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It seems like last season, NeNe was happily there even though [she thought] she didn't have to be. This year, she knows she needs to be there because it's all she's got and it's killing her inside.

I don't think I've ever seen a Housewife self-destruct as quickly and horribly as she is doing right now. Not just on camera with months-old footage, but the way she's behaving and reacting today. Even deleting her ATL Housewife status on her twitter? Passive-aggressive bull.

I won't deny I loved NeNe seasons 1-3 and on Celebrity Apprentice. Sigh.... Guess I'll just stick with my faves Lisa Vanderpump and Ramona Singer. They were successes before the Housewives hoopla and they will continue to be long after.

Hey Cheap! Did you spot "Benny"/Tyler Lepley from The Haves & the Have Nots at the bachelor auction charity?!

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Yep. Kenya kills in her THs because she has time to prep, but on her feet, she's out of her element. Marlo, on the other hand, could go toe-to-toe.

I've been done with Nene for a while, and it's a shame because she has more natural charisma than any other RH. But she is surpassing Jill Zarin levels of delusion right now.

Edited by Faulkner
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Honestly I thought Peter would be in the wrong and I was ready to drag both he and nene cuz I hate them but he was totally right and not out if line at all. He didn't raise his voice or get in her face. She came at him and told her hard truths and didn't let her do her typical loud and crazy to shut him down and then he just walked away.

Nene was totally in the wrong. It really showed what a classless piece of trash she is. Plus she showed her lying ass at least twice. Saying she didn't get the invite when she did and when she said a man shouldn't get involved in women business when just last episode she told Kenya the fight was her fault and ignored Christopher coming at her both verbally and physically.

The Kandi story is interesting. Her mom is toxic but Todd proved what her mom was saying when he kinda there tended to leave kandi. Her mom wouldn't ever do that. But that aside it's thought spot to be in. Her mom is likely the one constant in her life good or bad and she doesn't want to threaten that.

You could see how worried nene was when Cynthia told her about Marlo and Kenya. She's done for and it looks like Marlo makes her show more of her ass next week.

Loving it all. Nenes downfall is glorious and more than earned.

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Yes! She's being dragged so much on twitter.


Some ppl are just not good on their feet. It's not a bad or good thing, it just is.

Kenya would be smartest to stay calm as she has with nene. Nene go to is being loud and screaming and forcing the other to stop. If Kenya stays calm and nene gets like this nene will lol awful.

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Hello ladies and bitches! As per usual, I didn't get to see the episode when it aired. But never fear, as I have watched now. I know y'all are waiting with bated breath for me to weigh in on Nene, so of course I will save that for last. LOL! Joking, of course.

I liked that Porsha showed out at the audition. Her acting was shaky but she was far from cringeworthy and I'm sure it turned out well. Her singing was great, and I'd love to see the final product. I also liked that Porsha tried to bring the girls together. Roller derby was a weird, but very fun choice. Porsha is really the only one who was uninvolved in the whole mess, and I think she's finally showed some maturity and levelheadedness in her comments regarding the events, and her attempts to help patch things up.

I didn't like that Cynthia was shading Kandi by pushing her hand up in the air and acting as if Kandi had been the only one that got crunk. Cynthia showed her ass that night and at the spa and should own that. That being said, Kandi was once again flawless and owned her actions and reminded us all yet again why she is queen.

Phaedra really didn't do anything this episode but I liked that she commented on Kenya's insincere apology, and I love that her and Nene are at least somewhat cordial now. I always secretly wanted a Nene/Phaedra alliance. Kenya's apology, to me, seemed like what you accuse Nene of, blame-shifting. She didn't really apologize for anything.

The voicemail Mama Joyce left is ridiculous and very ghetto. How unbecoming of her. However, Carmon handled it like a pro and I feel so much for Kandi. Todd was wrong to insinuate that he would leave her, but I understand where he is coming from. To live with that kind of abuse from your fiancé's mother must be rough. I respect the relationship Kandi has with Joyce, and I relate to it. She's in a terrible position and needs to find some middle ground. Easier said than done, obviously.

