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"In Beverly Hills, the higher you climb, the farther you fall."
What a fitting tagline this is based on how the tides have turned for Brandi. Taylor wasn't lying when she said Brandi has ruined the show, her treatment of Joyce is disgusting.
Happy to see Lisa was smart enough to start distancing herself from Brandi even before the audience backlash started. Its too bad her and Kyle didn't reconcile before she left the trip because its obvious that's what they both wanted. Kim is partly to blame for that by constantly trying to pick fights, I died at Lisa closing the door on her, she clearly has no tolerance for Kim and her antics anymore. I also loved when she called Brandi an animal to Yolanda, so shady, so good. I think that might be her only ailment in surviving Bravo's latest villain edit attempt, thinking Yolanda would be more loyal to her.
I'm excited to see how this season plays out with everyone trying to run Lisa off the show so they can be the queen or whatever (and lets face it her leaving is the only way that could happen), but their needs to be some changes come season 5. Like New York and all the housewife franchises once they reach season 4, things have gotten too nasty.
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Trust, Lisa won't go anywhere unless she chooses. If I were Kyle, Kim, Brandi, or Yolanda, I'd get back in good with the Queen.

Ramona is the queen on NYC and after Jill, Cindy, & Kelly tried coming for her s4, they (along with my poor Alex) got the boot.

Same with Sheree on ATL. She crossed Queen Nene and quickly got the boot s4 with Kim following s5.

"Queen" Terrorza (and I use the term loosely with this heffa) cleaned house last season with only Melissa surviving.

If they come for Lisa hard at the reunion, trust some of them will exit stage left and the obvious three will be Kim, YoYo, and even Brandi. I suggest these women rethink their strategy.

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Yawn. Basically, this episode was a snooze after the first ten minutes wrapped up last week's drama.

The only enjoyable part of the episode was Lisa dismissing Kim to exit stage left as she stumbled around her bathroom with her skirt half off. Lisa looked STUNNING lying on the bed talking to Kyle, and even more delicious as she waltzed away once Kim started making an ass of herself. For someone who is sober, Kim has a really messy personality, poor recognition of social cues and bad manners.

I don't need to hear Carlton describe her Wiccan faith as "sacred" one more time. I think I counted 4 'sacred's this episode. Also, much as I like Carlton I can't help but notice how rough her face looks. So terribly thin and wrinkled.

Joyce. Boring.

Kyle. Whatever. Her tears just reinforce that something has happened with Mauricio in the past...there's no logical alternative explanation for her theatrics about tabloid reports. That she sobbed her way into a reconciliation with Yolanda (she crumbled fast) just makes me roll my eyes.

Yolanda gives Brandi a bit too much a free pass on her drunken behaviour, I know I couldn't stand to be around someone who gets as sloppy and insulting as Brandi does when she's had too much to drink.

Faye Resnick was a total sh*tbag cow, but at least she was haughty about it and her presence would have likely raised the stakes in terms of conflict. She would have started insulting Brandi way before she went in on Kyle. She's evil, but I miss Faye.

You know things are getting dire on the show when an episode's cliffhanger is Brandi driving back to Los Angeles to try and find her dog...gripping? I didn't think so.

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GOOD! Porsha is a flop. She had like 3 good episodes this season of interesting story but then it became the same. Who cares about her endless pity party? Her divorce had potential to make her interesting as we saw her grow as a woman, but she reverted back to a child, letting her mother coddle her and she continue to stay stupid things. She can leave. She doesn't even have any conflict with Kenya to at least put her in fighting mode. I don't see what she could offer next season

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OT: I am loving all the hot Yoncé sigs people have!


This episode finally felt like the season is picking up some momentum. Although if this Palm Beach trip is the only trip for RHoBH, then woah. I expect more glamour than this self-catering weekend!

