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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I kinda figured that Radar article was false because they just announced Cat as a guest on Watch What Happens Live with the Countess. Why have her on WWHL for a third time (only once during DC), especially with a high profile NYC guest if the show is ending? When Bravo wants to end a show that usually make sure you'll forget about it. They aren't going to put Cat on air and risk her mentioning on live tv "How dare you cancel me!!" LOL. Would make classic tv, but Bravo is obviously more savvy than that.

Besides with DC, its ratings (as Linda put it) truly weren't bad, They werre higher than BH for most of it's run, BH only sparked with the fueding towards the end. DC's failure was putting too much stock in the Salahi drama which was polarizing. I think a major reason DC was pushed back so much is because they wanted the Salahi's on season 2 and all the women refused to film with them. I'm sure there was a standoff where they tried to convince the women and now they also would have to add a couple new faces to mix things up.

Honestly, I think since they won't be expanding for the time being, they need to focus on making DC work and Miami is also a series that is worth looking out for. I need to see a second season with a better cast that was meant to be a Housewives series from the beginning. It has the makings of something interesting. This short season is more like an extended pilot IMO. Retool it, give them more episodes and learn from the mistakes in season 1. More Elsa please.

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LMAO. On the Wendy Williams Show, she said that her Hot Topics team called the Salahis to let them they know that they were cancelled. No one picked up but they left them a message. She said it was mean but funny bc in the cancellation article, it said that none of the wives knew about it :lol:

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Not surprising, those airhead basketball wives are upset about their portrayal: http://www.realitytea.com/2011/03/29/preview-real-housewives-of-miami-finale-plus-cristy-rice-not-happy-with-show/

Larsa has been skipping promotional events, including Watch What Happens Live and Cristy complains they didn't show more of her life. On that front, her husband barred her kids from being shown and the boutique she mentions was shut down and is online only. I'm sure if there was footage to air they'd air it, but Cristy is such a dull airhead they had to work with what she gave them. Larsa is not surprising, but they worked with what she gave her. They did try to show a varied side of her, but it was mainly her interactions with the other girls where she showed her true colors. That is footage they *have* to air as it's key events involving the entire cast.

Overall I've been pleased with the Miami season. I thought they did well considering it was originally concieved as something else which left them with less time, less footage and less time to promote the show initially. I thought the six episodes were enjoyable and I look forward to a second season with more Elsa. She was just a star and that season finale was classic. Larsa was so rude constantly demanding a reading, then being a bitch when she got it. I also think it was ironic that it's now been leaked that Larsa and Scottie ARE having money problems, so Elsa hit too close to home lol. She also proved the "emotionally immature" comment with her reaction. That isn't even an insult, as Alexia tried to explain.

I'm looking forward to this reunion more than any simply because it's live. This could be a big success for them or a huge failure. I don't like that we don't have soundbites to promote, but I think they'll turn it out. I just hope Andy can keep it reigned in enough to cover everything. I hope they still film an additional 30 minutes to an hour for the website.

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Hahaha at Cheap.

I watched that NYC Season 2 marathon yesterday and it was startling to see just how close Jill and Bethenny actually were in comparison to them not speaking at all now and the tension throughout all of season 3. I actually prefer Bethenny in a housewives setting and find that she can be a bit grating on her own show, it just becomes Bethenny overload.

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If you skip to about 30 seconds in, there's an interview with Kim Richards and she looks and sounds very healthy, sober.

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OMG, some juicy NJ news. The cast is down in the Bahamas on vacation filming for the show and Teresa got into a bar brawl! She spilld champagne on a woman and that woman's husband punched her in the face all while the cameras were rolling. Joe and some of the other husbands got involved and it exploded from there with 8 people being arrested by the end of it. According to the article, Bravo wont be airing this. I hope they dont gloss over it though. Im fine with them not showing Teresa punched (MTV didnt air Snooki's either) but I want them to show everything else that happened around it


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