This somewhat goes into the preview for next week, but I can see why Nene would be mad at Marlo. Nene did introduce Kenya and Marlo, and they did not know each other at all beforehand. Marlo knew the two had fallen out, and it WAS inappropriate for her to be hanging out with Kenya without at least hearing Nene's side of things. You all can say Nene is crazy but think about it, would you want your "good" friend hanging out with someone you don't like? Most rational people want their enemies to be their friends enemies as well. That's just how it goes.

As for the event, I think Kenya planned for things to go on exactly as they did. She didn't throw this event as an olive branch or peace effort. She knew Nene would react the way she did, and that's what she was banking on. Unfortunately, Nene somewhat fell into the trap.

Kenya absolutely should have called Nene. How are you going to "throw a gala" for someone and never give them details or even tell them it was in their honor? You send an e-vite and that's good enough? No, and anyone would have been confused/angry over that. I also don't think Nene lied about receiving the email. I doubt Nene goes through all of her own mail and its likely that e-vite was opened by an assistant and very well may never have been passed along.

As for Nene's behavior at the event. Did she handle it perfectly? No, but I don't think she was out of line like you guys do. She didn't fight with anyone or say anything. Kenya put her on the spot. Kenya knew Nene was mad at her, and yet she expected Nene to speak at the event? You don't put someone on the spot like that in general, but especially when you know they're mad at you. Nene was blindsided by having to speak and was reasonably pissed about that, and other things. That being said, she could have handled the speech a bit better. She should have just said something nice about the charity and ignored Kenya completely.

Like I said, I fully believe everything happened just as Kenya wanted it to. I only wish Nene had caught on to Kenya's game and played her.

As for Peter, I saw his point, but he was being very dramatic and at the end of the day, Nene is his friend. He acted inappropriately as well by demanding to leave and [!@#$%^&*] talking Nene to Cynthia outside of the event. I loved how Nene heard him say her name and rolled up on him. I saw both sides there. Nene knew NOTHING about the event and Kenya put her on the spot by asking her to speak in front of everyone. She should have asked Nene privately. Kenya was dead wrong in that.

As for next week, Kandi said Nene walked away from the fight. Interesting.

Please tell me- would you not be mad if you went to an event and your "good friend" played on someone else's team? Especially if that someone else is someone they AREN'T friends with, who they know you're feuding with?

Shady shady shady.

I regret wishing Marlo would return.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Kenya did set up nene. No doubt. The thing is it worked because nene is predictable. She ha delete horribly and showed her true self.

I actually don't worry about my good friends other friendships. It's very petty and juvenile. I'm confident in our friendship and what we have. It's not like Kenya did nene dirty either. They are feuding because nene chose to do so. And as we saw, nene isn't the best friend to Marlo either. So...

Shady Fakedra and Nebe are friendly because they have a common enemy on Kenya and need to place blame on her for their own actions. Loving that the large majority are not falling for it and calling them both out.

Nene removing RHOA from her bio. Bye!!

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I have to admit Mr. Vixen, I do look forward to your posts more than any other. I feel you represent the other side and you represent it well. While I may not agree with you 100% I can definitely see your point of view. I did feel a little uncomfortable for Nene in the sense that I wouldn't want to be put on the spot and have to give a speech. Hell naw! But I feel where Nene could've turned an awkward situation to gold she instead turned to [!@#$%^&*]. She just represented herself bad and in the end that only hurts herself. I do feel Kenya set her up. She knew they were having issues so she knew this plan could've gone one of two ways: Nene either accepts it as an apology or an attack. She went the ladder and obviously Kenya anticipated this. I give her props. Nene is not looking very good whatsoever and just continues to make an ass of herself with her pompous behavior.

Edited by MrPrezident
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I don't think Nene showed her true self, but rather allowed her anger, frustration, and the fact that she was so rudely out on the spot, to get the best of her. Happens to all of us.

I didn't say you should worry about who your friends hangout with. I'm saying that it's not at all uncommon or unusual for someone to be upset that their "friend" is hanging out with someone they dislike. If someone who's supposed to have your back is constantly hanging out with/choosing to be on the team of someone you feel betrayed you, that would be upsetting.

Say what you want, but if you went to an event and someone you thought was your best friend chose to play for your enemy's team, you'd be pissed or at least annoyed.

How and when have we seen Nene be anything but a good friend to Marlo? Nene is the only reason Marlo ever even became relevant two years ago and NENE is the one who got Marlo back on the show.

