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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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So rumors are circulating Bravo wants to start filming Season 6 of NJ ASAP to cover the fall out of Teresa and Joe's charges and to cover the trial (Maybe they mean Juicy's license fraud trial as they tax fraud cases usually take years to make it to trial). Ugh which means all the same women will be back probably. UGGGHHHH. I wish Teresa would walk away so this show could get a new direction and they would dump Melissa and Kathy but sadly I know she won't go anywhere as she needs every bit of those Bravo checks.

Edited by Eric83
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That sounds like a rehash of what they did with S3 and 4 and they don't have enough drama and stories to warrant extending this season like that.

They definetly wouldn't drop Karhy bc being family, they'll use her to talk about Teresa on a personal level. This season 6 would pretty much be about people reacting to Teresa's downfall. New people probably wouldn't have room to move in and they wouldn't have much to add to that plot line.

Edited by Cheap21
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I have a feeling you'll end up getting caught up. Just wait until you get to "You Beat Me to My Tweet," "Eager Beaver," and the penultimate episodes "Bras & Brawls: Pt I and II." After you get to those, especially the last two, you'll be addicted and won't be able to stop watching until the very end. I'm literally waiting with baited breath for it to return, that's how good Season 2 was. There are SO many supporting characters you get introduced to that it becomes like watching a soap opera. It skyrocketed to become my fave Real Housewives series!

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I just remember my jaw DROPPED at that Bras and Brawls shizz. Never on any RH series have I seen so much sh!t go down at one singular event! LOVE IT!

And yeah, I think what really hooked me was the plethora of people in the cast- I'm actually kind of disappointed there will only be 5 wives this year but I have faith that we'll still have our slew of recurring/supporting characters to keep me interested. Plus, as YRBB mentioned about the first episode, I just LOVE how they showcased the city of Miami. Having been there a few times myself, I can safely say that everything about this series is SO Miami.

Here's hoping that ratings continue to climb this season and they are able to live up to that FABULOUS promo!

While I'm here, some thoughts on OC and Jersey:

Jersey- Bored. To. Death. Thank GOD for Milania! She is seriously the hero of that franchise right now. Andy Cohen ought to put his money where is mouth is and pay that kid a hefty salary. Nene had it all wrong- Teresa isn't the boss, MILANIA is!

OC- I feel for Gretchen. She's right, she just can't win with these catty bitches! And Lydia- STFU and eat a cheeseburger! LOL All Slade said to her at the finale party was she looked like she could be on Dancing With The Stars. I didn't find that backhanded at all. And Vicki is a psychotic hypocrite! Maybe if she hadn't spewed all that garbage about Slade, he wouldn't be talking sh!t about her. Hell, since Tamra/Gretchen made up, he's backed off her- BUY A CLUE VICKI!!

Heather is an uptight, uppity bitch. I like that she admitted that all this Malibu Country crap stems from her being mad at Gretch about her behavior at the Hot in Cleveland taping. Ummm, that was MONTHS ago- you couldn't have gone to Gretchen and talked it out way back then instead of pulling all of these calculated moves to make her look bad. Talk about High School. If the rest of the cast weren't so far up Heather's ass, then maybe they'd see through her behavior and call her out on it.

Oh and while I'm at it, can I say that I'm sad that no ex-Housewives were at the Reunion party? We had Jeana last year, and the finale party has long been a reunion for the new and old. If Vicki weren't such a bitch, we could have had Jeana AND Lauri and perhaps cleared up some of EMail-gate.

All that said, I can't wait for the reunion. Oh, and FYI- BRAVO is airing some season 1 repeats on Thursday, leading up to the preview of RHOM! Can't wait!

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So Brianna brought THIS home and she thinks she can tell Vicki whom she can date?

Gretchen needs to fire the person who does her hair.

Heather is not a good actress even for RH material.

This was a boring season in general. Next year they will need at least two new ladies.

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I could see Alexis being down-graded to friend of status, and I think she should have been downgraded this season.. and had her and lauri as friend of since the majority of the time, Alexis wasn't filming with anyone other then Lydia and Vicki to a lesser extent.

With that said, I was sitting down last night ready to see what funny arguments would come out at the finale party. I wasn't expecting the Ryan PTSD episode to come out. No way was this scripted whatsoever! In fact, there was more reality in that episode then there has been all season. When you even have Gretchen point out to Ryan that it was Vicki's house, then you know that the guy has several screws loose!

Watching this episode made me long for Cake-gate, Tamra's ceast and decease rant/fight with Jeana, and even some old-timers to come back. Season 3 & 4 had previous cast members come back, and season 6 had Quinn/Tammy witnessing the Jeana/Tamra fight, and season 7 had Jeana/Tamra making up after Jeana's daughter lays into Tamra. Did season 5 have any of the previous housewives come back in the finale?

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Brianna's husband needs to sit his ass down! Its one thing for Brianna to try and dictate Vickie's love life (which I don't like) but him? He has NO say in who Vickie can and cant bring into HER house. You don't like it? Be a man and get a house for YOUR family. Stop leeching off of Vicki

His blowup at Lydia's 64 yea old mother? WTF?!? He was out of line. How dare he disrespect her like that. It wasn't that serious. I cant believe he started yelling at Vicki and telling her not to hug the mother. Then he blows up at Briana's uncle. He has anger issues and that blow up was so over the top

Heather "There is no competition. Im clear on that. I have a career" What a bitch! Im over Heather. She comes across so pretentious when really she aint sh-t

This season saw a brand new side to Tamra. She made up with Vicki and Alexis, apologized to Jim, bit her tongue before she spoke., etc....She ends the season in a really good place. Good for her.

I love psycho Vicki...lol. She's hilarious when she blows up

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Lisa's is the best -- but not as good as her intro last season "My husband's a top plastic surgeon in this town -- and I am his best creation."

No clue what Joanna and Lea are yapping about.

I love that they kept Adriana's song. But I am really going to miss Karent on the show. Hey, I read that her practice went belly-up so... maybe she will return? Here's hoping.

BTW, Nothin'ButAttitude, I love that jpeg of Nene in your signature -- the one where she giggles and flirts with Andy. Nene fronts a lot of the time like she's the toughest chick around, but when she really likes somebody, she gets all adorable and giggly like that.

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I LOVE the Miami theme song- again, easily my fave. And yes, Lisa is the best.

I'm getting more excited than I should be, though I'm disappointed that we're not getting a season 2 marathon to gear up for season 3.

And I miss Lea's infamous "I can deal with A LOT, but I can't deal with stupid."

I think I'm the only one who LOVES Mayor Lea.

Edited by juniorz1
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