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GH: April Discussion Thread

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Or maybe she was thinking Ethan didnt do anything to her bc Jason and Sonny would have killed him. He was already on borrowed time for what he had supposedly done to Kristina. The only reason he wasnt dead was bc Jason held off. She thought he was smart enough not to do anything furhter bc Jason would have killed him for touching her. Sam didnt just hit on Ethan and yell at him bc she was bored and had nothing to do. The ONLY reason she went after him was bc Kristina lied. Her actions were justifiable based on what she percieved to be true at the time.

Also a big part of this was that Sam was reliving her own abuse. She was beaten up by her old boyfriends. Her ex Nico came to town a few years ago and punched her in the face while pregnant and dragged her by the hair. We saw a flashback before with an ex husband beating her down. Back then she took the abuse and she saw herself in Kristina. It was definetly personal. She's alot older , mroe confident and stronger now and she went after Ethan bc she felt she was protecting her sister in a way that no one was there to protect her.

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We'll just have to disagree on that because there is no way she had any right to put her hands on him no matter what she believed. That's why we have a legal system. If anything Ethan could have had her put in jail. And if Ethan was so afraid of Jason and Sonny that he wouldn't hit Sam, he wouldn't have hit Kristina in the first place, that's also a no brainer that Sam should have considered. No matter what she believed to be the case her actions were dead wrong and illegal.

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IA. Its one thing for people that actually know Ethan, Kristina or anyone else involved but she knows no one or anything about whats going on. She annoyed me with her going off on him based on hearsay which doesnt concern her at all. I hope her sister is better than her bc her entrance hasnt been too good

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Lucky was giving as good as he got back then. He was constantly rude and insulting to Ethan as well. They knew each other more than Maya knows Ethan and Ethan also knew Luke. Maya is been in town for like two days and doesn't know any of the people involved. I really didn't take that much issue with what Maya said to Ethan (her attitude with Edward annoys me much more), but I do think it was a little presumptuous. I guess we're supposed to see her as spunky. I plan to give this character every chance because GH is in desperate need of the diversity, but so far, I'm just not finding her interesting.

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Lucky was childish, yes. But for Ethan to laugh at the prospect of someone being kidnapped, held prisoner and tortured, their whole family told they were dead -- it's hard for me to feel for him when he doesn't feel for anyone else. It would help if Ethan himself were upset about these accusations, but he has shrugged the whole thing off pretty much the whole way through.

As for Maya, I don't have any interest in her because it's hard to get invested in any female characters brought to the show. Her scenes with Edward remind me of many of Emily's scenes with Edward, especially when Amber Tamblyn was in the role. Guza uses her to express his contempt for the family.

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GH is a soap written for men. Everything is about the men's pain and suffering. Jason and Lucky need to make out and get it over with.

And know what, I don't think that LA is really good at all. It is just that the rest of the younger actors on the ABC soaps are very bad. LA can cry which is something, but her whiny high voice is annoying and I don't feel for Kristina.

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I think Lexi is passable, she just wasn't up to this storyline. Few people could have sold this mess. The problem is that most teens on soaps are so bad, any time GH casts one who is passable, then suddenly everyone in the soap press and a lot of fans fall over themselves. Remember all the hoopla over JMB?

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I can't debate you there because I don't remember those scenes or the context. I remember people being pissed about the way Luke talked about those incidents though. I have no idea what the writers were going for there. I guess running the Lucky character down as much as possible. All before JJ stepped back in the role of course.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that thanks to the extreme prejudice of these writers, it's not even useful to talk about the Lucky/Ethan relationship back then or at least it has no bearing on the characters or their relationship now. Lucky is literally not the same character. Now Lucky is accepting and kind toward Ethan, even working to get him out of the jam he's in. Ethan respects Lucky and cares the Lucky doubted him. It never ceases to amaze me how completely biased the hacks that run this show are towards their pets.

This part I don't agree with. He's been shown to be upset many times. Most recently when Skye confronted him and he looked like she slapped him in the face. He's tried to defend himself, but every time he does people go off on him and tell him to shut up or say he isn't allowed to talk, while proceeding to tell him what a monster he is. I think he's shown frustration at times, but that's only natural when you know you didn't do something and no one will even listen.

I agree. Now I have to admit that I would have been on Sam's side if Ethan were guilty and he got off scott free on a technicality. It would still be wrong to take the law into her own hands, but I would be rooting for her to get some sort of revenge. Not Kung Fu Sam because that's just stupid, but realistic, hardcore revenge.

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