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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nene says there is no stand off to save Porsha and while she does not like Kenya she understands reality tv game and that there needs to be a "cuckoo bird" and that she wants the shpw to do well and Kenya has an element the show needs.

She also sais Porsha was on the chopping block regardless of the fight and that Kenya provoked her.


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I think Nene had a "Come to Jesus" meeting with Bravo execs and realizes she needs to keep it cordial with Kenya. I wouldn't be surprised if Season 7 kicks off with them burying the hatchet.

If Nene was smart she would realize her, Marlo, and Kenya could rule the show together.

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EXACTLY! And let's not forget, Kenya didn't do anything to Nene. She was riding Nene's dick both last season and this season pre-Pillow Talk. I believe the rumors of a producer saying "the star is late" in regards to Kenya, is what set Nene off that night. I also think that Nene booking jobs outside the show is making her happy again.

If only Nene would make up with Marlo then a trinity of Kenya, Nene and Marlo would be epic. Marlo was the perfect sidekick to Nene on I Dream of Nene. She needs a Bravo show, period.

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I agree Nene works better with a sidekick then solo. She and Kim were so much stronger when friends then when they were fighting.. and I think her and Marlo were better when friends then not.. and I think Nene realizes that its better to be cordial with Kenya then be fighting with her. While Nene isn't hated by any stretch of the imagination, her likeable factor did take a hit this season.. imho.

That said, I'm hoping season 7 will result in the firing of Porsha and that a new housewife is bought on. A show can survive one housewife being added without changing the dynamics too much. Kandi and Todd marrying almost gurantees her a spot with the newlywed phase as well as him being a step dad to her daughter and of course, Mama Joyce being a presence. I'm debating about Phaedra being fired, or at least reduced to a friend of.. that way she can still attend parties, etc.. without any of her home life being shown.

In regards to Beverly Hills, I think Brandi shouldn't be fired, but she should be reduced to a friend of position. The reason being is that she can't include her kids, so filming for her is limited to when Eddie and Lee Ann have the boys.. so we can't see the mothering/ car pool/ Barbeque side that Kim said was there when Brandi's boys are there. If we can't get a full view of a housewives life for whatever reason, then they need to be downgraded to a friend of status.

If Joyce comes back in season 5, I'd like a little more focus on her home life with her husband, kids.. with her doing preparations for her new pagaent.. plus even seeing her and husband in the producer mode as well. I know season 1 had several scenes of Camille in producer mode discussing products, pitch meetings, etc. I think it would be nice to show that again.

I'm also wondering if perhaps Beverly Hills peaked too early? The reason I ask this is because OC didn't really peak till season 3/4.. Atlanta didn't start cooking till 3/4.. NYC really was cooking in season 3 while Jersey started cooking at the end of season 1 through season 3/4. Perhaps Beverly hills having such a great first season with the little moments plus the trainwreck moments at Camille's dinner party and Kim/Kyle at the White party was too high to obtain in following seasons. Just a thought is all.


I liked the mermaid parade scenes, and even admit to liking the Aviva scene. Though I have to remind myself that Aviva does put on a good front and can be almost likable at times.. but that she will turn that off if she feels you look at her funny.

I like that Kristen is being the observer right now, it's the perfect role for a newbie like her. It does look like she'll start getting into the action later on, so I'll enjoy her as the observer for now :)


I'm excited :) I'm also glad that it looks like Shannon will be in the first episode because it would have been boring to just focus on three out of the five housewives in the first episode. That said, her little scene of cell phones and radiation.. plus talking about organic food does give me a feeling that she'll be interesting. I know Peggy was previously into organic food, etc.. but I'm hoping Shannon is a little more interesting (and she doesn't look plastic yet.. refreshing :)

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I think Marlo should be back with a stronger "Friend of" presence, but should NOT get a peach to hold. She's better left as someone who pops in, stirs [!@#$%^&*] up, and exits. As opposed to a full-fledged cast member where they have to be present at every event and coffee talk. She's a Faye. Let's keep her as a Faye. Not another Brandi...

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Marlo did not burn me out on I Dream of Nene and she outshined Nene on that show. I think if she were an actual wife we'd get to see a more balanced portrayal of her. Plus, she has friends in Atlanta and a nice house to film at, which puts her above someone like Kenya who is struggling to have people to film with.

Edited by Chris B
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Speaking of Kenya not having people to film with I saw a preview on Bravo's website and that struggle funeral for Velvet looks so sad. Nobody came but her Aunt Lori and Cynthia. Kenya needs to make nice with the new housewife or housewives next year.

Edited by Eric83
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