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There's no question that Lisa was using the Scheana/Brandi dynamic as a jumping board. The only question is when did it start.

Lisa will forget Carlton, and especially Joyce, ever existed by ... probably already PARTICULARLY if they're both fired which is somewhat likely.

Yolanda could give zero f--ks about Lisa liking her or not. She hasn't really liked Lisa since some time last season. I think it's arguable that she dislikes Lisa more than any other woman on the cast dislikes Lisa for some reason. It's definitely not an "I love you, but I hate you" dislike, it's a "I'm so much better off without people like you in my real circle" dislike.

IMO, Kyle as well. Kyle dislikes Lisa as much as Lisa dislikes her (they love to sort of hate each other). For as much as some of us talk about Lisa's ice-outs, Kyle could have had Lisa back many times over this season if she played a yes-woman to Lisa but Kyle never fully walked back into it.

Brandi does care. For all Lisa's talk and tweeting, she hasn't done to Brandi the cold thing she did to Kyle face to face. Maybe she will. Maybe she won't. I don't think it'll make or break Brandi, she's okay with most of the cast otherwise.

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Your thoughts are probably at best an exaggeration.....I'll leave it at that.

Much as some would like to say I'm a Lisa stan I'm not. Lisa is overall a wonderful human being but like Nene there are couple of things about her that I have to call her out on. The thing with Kyle is one of them. In addition I've commented multiple times that she has come across as very dismissive of Kim Richards in the past and even on that trip they took this season she rubbed me the wrong way with her treatment of Kim. I do think she should have realized what a big deal Kimberly's graduation was to Kim and attended the damn party.

However I do think your obsession with Ken defending Lisa and then reaching for Yolanda's hand is an absolute joke and a fabrication of epic proportions. There's no jury on the planet that would ever convict Ken of "attacking" Lisa. None...

I'll wait till tomorrow to watch the entire reunion but I expect to see more of the same plus Brandi crying a lot and Yolanda attempting to project strength but really just being a witch to Joyce because by default there's no one else.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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1. Kyle was the one that kept bringing up the past, which she's done ALL season. Lisa said she was sorry during the season, and Kyle was the one giving the rumors a platform along with her "new BFFL," Brandi. At that lunch with Carlton, Lisa said nix it. She did. Kyle chose to let Brandi bamboozle her into talking about it over and over.

2. I don't think Brandi was being real. When she saw Ken, and he told her he won't side with her this time, she cried because she got the rug pulled from under her ass. Brandi assumed that Lisa was going to come into the reunion, be ambushed and beat down, and conform to what Brandi wants her to be and it didn't happen. Lisa stood strong and in the meantime, Brandi's security blanket, the Vanderpump-Todds, wiped their hands clean of her. Ken felt bad for crying, yes, but I don't think he really gave a flying f*ck. I see him forgiving her, but I don't see him running to Brandi's rescue anymore and that's what I think she's truly upset about.

3. For the past two seasons, Kenya has driven the show. Not Nene. Nene might've gotten the most coins but that was because they were hoping she'd bring it like she did on s4's reunion, and she didn't. Word on the street is that Kenya might be getting paid more than Nene next season.... And Teresa and Aviva are the driving forces behind their shows. I can't stand Tre but w/o her, RHONJ would be dead in the water unless they brought back Danielle, and Aviva has usurped Ramona of the throne this season, thus far. Time will tell as to whether or not that'll remain but so far, RHONY is Aviva's show. She drives story.

4. Isn't the whole premise of the reunion supposed to be about grabbing airtime? It is the "tryout," Andy was being a major d*ck tonight. Just because he or "fans" don't like Joyce or Carlton, does not mean that he should've shut them down or ignored their points. Both ladies actually made good points tonight that were tossed wayside because Andy has a hard on for Brandi and her stupid ass antics. If you're gonna be a host, be neutral--something Andy can't seen to do anymore. And he'll do it at the RHOA reunion where he'll pander to Phaedra and Nene but shoot down Kenya; however, it won't be successful as majority of fans are currently Team Kenya and will remain that way until the next season comes into play.

