playing in Patty's (Andrea Evan's) head and when they cut to her she's holding a picture of Jack and Jabots new PR woman Mary Jane Benson. I'd like to believe that Adam never gas lighted Ashley, (she is menopausal instead of pregnant), Colleen moved to New York to live with her mother and Sharon is just starting her kleptomania and hasn't slept with half the town.

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Honestly, I don't agree.

I find Bregman over-the-top campy...I keep thinking "Adam West Batman villain" when I see Sarah. I never actually found Haiduk's characters to be anything but plausible. I have enjoyed Bregman since her Lauren existed solely to terrorize Beth Maitland. But this story IMO did not do her credit.

I'm again worried that Alvin has it right...because that is what I'm seeing on screen. With Amber leaving, and this whole mess coming to conclusion...what is left? Nothing. It's literally "start over again" (like it was after Chipmunk saga). That's not a soap...that's an episodic. A baaaad episodic with every carnival cliche you can think of.

If Alvin or DaytimeFan still had the energy to start a "beating drums/regime change" thread, I'd sadly now sign it.

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I know you mean this in jest, but I'd take it in a heartbeat. Anything to erase this horror.

If it was just this last few weeks, I'd be okay. But this is so clearly the culmination of years of active pursuit of bullsh!t and show transformation...and we're left with this ridiculous empty shell. Y&R is everything that I rejected in Days or Passions over the years...hell, I even tuned out OLTL and GH when they got too silly for my tastes. The ONLY reason Y&R still gets watched now is tradition. That won't last long if the show can't find its way again.

And we all know it won't.

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You joined the party too late. :lol:

Just as soon as you accepted this, DaytimeFan and I have accepted that this will be Y&R's last regime, the regime that kills the show, the regime that writes the final episode...

Honestly, no one cares to make an effort anymore, soaps are considered a dead genre that will not be a financially viable option in the near future, so they'll just let them wither away with nothing done to "save" them from a creative standpoint.

I would love it if a new writing and producing team came in, but is it a realistic option anymore?

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Oddly enough, Y&R ended last year in New Zealand when the 2005 episodes were running. Maybe Y&R's broadcaster there saw where the show was heading creatively and pulled the plug for that reason, so the good folks of NZ were spared LML and MAB.

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Nope, not realistic.

But if they are going to foist this crap on TV, and have the genre die as the worst kind of laughing stock, then PLEASE don't renew past 2011. Don't worry about a fitting ending. Just pull the plug.

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