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GH: April Discussion Thread

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Are they ever going to use Matt? I think he would be better for Maya than either Lucky or Ethan. I didn't see any kind of spark between either of those pairings so far, although it is a little soon to tell. I want Maya to be too smart to go for a thug like Johnny. She might also work with Nik, but that character seems done to me. TC seems so completely bored in every scene. He makes Steve look animated by comparison.

Ethan has way more chemistry with Kristina imo, not that I want to see that pairing any time soon. I think he would probably work with Maxie or Sam as well. Lucky will be back with Liz soon enough, so I won't bother wasting my time hoping for a better pairing for him.

I'm ready for Johnny to be written out. It would be nice if he could just leave town, but I'm thinking Guza probably plans to kill him off during some sweeps period in the near future. If not then they really need to anchor him in some way. Being Olivia's placeholder boy toy is getting stale.

I wish they would give Steven more. I think he has a good sibling vibe with Liz, but I hope they aren't going to use him as the Webber version of Matt, brought out only to prop his sibling every few months.

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If ABC's daytime budget is so tight, how can they afford to keep Jason Cook on contract and never use him? He has gotten about one minute of airtime so far this year. This has got to be about keeping him away from Days. There is no other explanation for GH's wastefulness.

Ethan should be written out and probably will be when this romance with Maya inevitably flops. Once JJ returned as Lucky, Ethan became expendable. I think that only Geary's support is keeping Ethan around and that won't be enough in the end.

I wouldn't write Johnny out. He is one of GH' few credible younger leading man. He is wasted on Olivia when he should be romancing Maxie, Maya, etc.

Immediately after SR was put contract, he disappeared. He and Robin had those nice scenes together and for a minute it looked like they might have been going for a quad with Steven and Robin/Patrick and Lisa, but now, nothing. GH is such a strange soap.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

But, I totally agree. During that abysmal joke of a story where Dillon, Spinelli and Milo were all battling over Lulu, I kept thinking... "but WHY?"

And I keep hearing so much praise about Dante & Lulu! Dante & Lulu! DANTE & LULU!!! And I keep watching... waiting... desperately seeking (well, not so much) this amazing thing that is Dante & Lulu... and all I see is a couple that makes no sense to me.

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I know that chemistry is subjective and that every couple has fans, but when it comes JMB, I think that some fans are delusional like Guza. Guza thinks she is the best young heroine on GH so she should get all the juicy material and his favored pets as love interests. Yet every single pairing she has had has fizzled out. I don't blame her completely, but she doesn't bring anything good to her romances. They start off okay, but then become mundane which is why I think that Guza keeps trying her with new men because even he reluctantly can see that her romances are nightmares.

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I wouldn't count it out just yet...GH is seemingly incapable of having a meaningful focus on more than two stories at the same time (Maxie's near death experience has pretty much been glossed over and Tracy's comment to Nikolas about Ethan being accused of beating Kristina taking all the focus off of his affair with Liz was very apt). Since Sonny/Jason and their circle must always be at the centre of one storyline, it means everyone else has to share the other one (or as is the case at the moment, Sonny's crowd gets two!).

My point is that the Robin/Patrick and Lisa storyline is just about due for its obligatory few weeks in the limelight so we won't really know til then what Steven's role in the Robin/Patrick/Lisa storyline really is. If he's nowhere to be seen during that time then a quad can be pretty much ruled out.

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Lexi deserves an Emmy for this storyline. She's phenomenal.

Glad the truth is out, now I hope those who trashed Ethan will apologize to him - I especially want to see Sam eat her words.

Ugh Maxie, lying under oath, committing perjury so easily like that. Just another Sonny/Jason ass kisser.

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Given that the mushmouth continued to smug around town after only a few days, if that, of being genuinely upset about what he was being accused of, I'm not sure if he even cares. The attempt to make viewers pity him was so half-hearted even the show didn't bother to keep it going.

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I liked Claire\Maxie. LOL! And that judge..omg to funny, i loved how he opened that door and Spinelli was in his way. i forget what he said, but he was so funny!! But seriously, everything went downhill with those Spinelli\Maxie scenes. These two are dreadful together..ugh.

I don't understand, why Alexis wasn't SCREAMING TO THE MOON that is was Kiefer who beat Kristina! I mean, CLEARLY she saw who it was that ran out of the house >_<. She was just sulking around the whole episode, barely saying a word. Ethan could die because of you!! Thank god Sonny heard in the end. And aw, to bad Kiefer. You got ran over. To damn bad.

I am finding GH to be so much more interesting overall, looking forward to each episode nowadays. GH is good right now..

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I highly doubt that Sam will apologize to Ethan. She will probably make up some excuse just to get out of it, probably something lame like how he still grabbed Kristina at the Haunted Star. :rolleyes: While I would like to see her apologize, I don't think she will for a second!

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Sam's anger towards Ethan was justied. She was following her ssiters lead and she had no reason to beleive Kristina was lying. Now that she will know the truth, she should apologize but she shouldnt feel guilty for the things she said to him. Most people in her situation would have acted the same if not worse if their littte teen sister was beaten to a pulp

in all honesty though her focus was 200% on Kristina. She was thinking about saving Ethan's life with her sister beaten, bloody and bruised.

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Her anger, yes, but kicking him around? No way. She should feel guilty for that. She had absolutely no right to do it. Now that she knows she assaulted an innocent man, she should apologize. If she hadn't taken the law into her own hands she wouldn't have made such a fool of herself.

Not to mention, that if she had a brain in her head, the fact that Ethan didn't beat the hell out of her, instead of just taking her abuse without so much as raising a hand, might have led her to at least doubt what K was saying. Sam isn't a whole lot bigger or stronger than K. Ethan had no reason not to kick her ass on the way out of town if that was his thing. I like Sam, but Kung Fu Sam was not one of her better moments.

I agree, but I kind of understand. I think she was pretty traumatized. Part of her knew that she hit Keifer and I think part of her was blocking it out. She looked completely dazed, so I'm cutting her some slack.

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I agree. Her anger... and even her "let me see how many derogatory, degrading, disgusting names I can call you in a 60 second time span" diatribes were understandable. But what wasn't "justified" was Kung Fu Sam. It was cowardly. That's when the mess of a character ran out of allowances with me as far as this storyline goes.

I also agree with this. Plus I think the hit and run was played and shot well. I wasn't entirely sure if she was, indeed, seeing Kiefer or if her mind was playing games with her and it would a twist that it was actually... I dunno... maybe MORGAN she hit or something. Until, of course, we saw Kiefer hit the dirt.

Oh. And Maya Ward? Sitchyo ass down, girl! :rolleyes:

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