Felt a bit bad for Kyle but at the same time, Kyle is both an actress (well, loosely) and a younger sibling, so she is adept at turning on the waterworks. And it got Yolanda and Lisa to soften, so it worked. That's why she got so pissed at Kim for making it All About Her. Doesn't she know it is All About Kyle?! Kyle finally had Lisa on her bed (no sexual allusion intended), they were going to have the heart-to-heart that Kyle has been longing for (and for a minute there I was getting flashbacks of the Lisa-Kyle friendship in season 1-2)... And then Peeing Kim stomps in and tries to start a fight with Lisa. Honey, pull your big-girl pants up, go flush that toilet and take a seat. Seriously, when Lisa shut the door on her peeing, that was AMAZING. Nobody has time for that mess!

Still, is it wrong that I find Kim so entertaining sometimes? Like when Carlton said about wanting to take home a squirrel and Kim responding, totally seriously, "I have my purse."

Carlton and Brandi were so obviously going to hook up if the cameras hadn't been there. Carlton took fright because she has to present some semblance of an image, even though she probably has an open marriage and the nannies aren't just there for the children.

IMO DrunkBrandi wasn't all that drunk. I think Brandi can somewhat hold her liquor IRL, it's just when she mixes it with coke (not the drink) and uppers/downers that she gets really wasted. She knew what she was doing when she went after Kyle at dinner, and she certainly knew what she was doing shading Lisa with the "strategizing" comment. I do not for a second believe that Lisa is busy controlling everybody and forcing these women to badmouth the other women. How? Why? Is she paying them? Blackmailing them? Hypnotizing them?!

Lisa is a wily social operator, sure, but masterminding entire hate campaigns against Adrienne and now Kyle? Please. She's not Dr. Evil, calling the shots from her secret island lair. She's a reality star. It was clear that Adrienne was the one briefing Radar Online about the other ladies, as the site later admitted, and as for Kyle's sanctified marriage, this is a SL that Bravo has been actively promoting as part the main story of the season. Since Kyle prides herself on being BFFs with Andy, she obviously signed off on this charade. She certainly talks about it enough in every episode.

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Uh because she kissed Carlton and bitched out brainless Boyce? And got an attack of the racists? Yeah, I'm sure that appeals to a certain section of the audience. Whatever, loon. She needs to stop believing her own hype. I liked her so much before she got deluded.

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I have missed Taylor/Shana/Armstrong/Ford the moment I saw Joyce who is so dull and pointless I can't even begin to describe my disappointment in her. Taylor was a mess, but last season she proved herself to be a HILARIOUS mess, especially when drunk and with nothing left to lose. She was liberated once Russell died, she was broke and Adrienne had thrown her to the wolves. Her slurring, middle finger in the air antics were excellent.

And just looks at Wendy's face...she can't believe Brandi's said all that mess. Brandi is so over.

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Next stop for Brandi: porn. Obviously.

I miss TayShanna, too, TBH. I never outright hated that grifter to begin with. She really called it like she saw it last season. Her scene with Formerly Twenny-Five ThouZIND, Now Broke-Ass comes to mind, as does the episode when she refused to stop yapping at Yolanda's dinner party while King David was humping the piano laugh.png But Andy seems to hate Shanna; he wouldn't even let her travel with the other ladies to Paris! Major snub.

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Did Brandi basically say she just fakes all this stuff for airtime? Not that most of these shows are real, but when you just blatantly burst the bubble that way, you're telling people nothing you say or do can be trusted.

I thought the ratings had declined during her tenure on the show, but she's saying she gave them an increase.

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It made it sound like she was making it out like she's the reason to watch this season, like without her there wouldn't be anything. Bitch please. Im definetly not watching for her. She's toxic and bringing the show down. I loved Yolanda last year and she didn't get involved in the drama. I could watch an hour of her tending to her home, giving tips, etc... This season, she's being dragged into Brandi's ugliness and not appealing at all. W/o Brandi, there would still be issues with the Richards sisters. Lisa is always entertaining. Brandi can just go away

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