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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Me thinks Ramona will join the ranks of NeNe and Vicki as being the last original cast member standing on her series. LuAnn clearly does not realize she brings almost nothing to the table these days. NY can most certainly go on without her. Take their generous offer, Countless; you've got no leverage whatsoever.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Ah ok - thank you!!! smile.png

Good point... and also you can't forget the way Luann shut Bethanny down when B introduced Luann to her driver by first name. That shiz was hilarious and really set the tone for her 'Countess' persona.

Edited by alwaysAMC
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Ok so I have been on vacation the past 2 weeks and was catching up on all my shows and decided to dive into Miami Housewives Season 2. That was one of the most entertaining seasons of any Housewives franchise and I am shocked I was downing it because of their horrible ratings. I wanted to wait until after watching the reunion (which was entertaining from beginning to end) until I posted.

Let me start off with the chicks I don't like.

Ana- What a basic b-tch! She was quiet as a church mouse all season. I really did not care for her one way or the other but the way she came at Lea at the reunion was vile and disgusting. She has a horrible personality, and the line "at least my daughters arent socially awkard" was especially cruel considering Lea's child is like 10 and has done NOTHING to her. That whole spiel about "you got where you are by laying on your back" reeks of jealousy. Ana is probably mad Lea got more than her and she can't wave her degree in her face to intimidate her. And she is so damn nosey jumping into everybody's business but her own. Truly a try hard making sure she seccured a spot for the new season. Ugh she is reminding me of Kathy and Cindy.

Alexia- Uh wow this chick really grates my nerves. She is such a sh-t stirrer and a mean ass b-tch. Her glee in telling Karent that Rodolfo was cheating on her was disgusting. She really should be taking care of her child and not be on this show. I was disgusted as she tried to rationalize why her other son hit a homeless man and put it on facebook. It had nothing to do with pent up feelings about his brother, that sh-t was premeditated and he thought it was funny until he got arrested.

And this trick had the nerve to say her son loves the homeless. Really b-tch? Only reason nobody called that crap is because she associated that stuff with her son's accident. SMH.

Both Ana and Alexia can get off of my TV. They are both nasty, vile, bitter women.

The chicks that I love:

Karent- I really like her and felt the other ladies were hating on her for no reason. She was interesting to me and I felt for her on the trip to Bimini where she had to deal with her father's condition meanwhile these childish ass hoes were hellbent on telling her Rodolfo was cheating. Ana said Rodolfo was a nobody but she kept on texting him. rolleyes.gif

Too bad she's not returning next season.

Lisa- I wasn't feeling her at first, but by the end of the season she had become my fave. She is mild-mannered and calm, though she is a bit of an airhead lol. I really wish her well in trying to conceive a child.

Joanna & Adriana- I am putting them together because I live for their rivalry. OMG their back and forth was hilarious. Adriana was killing her and when she called her Ho-anna and said that she was speaking Spanglish and the j is silent I was ROTFL! They have potential to be the Nene and Kim of their franchises. That said Joanna acts horrible when she drinks and I am sure she has gotten away with alot of sh-t because of her looks. Adriana gets so out of line but it is so funny to me. laugh.png At least she and Joanna have legitimate beef unlike irrelevant Ana coming for Lea.

Mama Elsa- Love her and segment at the reunion. She is a funny older lady would love to meet her in real life.

Chicks that really don't matter to me:

Lea- I really don't care about her but I loved how she read Ana over and over again. "Being mean and nasty is not the new relevant" "You keep spreading your lies about me I am gonna start telling the truth about you". She has the potential to become a fave but for not she's just there for me.

Marysol- She bores the living sh-t out of me and tired of seeing her cry. I am sure Andy will keep her around as he LOVES Mama Elsa.

Other thoughts:

It looks like Thomas is also a chicken [!@#$%^&*]. He was all gungho in throwing Elsa and Ana out of his house, but when Nene was there and showed out with his good friend Kim, he did nothing. He's a misogynist, douche and a chicken [!@#$%^&*]. Why anyone would want to be friends with him is beyond me. I guess money may not be able to buy you class, but he's proof that it buys friends.


This man can get it anytime, anyplace.

Edited by Eric83
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Eric, don't get sliced. Alexia and Ana are everything on RHOM. If anyone is a basic biotech, it's that thirsty ass Joanna and geriatric Lea. Can't stand them broads. And I'm glad Karen with a T is GONE. Got the boot. Trying to give Bravo an ultimatum (her and Joanna wanted Bravo to give Adrianna the boot) and she got the boot. B*tch bye!

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Oh I LIVE for Adrianna. I loved when she bitch slapped Joanna and then ate her up at the reunion. And people can say what they want about Ana but besides Adrianna, Ana carried the reunion. She slayed Lea. And if Lea didn't get her husband to file an injunction to cut out a lot of stuff out of the reunion, Lea's "alleged" dirty past (true if you ask me b/c she got her husband to do all that) would've been aired public.

