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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Another yawn inducing episode of RHOBH...

Carlton bores me with her pseudo BDSM obsession, I'd be so creeped out if I were her nanny. Her body looks so old and sinewy and that face of hers has seen better days.

Joyce...can't be bothered with her because she is guarding her picture perfect image like a hawk onscreen...if she's able to let loose at the reunion, so be it and maybe, just maybe, she'll make herself relevant.

Kyle...yawn. She is such a whiney loser, highlighting the 'hearts' issue of the placecards, she is itching for a fight.

Kim. Her entire storyline is centred around a stupid dog. Need I say more? The most irrelevant housewife in RH franchise history.

Lisa, per usual, is glorious and delightful to watch.

Yolanda, and her amazing fridge, also was a delight to watch.

Brandi...messy, idiotic, poorly aged, alcohol abusing, bimbo.

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Besides that Yolanda ex-hubby leak/lie, Brandi hasn't really hurt anybody but herself by running her mouth. Did I miss something, did she try to ruin Lisa's marriage by revealing that Ken has rubbed her ass repeatedly? Did she say anything to Kyle that wasn't true about her personality or in the papers already? Heck Lisa's "well, I can't say that for definite" while being taped for national television was more harmful.

Brandi is coming off like a racist but it's against the ethnicity of her sons (Hispanic) for the most part which makes it weird. That doesn't make Joyce look anyways, it makes Brandi look like a stupid, irrational assh-le with both jealousy issues and racist tendencies. .

Kyle? IMO, she wants to be top dog, as long as Lisa is standing in her way I don't see her coming to Lisa no matter what. IMO, at the reunion, she'll play protective of Brandi but "honest."

Boyce ain't going to serve anybody unless Brandi comes to the reunion completely hammered. Then again ... maybe Joyce will? I'll have to see how fight night plays out on Monday.

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Brandi is a mean girl thats coming across as a bully. She is intentionally antagonistic and is going after Joyce with the sole intention of hurting her. Its not like its one small isolated incident. She has chosen her as a target and keeps trying to go in on her. This is almost what Faye did to her last year and she cried about it, yet she has no problem bullying someone this year

Edited by Cheap21
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I can see why they buried this episode of RHoBH two days before Christmas. What a snore!

PLEASE do not tell me that Placecardgate is going to be the main SL driving the rest of this season. PLEASE. Because I just CANNOT bear to see that vile ho-bag Kyle sniffle about Yolanda not putting a heart on her place-card like she did on Lisa and Brandi's (and some guy named Thomas who was also at the party, but nobody singled him out!). For !@#$%^&*]'s sake. Grow the !@#$%^&*] up! And stop thinking that you are funny feeling up Lisa or eating that giant strawberry, because you are not. There is a reason your "acting" career is practically non-existent.

Speaking of the Duchess, I just adore her glass fridge and taste in flowers and Grand Marnier-infused strawberries. But my Duchess is getting increasingly smug and [!@#$%^&*]-stirring. Also, can you imagine how dull some of Yo's dinner parties must get after a while? The food and surroundings are stunning, but then to sit for hours on the sofa to listen to King David belt out some of his Greatest Hits -- which nobody but he and Natalie Cole are allowed to sing? Bye.

Times like this I wish TayShanna was around to get grumpy and start squawking at David. I wish Camille were around to throw exquisite shade. Heck, bring back Adrienne and bring on her druggy toyboy, Rod Stewart's son! At least there would be some real tension at this dinner party!

So the dinner was to honor the Canadian Tenors -- who were obviously banished to the kitchen with the other servants until they were trotted out to perform? On their one evening off? Ouch.

Carlton is trying so hard to be edgy. I really did not need to see her prison-like, windowless Adult playroom. The ball-and-gag thing was tacky, I can't think of anything less of a turn-on than to be choking on some plastic ball while somebody whips you. Carlton's hubby is probably hiding in mortification and ruing the day he ever agreed to this mess.

Boyce is trying so hard to act and she just can'. "As long as I'm with my baby, I always have a good time!" What are you, 15? While I despise Brandi for bullying her, Boyce by herself is a like a Stepford Wife robot, only less interesting.

Brandi is just awful. This woman has no respect for herself if she is allowing the cameras to portray her this way. Just so trashy and classless. And now throwing her last remaining benefactor Yolanda under the bus to Kyle? You really are stupid.

Lisa is so over all them hoes. I don't blame her. I'd rather hang with Ken at a building site, too.

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Occasional pair of shoes aside, I haven't heard one peep about Lisa or Yolanda financially supporting Brandi.

A person who appears to have a problem with drinking whining about friends having a problem with them drinking is not throwing the friends under the bus. It's the normal irrational and pathetic response an addict will have to anybody having opposition to them continuing with their addiction.

She really, really is over every single one of them. While I don't blame her at all, I don't love when that much of a disconnection happens in a cast.

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Benefactor is perhaps the wrong word. I don't mean they support her financially, but Yolanda does support Brandi morally, invitex her around and is her friend. David Foster appears warm and friendly with her, too. I am not surprised at the way she talked about Lisa as Brandi has been hinting at turning against her, but I was surprised at her tone regarding Yolanda because Yo is her biggest supporter.

I am sad at the disconnect between the women, too. The Lisa/Yol/Brandi friendship was my favourite and even the Lisa/Kyle dynamic was interesting to watch. It's just now these women are turning on each other for fame and a SL. Lisa could happily live without any of them and that's probably what pisses the others off the most.

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I dont think Lisa acts like she's above anyone. She may exalt that with her presence (which is fabulous) bc in the past she generally did not get involved in the silly petty drama and we've seen people try to come at her with it and get frustrated when Lisa doesnt respond the way they'd like her too.

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I wouldn't necessarily say so. BH had an ensemble where each woman used to contribute something specific to make up the whole. It worked well, I thought. It is only with the loss of TayShanna, Camille and even Catwoman Adrienne, along with Brandi's thirst and the inclusion of the two latest nonentities, that Lisa's position "above the fray" has really come to the fore.

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