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AMC: Monday April 19, 2010

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Is Jesse really calling Liza out bc she did HER JOB by defending David and getting him aquited? This coming from the most corrupt polcie commisoioner PV has ever seen? Ew, he just put his hands in HER drink, bit her olive and then threw it back in the glass. NASTY!

I bet Ryan's feet must be hurting sprinting in his dress shoes

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Jesse... I'm not going there. I will burn this character to shreds if I do.

Speaking of the last scene, I do have to admire Susan for staying in character after tripping over that Amanda poster. Even Walt couldn't contain his smirk.

Ryan and Madison... WTF is with them jumping over that bench? I agree: who runs in dress shoes... although, I can't talk. I walked from Grand Central Station all the way down to Chelsea... and BACK... in dress shoes... in the middle of a rain storm... but, still, I wasn't running.

I can't believe I'm writing this, but thank you Marissa for calling JR out on his whack ass behavior. You're still behind the 8-ball, but at least you didn't gloss over his idiocy.

Annie is being written sooooooo poorly. She's MUCH more cunning than this.

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I love an invitation...

How the HELL is this pathetic excuse of a police chief going to spew his hypocritical, self-righteous garbage because Liza was doing what she was paid to do... when he's done absolutely NOTHING of what he's paid to do (uphold the law)? I understand that when you're corrupt and on the take from that ittywannabe mobster, Zach Slater, things get a little flipped and lopsided, but still. Is Miz Thang going to follow every lawyer around town that gives a defendant their legal right to representation and act like a two bit c*nt who didn't get his way? How many laws have you broke, Jessica Hubbard? Hmmm? Yes, I said it, with your Sista-neck, eye buggin' ass. How many rules have you side stepped? How many boney ass women have you allowed the luxury of serving their prison time at home, knowing full well an innocent double was serving her time? How many people have you RAILROADED? How many MURDERS HAVE YOU COVERED UP?!?? You're gonna stand there and claim someone doesn't have a soul or a conscience all because they successfully defended a person you don't like? And then put your skank ass mouth all over her olive and throw it back into her martini like a five year old brat? I know the concept of doing your job successfully is foreign to you, Jesse, but it's not a crime.

If there was EVER a character I wish never returned from the dead, it's this joke.

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It was just like a little kid throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way. She should have let him have it!

Overall, I thought it was a decent episode. I loved Colby covering for her brother, David & Greenlee celebrating their victory and Ryan telling Erica that he's finally going to leave Greenlee alone.

As I've been saying for weeks, I like Ryan/Madison together. She's so much better for him than round 1000 of Rylee.

My favorite part was the ending with Erica & Jack reacting to Palmer's death.

I also really liked it when Adam declared that Annie had told him everything and asked JR to explain his behavior. For just a moment, I thought the truth might come out today!

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It was Amanda, not Greenlee...

And the final scene, despite the unintentional misstep, was fitting. I have to hand it to credited director Williford for that final shot. It became quite voyeuristic, yet private, allowing Erica to grieve with us peeking in. Also, Lucci did a good job with it, which, to me, made the poster misstep even better because she was determined not to let it overshadow the point of the scene.

Why am I praising Lucci? Am I feverish?! :blink:

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