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Yes Adriana makes me laugh. She kept going in on Joanna and it was funny when she was calling her a racist because Joanna tweeted "lightness will prevail over darkness" :lol: She is so quick witted and jokes roll off the tongue reminds me of a Latin Nene lol

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Adrianna is definitely the star of RHOM. However, I see S3 being Lea/Joanna V. Ana/Adriana/Alexia/Marysol with Lisa wedged in the middle because looking at photos and the reunion, something is going on between Adriana and Lea. Those two aren't as close as they use to be and Adriana has been hanging with Ana and Alexia as of late (based off Twitter photos). Then her and Joanna's competing weddings are going to be the center of S3--I see this season being messy. LOL. Thank gosh it'll be back in August according to reports.

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Yay, Eric finally watchnig Miami!

IA on Ana! I actually liked her during the season but I hated the way she portrayed herself on the reunion. We were just atalking about Kathy and Cindy....I hate when quiet btiches finally grow balls at reunio to try and secure a spot for the following season! Ana was just like those two

I like Alexia but she did get very ugly with Karent. I thought she was a bit justified to a degree at first but she took it to another level and refused to move on

Karent...hated her at first till I realized she was harmless and it was the other women that had malicious intent. I didnt like how they ganged up on her and wish she were returning

Love that you love Joanna....she ranks up there as one of my faves! Lisa too whom I didnt expect to like but she was the most senseable of the group

Dont really like Lea and her one liners but she comes across more likeable when she is actually serious and drops the comedy act

Marysol is boring and the only reason to keep her around is her mother

Yes Roman is hot!

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Yes! I am most excited for Bride Wars. I saw Adriana's wedding invitations on Reality Tea and looks like she got married tonight. Romain and Joanna get married in June. Can't wait to see who has the better wedding, I read Adriana's begging the who's who of Miami to come so she can top Joanna lol

The less said about Ana the better she better not get to hold a pina colada (? :lol: ) next season.

Roman.... you just dont know what I would do to him. Ugh! lol

Edited by Eric83
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So glad you llve RHOM. Wish juniorz was here, Miami is his favourite.

It took me a while to warm up to Adriana but now I like her. I am still o the fence about Lea. Joanna, Lisa and Karent were my favourite friendship last year. I know Alexia is horrendous but she makes stuff happen on the show so I want her back az a HW. Mama Elsa is love. Marysol and Ana are irrelevant.

And Romain is SO FINE! And despite his transgression, a pretty decent guy.

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I always hear people say how boring Marysol is, but I disagree. I enjoy her brief scenes when they don't involve the drama. Her work stuff is always fun and she's a big part that Elsa's scenes work IMO. I also thought her style was just flawless in season two. She has a nice quality when dealing with the other ladies on a friendly level and she does seem like a smart business woman, despite what Lea thinks. Adriana has always been my favorite. I love her accent, she's gorgeous, I think Frederick is sexy and she seems to be doing well with her son. I love when she gets upset and her English gets worse. I also enjoy Ana (sans ex-hubby) and Lea, but I HATED Karent and Alexia was only watchable in season one. Lisa is harmless, but she just didn't do much.

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Too bad, bew! She's IS holding a pina colada this upcoming season. My girl put in work at the reunion to maintain her spot. She let y'all know that she's the #1 diva in this game for a minute! tongue.png

Speaking of Miami, Adriana got married (she already was whistling.jpg ) today.


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I'm here and I LOVE Miami, though I am in the minority apparently because I adore Lea.

SO glad that Lisa is gaining more fans. She was the biggest surprise for me in Season 2- I thought she was just gonna kind of be "there" but I really fell in love with her. Easily the most sensible and level-headed of the group. I also love, Love, LOVE her relationship with Daisy, her housekeeper. She's the gift that keeps on giving! I also like that she's comfortable enough to admit that she looks up to Lea and I just adore the friendship those two are building. They rank right up there with the Fab 3 on Beverly Hills (Lisa, Yo, and Brandi of course!).

I also hate Marysol, but I don't want her to leave the show because I LIVE for the the Lea/Marysol rivalry, for reals.

Ana I liked during the season and really enjoyed her relationships with both Joanna and Alexia, but I did not like her behavior at the reunion at all. IMO, she was trying to stay relevant, as there were rumors going around that she was about to be fired at the time.

I like Alexia and was totally on her team when she got in the fight with Karent. No, I didn't think she was completely right, but I felt for her- the stress of what was going on with her son was clearly weighing on her and I think that's why she went OTT on Karent at her (Alexia's) event. My heart bled for her in the scene where she breaks down in front of Ana- that was a real, raw moment, the kind that we don't see as often as we should on these shows.

One last thing that I've said before- I realllllly like that RHOM has such a huge set of supporting characters that aren't regulars. What's even more brilliant is that they were included so often that we actually got to know them as well as the actual housewives. IMO, RHOM is a soap fan's dream come true and I, for one, eat it up with a spoon. The drama seems organic, not forced, these people do seem to run in the same social circles, and everyone seems to know everybody, which is exactly how it is in Miami. In addition to that, I think that the franchise takes far more advantage of their locale than any of the others. The colors, the music, the night clubs, the beach, the gorgeous events- it's all SO Miami and adds to the show. I'm hooked on it like no other!

And I have to say that the 2-part Lingerie Party event was seriously the most entertaining episodes of any franchise for me, including "The Dinner Party from Hell" on RHOBH, which ranks a close second. SO much happened that they crammed in and I'm glad we got to see it all play out. I think my favorite part is where the ladies are sitting in the living room when the party ended and rehashed the night. It really felt like we were a fly on the wall at that party and it was made of win!

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