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Lisa brought up the past many times both during the season and on the reunion. Kyles problem is she and Lisa never actually dealt with the past and moved on. Lisa just says to do so the. Brings it up herself but then tells Kyle it's over.

So Brandi thought ken would side with her and have her back? I don't thinks he thought anything that you wrote and I'm not sure where that impression came from. Brandi knows the audience is on Lisa's side here. I think that she finally got herself together and was able to say what was wrong and tried to address it and Lisa was very responsive because they truly care about each other.

Kenya may drive it but nene is the name on the show like Vicki Ramona Teresa and Lisa. Not Kenya. I love Kenya and believe the show can move on without nene just like BH could without Lisa.

And yes if the audience doesn't care about the wives at all, not even in I hate them way then time shouldn't be wasted on them.

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I do miss neutral Andy.....I wonder when he decided to change.....

And please note I've never once said Lisa has "won" anything at this reunion. I don't think there's been any winners so far. Joyce has gotten the better of some exchanges with Brandi but aside from that it's been mostly a random free for all with everyone interrupting Lisa and Andy just sitting back and watching.....

From the sound of NBA's post it looks like Brandi will prob come across as the ultimate loser given the ice out she's bout to get from Lisa/Ken. If there has to be a winner Id prob go with Kim just cuz she stayed sober and actually had some semblance of a storyline.

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The threat of being iced out by Lisa/Ken. No greater downfall can a human face.

*drip* *drip* *drip*

Andy does not have a hard on for Brandi in term of favoritism at least. I think he likes that she's got a big mouth and he likes that she TAKES IT but that means he's also often dishing it out to her. Andy's always been hardest on Lisa at reunions for RHOBH. His soft touch has usually gone to Kyle. That goes as far back as Season 2. I remember being shocked by it.

The problem is neither Kyle or Lisa will ever truly apologize to each other. They're going to be frenemies as long as this series airs. Lisa thinks Kyle is in the wrong and is lucky that [Lisa] had decided to give her a second chance; Kyle, IMO, knows she did some messed up things and thinks she's apologized enough and she will not apologize anymore and expects a sincere apology back if Lisa wants her back. Lisa won't really want Kyle back enough to attempt to sincerely apologize unless Kyle is a yes-woman and Kyle ain't about to do that.

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I do think that Andy has a hard on for Brandi. If he's gonna be a moderator then be neutral. And I agree that he's been the hardest on Lisa at the reunions just like he does Teresa and Kenya. And he's only sympathetic towards Kyle b/c they run in the same social circles (i.e. Bethenny). Secretly, Andy would love for Kyle to be the fan fave but it'll never come to fruition. Kyle effed that up the second she tried to stage an ambush on Lisa (s2 reunion) and once again, Brandi called it out.

I'm saying that Brandi is use to having Ken being on her side. For him to be her opposition is shocking and rattling to her. I'm not saying that she expects him to have her back, but she would've loved for Ken to be neutral; however, he isn't going to be. At the end of the day, Ken is going to side with his Queen. That bothers Brandi because she realizes that because she no longer has Lisa, she no longer has Ken either. They are a package deal.

And yes, Nene may be the name of the show (for now) but everybody is expendable on these shows. But I disagree, RHOA can move on w/o Nene but RHOBH can't unless they cast one hell of a cast. Lisa is the only true polarizing character on RHOBH. Her other cast members are majority hated unless they're team Lisa (i.e. Joyce). Even Kyle admitted that tonight....

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Chile I never thought Bravo would do it but they FIRED Nene. She apparently gave Bravo and executive producer Carlos King an ultimatum. She is NOT doing the show with Kenya. They told Nene that Kenya isn't going anywhere and she will deal. Nene has left RHOA. Her and Phaedra tried to team up but when Bravo sais Kenya was staying Phaedra accepted her offer and kept her mouth shut. Bravo is currently looking for two new women to take Nene and Porsha's place and are looking for women who are going to bring it because NeNe's role will be a tough one to fill.

Mr. VIXEN get your behind in here!!!

RHOA will be the first franchise with no originals.


Edited by Eric83
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