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DAYS: Discussion for the month of May

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LMAO Theresa used to run in a gang called the Red Dogs that mugged people in the projects. :lol: I cant even imagine that. I dont feel sorry for her, she needs to be paired with EJ because Ethan/Theresa 2.0 is so boring.

This storyline would be SO much better if Brady actually thought Arianna did it and had doubts.

I found myself enjoying the Chloe/Carly scenes today, Nadia Bjorlin was good in the scenes. Carly just needs to STFU trying to force Chloe to fess up considering all the s.hit she has done. :rolleyes:

Sami/EJ & Rafe/Anna = Zzzz....

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Nadia has been quite a bit better lately. Now I just wish they'd give Chloe a little of her GhoulGirl-ness back. At the very least Chloe's breakdown and ONS with Phillip should be used to deal with her insecurities and her self-perception that she is little more than a sex object and that being desired is the only way she feels comfort or security. She's so afraid of losing Daniel to another woman because they're getting past the lust stage and deep down she thinks she has nothing to offer him but sex, especially since she's supposedly unable to have kids now. Why can't they just deal with that?

Damn, Carly sucks! Where the hell does she get off? It's absolutely none of Carly's business whatsoever. It's Chloe's secret. No one else's. Frankly, since it was a one time thing that only happened because Chloe was heartbroken because she believed that her relationship with Daniel was already over and she has no intention of repeating it, I'm not even sure she should tell him. She has to because on soaps things always come out but otherwise it would accomplish nothing but hurting him in an attempt to assuage her own conscience.

This has been driving me crazy ever since Carly's smug, hypocritical ultimatum: Why doesn't Chloe just call Carly's bluff? I mean, it's not like Carly can actually prove anything. Neither can Nathan for that matter. All that either of them can is say that they overheard Chloe talking about sleeping with another man and that she admitted it to them when confronted but neither of them have any actual proof of that if she were to deny it. They don't even have a clue who she slept with. If Chloe tried, she could get Daniel to believe her. She could spin it so that Daniel thinks that Carly really is out to break them up and that since the whole motel rouse didn't work, Carly's now trying to say that Chloe was the one that slept with someone else. Obviously we the audience know that Chloe did cheat but Daniel doesn't and if Chloe played her cards right, she could make Daniel believe her over Carly. If Carly goes to Daniel and Chloe denies it believably, Carly would look just like the desperate woman willing to say or do anything to break Daniel and Chloe up that Chloe said she was all along. While Chloe's been acting weird lately, she could explain that away by saying that she knew for a fact that Carly was out to get her and didn't know how to fight back. It's incredibly frustrating how Chloe has been her own undoing here. Blabbing all over town and then admitting everything to people she can't trust. Silly girl. Watching a much savvier Chloe spin her way out of this would be alot more fun than watching her whine about it and grovel at Carly's feet. Come on honey, you weren't always this weak and stupid!

Speaking of weak and stupid, could Vivian's little plots be any dumber or more pointless? Where is the real Vivian Alamain? You know the one who would seek the truest form of revenge against her deepest enemies, Kate and Carly, by bringing Melanie, now married to Phillip, over to the dark side and there being nothing they can do about it. They seemed to be going in that direction before the wedding and it was great while it lasted. Then they had Vivian try to throw Melanie off a roof so Carly could shoot her and the reveal was made. It's been all downhill in this story since. A slower, more psychological chess match against Kate and Carly for Phillip and Melanie's souls would've been far more interesting than this. Plus, does Vivian actually think that she can get Chloe to kill Carly or something? :rolleyes:

Nicole is paaaaaaaaaathetic. This scheme just seems so 2nd grade for her skills and compared to what she was doing last year and Brady hasn't even shown any real interest in being with her again. There's devious which is fine. Then there's pitiful which is just hard to watch.

I can't take anymore EJ/Sami/Rafe nonsense. I just can't take it. :wacko:

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So glad to be seeing more positivity towards Nadia Bjorlin's acting smile.gif I think she is doing good, also. Monday's ep especially..she pulled in some great material. Way to go. And Carly needs to sit her arse down.


I loved EJ and Sami wub.gif not a boring moment at all, for me ;-).

LOL!!! I could not control my laughter when i heard that. Wow. DAYS was really pushing that, they just keep adding more and more to Arianna's rough past. "red dogs" Lol..

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Oh, please. The only "gang" Lindsay Hartley's Arianna would believably belong to are the "gang" of valley girls who, like, hang out at the mall every Saturday afternoon and crush on cute college guys? [/valley girl speak]

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LOL @ everyone getting texts about Victor collapsing. Henderson texting all of those people?? Really?? LOL! I hope Victor is ok and the wedding still goes on! I'm liking the buildup to it, and Vivian is so childish picking rose petals and saying "he loves me" "he loves me not" lol she looked so silly doing that.

DAYS is going backwards with Chloe and Daniel once again. Omg they actually had something going, with Carly finding out about Chloe cheating on him! I really thought Chloe was going to tell him, or Carly would. Now we have the same, tired old ending, Daniel coming up and saying "tell me what?" and then getting interrupted by the text rolleyes.gif this is getting pathetic. How long are we going to have to watch this mess?? Just spit it out already geeze!

Lindsay Hartley is doing so good, loved all of her prison scenes. She sold her performance well. And that Nicole/Brady ending wub.gif (before the text interrupted them)

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Isn't the show just really bad right now? Nothing makes sense....nothing is exciting. So many false tags. It's such a chore to watch the show.

Here's to another record low! 0.8 demo here we come!

Well this is my post for the week in this thread! There's really nothing else to say. LOL

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Hopefully, this will come in handy for her first post-DAYS role as a good-girl-makes-bad-decision-type in one of those horrid Canadian made-for-TV movies.

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From the new SOD Interview with Dena Higley.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

She claims she's been writing the show this entire time and she's really offended that people think she's been taking a back seat to Chris Whitesell. ("Why would Ken pay me if I'm not really writing?") She really hammers it home that she's the head writer and all story ideas come from her -- no one else. Oh, and it pisses her off that she can't get "nasty rumors" about herself erased from her Wikipedia page, LoL.

She also addresses the rumors about headwriting the show during the Writers Strike...

She's so full of bullshit her eyes are brown. She honestly expects us to believe that she wasn't using her husband as a puppet to carry out her vision during the Writers Strike? I'm sure it was just a BIG coincidence that of all the people in the world, her very husband was the one who just so happened to fall into the head writer position when the strike happened and she just so happened to return to the show weeks before.

If the situation was really as innocent as she says and she claims she didn't do anything shady, then why the hell did she describe it as a "tough time" with "feelings getting hurt?" Something doesn't add up.

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As Mary McCarthy once said about her rival, Lillian Hellman, every word out of that woman's mouth is a lie, including "and" and "the."

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