I haven't seen this "large majority" you speak of.

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Wow, thank you very much! I love the rapport we have here. It's nice to be able to have thought out, intellectual conversation with other fans. You do not get that on Twitter. I'm glad you have joined us! I look forward to reading your posts even though, as you said, we don't always agree 100%.

As for Nene, I hardly thought she looked bad, but I think she could have thought her actions out a bit more carefully.

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You need to go search her name on twitter, look at her mentions, read her blog comments, most of the housewives blog comments, comments from recap sites, etc. a good portion, the majority by far, are very much calling her out. Most by people who even liked her at some point. The general reaction is very much nene is acting a fool and looking redic - and it's the first time.

And honestly, I wouldn't be upset that my friend was hanging out with someone I didn't like. I've been in the situation, it is a non issue for me. My friends can be friends who they please and it doesn't impact our friendship unless it's an extreme situation. Marlo owes nothing to nene.

It'd be great if she three ed to quit and production was like bye.

It'd be even better if this negative reaction kept up and she didn't attend the reunion, showing just what kind of a person she seems to be.

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I saw the preview last night and cant want it! What the hell is Yolanda and Brandi's ass doing on here though. Such an odd choice for a crossover as there are other women with different series, I wanted first


Kenya, Marlo and Lawrence...what a way to start a show! Love em! Love how this is setting up the stage for their friendship. NeNe must have been LIVID when she witnessed this. I also love how this episode is ALL about Kenya. Notice how NeNe is pretty much MIA for the first half. Her new weave did look cute.

So Kenya is hoping to repair her friendship with Nene by raising money for her charity. Good for her. And she apologized to all the ladies and has been very positive. She is doing everything right and its clear Nene's ass is a negative Nancy. Man Kenya is working this to a t! Was anyone else wondering where Kenya got the money to throw that ball? Must have been her prince...lol

Dang, Kandi done surrounded hersef with a bunch of hasbeens. I still hate her hair color, but her style at the skating rink. Her hair later in the episode though with the shoulder length look was awful.

As usual, Cynthia's hair is on point.

Really Kandi is watching Phaedra's video to lose weight? That explains alot. LMAO at Mama Joyce's message. Geriatric Joyce calling a woman half her age an old lowdown heffa...lol. DEAD at Joyce trying to setup Todd with a sexy decoy, Maury Povich style. I feel bad for Kandi but i understand where Todd is coming from as well. Kandi needs to check that bitter heffa that birthed her

So Kenya DID send an invitation to NeNe but she's pissed that Kenya didnt call her personally. Like she said, their last interaction had them leaving upset. Why would Kenya call? I think written communication after that was for the best. Nene is just being petty at this point. LMAO at Kenya throwing jabs about RSVPing, considering the crap NeNe gave her for her wedding

Marlo didnt attend the ball? WHAT! I was waiting all season for her at this event.

Nene showing up PRESSED as hell....bitch might as well have not shown up. I have to say the whole speech thing did look like a setup. For once Go Peter! I love that he checked NeNe for her actions. She was wrong. As usual though, Cynthia was stirring the pot.

Nene: "None of these b-tches are on my level" Really? You done played yourself

Lesson to be taken from this episode....Kenya is the STAR and Nene is going DOWN! LMAO

YES! Id have been spending money on him!

Nah, we need her at the reunion. Who doesnt want to see her get a public lashing? Im sure the viewer questions will go IN on her for all her BS. Marlo will also rip into her

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Its still odd bc its not like they are the first set of housewives that know each other yet they've been adamant about not doing crossovers in the past

Back to RHOA, I see Nene says its not okay for men to get in women's face or in their drama in reference to Peter doing that with her but its okay for Chris Williams to address the drama with Natalie and put his hands on Kenya bc what Peter did was worse right? Peter wasnt even addressing Nene. He was talking to his wife and Nene is the one that came and got in his face about it

YAY! Normally I would be against this as long seasons in recent years for these shows has been a mistake, with tons of filler and stuff dragging on but thats not the case here as there's always stuff happening. IMO this is shaping up to be the best season of RHOA, ranking there in top 3 of all the franchises. Its SOOOOO good and 7 more episodes is two more months I can salivate in this

If the women are paid per episode than WINNING! for all of them. Earn that check

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