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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Her name is Melissa not Michelle...and I find her more likeable than Teresa, partially because I've never liked Teresa. The only time I ever did was the trip they took to the Catskills this season, even her husband was tolerable for once...

I'm completely over these Christmas episodes now..I don't remember the show usually focusing on Holidays so much in the past. We were always lead to believe it was like Spring and Summer and such IIRC correctly..

I think Kathy's interactions with her family are my favorites...They aren't annoyingly sickeningly close like the Manzos, but there's something so warm and endearing about the whole family in scenes together.

I won't even talk about Jaqueline's shouldabeenaborted daughter Ashley.


I dunno about Alexis being the most attractive. I always think of this picture when I see her.


I find that when Tamra's face settles from botox she's quite attractive, but when freshly done and her forehead not moving at all..it's pretty bad.

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Yes, I'm now up to episode 5 and she seems more comfortable and is loosing up a bit. I like that he is being slowly integrated into the show and doesn't take up too much time immediately. Soaps should take note of this! lol

What a difference an episode makes! I've been seeing Ramona with a very different eye lately and I quite like her now. But with all this countess crap LuAnn has been pulling, telling Bethenny she hopes they airbrush her for the cover of the magazine etc... What a bitch! I went from loving her to wanting to kill that Aristocratic Ho! Does she get worse than this? OMG.

Alex had this scene with Bethenny, where she listened to her problems and gave her advice and she was SO likeable. And then she turns around and does stuff like not move out of the house for a little while so that the kids and she and Simon don't have to live in a death trap while their house is being renovated. I mean, how STUPID can you be? And, on top of that, they're writing a book on child rearing? WOW.

Btw, this one-thread-for-all-the-shows is a mess! :P

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LOL, yes, Melissa! Who the [!@#$%^&*] is Michelle?! :lol:

Jesus Barbie, OMG, that is hilarious, Antoyne.

Off to check out RHOBH from the beginning -- have never watched before. I am thinking of letting RHONY go for a bit -- they are all so vicious now. It's actually quite exhausting o watch.

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New Jersey

Theresa's parents are awful and just as bad. I felt bad for Melissa when the father was yelling at her bc she didnt answer the door when he came to visit. She wasnt home! She told him that he should call before he shows up and he says he doesnt use the phone. Well its 2011 grandpa, learn to use it. Its as if they are finding reasons to hate on her. That was just wrong

Kathy's kids are a little too perfect for me. I like her with them but it seems so unnatural. Still cant stand her husband

I used to like Joe Giudace but my opinion of him is changing. I couldnt beleive he called Melissa a bitch. You dont talk about another man's wife like that. I completely understand if Joe Gorga continues to hate him after watching that episode. Those nasty words towards Melissa were uncalled for. I can see Theresa trying to mend fences but he is holding her back.

Does LuAnn get worse? YES!

Yes its Alex's friendship with Bethanny that turned me around towards her. It really comes into play more in season 3 and quite refreshing to watch.

As for the one thread show...well back when this was created I think there was only 4 series and they would space them back to back. Now we are up to what, 7 and they overlap...lol. I think it works though. If Im writing about two or more in one post, I'll tend to bold and underline the city and then go on to post

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As has been stated before, Alex's friendship with Bethenny is what won me over as well..She even had a scene like that season 1 when Bethenny broke up with Jason 1.0 for the first time...Honestly away from the Simon and social climbing stuff, I find Alex to actually be quite likeable throughout all the seasons. And Ramona has been crazy Ramona from the very beginning and I've always enjoyed her. I'm glad that she came around as far as Silex go...

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Theresa bugged me in the last episode, She really keeps pushing the buttons with Kathy and Melissa. Loved Melissa's resolution about not letting Theresa get to her and think she really means well. I felt so bad for Melissa's daughter when she got sad bc her cousnis were late and thought they might not show up.

Loved Caroline's daughter in boss mode and not putting up with Ashley's bull.

More holiday episodes! I wonder if they will try and stretch this season out into Easter. There's Martin Luther Kings Day, Valentines, and Presidents Day for these people to celebrate and bitch about in between then

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lol! I wish they would stretch this one out..Love it!

About Theresa showing up at Melissa's at 7pm. Who does that? Isn't that bed time? How rude!

Then when Gia was hungry, Theresa acted like Melissa poisens her food!

Theresa's comment about a family cookbook, and then when Melissa asked to be a part of it, Theresa ridiculed her.

I understand Theresa and Joe have lots of problems. However, if I were Melissa, I would throw in the towel already with her.

Theresa wasn't this bad the first season. Or the 2nd.

What is Ashley's problem?? That huge house and the life Chris has given her isn't enough?? angry.png

Speaking of Chris....what does he do for a living?? (Besides doing it very well)smile.png

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Teresa was an insufferable b.itch last episode...And was even worse on WWHL later that night as she didn't understand that she was a complete b.itch all episode...As I've said before, I don't like her, never have, never will...But Melania had the best line of the night with, "Give me pizza, you old troll"

I can't remember if we discussed this but they've already started filming season 4.

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I NEVER watch the after show. I DVR the show, and sometimes don't watch it for a few days. (Anticipation)

What did I miss on the after show?? I should change my DVR and tape that as well.

Last episode Theresa was disgusting. angry.png

I saw her and the other housewifes a couple of months ago on a talk show.

Theresa didn't look or behave like she has changed much. She would only talk to Melissa & Kathy if she had to.

Other than that, she only spoke to Jackie.

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Not only was it incredibly late, but she then said they were going out to dinner, which meant they only planned on staying for at most an hour, maybe less.

No clue what Chris does but theres something about him that I find incredibly adorable. Jacqueline did good with him

She did? LMAO! I missed that line

Oh and I miss Dina. I was hoping she'd appear for at least a few episodes with no Danielle around, especially sicne they have done so many holiday episodes but Dina is nowhere to be seen. Any word on what the season 4 cast is? Was anyone added or taken out?

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