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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Haha, Wendy reported the news article about the ATL paychecks.

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She says Kenya saved the franchise and pretty much deserves it. She says she cant figure out for the life of her why Kim and Kandi are making 800Kas they dont bring 800K worth of drama. She says $50,000 is about right for Phaedra as theres no hope helping her. I still think the article missed a zero as it probably meant to be 500K instead

Anthony nad Wendy re-enact a scene from NJ with Wendy as Teresa

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With a 3 hour Reunion Show, I wonder if the OC Housewives are locked-in for another season with the existing cast. I have to admit, I have sort of grown sympathetic to Alexis now that I realise that she was being used as Gretchen's pawn the whole time. Gretchen really is the only one on an island to herself. No matter how hard she tries to fit-in with the cool kids, she eventually puts her own foot in her mouth.

Dream OC cast: Vicki, Tamra, Jeanna, Lauri, Heather, Gretchen

Liklihood of this happening: Zilch.

Onto the NYC Housewives, there is all this gossip going around about changing alliances. I wonder if this means that the Ramona/ Sonya unbreakable bound has met its end. Looking at all the photos online from shooting, it does not look like Sonya and Ramona are attending any events together. Sonya has been seen with LuAnn and Aviva. I think that Aviva read Ramona correctly last year when she said that she is a bully and keeps Sonya around to look better in comparison. She does not help Sonya, especially when she is down on her luck, rather exaserbating her bad habbits and fueling her dellusions.

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LOL, he is fine, but Phaedra also has very beautiful eyes and mouth. Aiden has her round cheeks and mega pout and he can definitely pull off that stank-eye look she does when he wants to.

I have to defend my Sonya who in recent years has been fragilized by her divorce. Her husband threw her on the scrap-heap when she hit a certain age and in huge debt. Their wealthy mutual friends probably shunned her. So she's taking what friendship and comfort she can get. LuAnn may be evil and scheming but she was also there for Sonya last season when she put away her husband's portrait and closed the door on that chapter in her life. It was telling that she asked LuAnn to help her with that and not Crazy Pinot.

As for not being tough, she read Aviva the riot act a couple of times last season without losing her cool. I was pretty impressed with how she dealt with her.

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That's how I see Sonya as well. I think she sees LuAnn as someone sensitive to her situation since she's basically lived it herself. And Sonya repeatedly read Aviva seriously a few times without flipping out or cowering, especially at that lunch of theirs where Sonya basically told Aviva she thought she was a bitch and didn't need her.

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I did a little search of what Sonja said to Aviva after the St. Barts crazython:

"You have said some things you cannot take back. You defamed my character ... I can’t have a friend like that. I have enough friends."

"Whatever you tell me about your feelings now, I don’t care. I’m over you."

"I don’t know who you think you are really. You put out an air that you think you’re better than others. You're a liability."

Well-thought out, precise, clear, without being truly vicious and resorting to Aviva's cray-cray tactics.

And I, too, thought LuAnn acquited herself very well in those scenes where she helped Sonja. She seemed very genuine.

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