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Y&R Discussion for week of May 3

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When does Amber start on B&B? I have to say, she's been very likable this past week. I think the show has handled her exit well. Why is she calling the boy Eric? Didnt Deacon change his name when he got custody of him years ago. The show has even referred to him as Little D. Why wont Amber call him that?

Did Patty kill Emily? Really how dumb was it to have her pretend to be Emily, posing as Patty, pretending to be Emily? This storyline and this show sucks

Why did the cops let Nick free only to arrest him the next episode?

I like Chloe but what is her purpose. She seems to just be there

The balance on this show is horrible. Characters will not appear for a week or 2 and then randomly get inserted in scenes

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It hasnt been confirmed that Adrienne Frantz is going to B&B has it?

I hope she is. I watched her scenes from Friday on youtube and they were pretty good. Daniel is a selfish pig.

I have NO interest in this Adam murder mystery or whatever the f.uck is wrong with Jana.

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I'm probably in the minority on this one, but I'm on Daniel's side when it comes to the Little D issue. Daniel has know Amber for years and it's only now that he's hearing about her much beloved Little D. If it weren't for Deacon and the Terroni Amber probably wouldn't even be thinking of Eric.

Daniel saying that Amber helped him when his marriage to Lily was a mess was :rolleyes:. Amber did cause that mess in the first place.

If Victoria can pawn Reed off to a random policeman to see Nick, then Nikki should have been able to suck it up and come see Nick as well. For God's sake, Lily goes out and she has cancer.

Victoria pouting about "evul" JT and his sick schedule was laughable.

Why does Phyllis have to live at the Ranch with Sharon? She could go to the GCAC like everyone else or her penthouse.

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I'm pretty sure I would have loved the Daniel/Amber stuff if I was still watching the show. It was done right, which is a surprise. Funny how Amber isn't one of the things that need fixing on this show.

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Considering that shameful, character-destroying story with Deacon last year, I can't praise Y&R for suddenly writing for her more sympathetically when it's time for her to go. And naturally, trashing Daniel to prop her.

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Actually Daniel and Amber are both right and wrong. Amber shouldnt expect Daniel to just up and leave town. Thats kinda ridiculous. He also didnt marry her to be a stepfatehr to a grown kid that wasnt in the picture. On the flipside, Amber does see him as her child and she did raise him when he was younger and was devasted when she lost him. She locked that part of her past away bc it hurt and she didnt think she'd get another shot at being a mother, but D is back in her life. I think Daniel was being kinda cruel by dismissing her feelings and not realizing why she felt the way she did. Their marriage is over bc they have irreconcilable differences. Amber needs to be with her son and if Daniel cant handle that, than they need to go their seperate ways

BTW, I didnt realize Katherine married them. Dead lord, what cant she do?

I was under the impression that she was. I think it would be great especially if seeing Little D, made Rick want to get back in his life. We'd see Brooke scheme and keep Rick from being involved with Amber again
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I don't see how Daniel was trashed. He made it clear he wasn't ready to be a father. Lot's of people feel that way and there is nothing wrong with that, unless you have actually fathered a child or agreed to step father one. I agree with Cheap, this was a no fault divorce.

On the other hand, Daniel is on his second divorce and I don't think he's even supposed to be 30. Maybe next time he should make sure he and his GF want the same things before he pops the question. It's not like Damber wanted different things after 5 years of marriage. They didn't even make it six months because no one bothered to ask the big questions beforehand. :blink:

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I thought the scenes with Amber were great...I have always loved her.

I agree with Cheap. I see both sides of the story, and think them going their seperate ways for now is the best thing.

Is Emily REALLY dead? Do we know?

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