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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Wow did Jesus Jugs really threaten to sue Tamara over that nickname? I cant with her dumb ass. And she' still is going on about being bullied? Like Tamara said


I especially loved all the comments Gretchen had to say. LMAO, she was so over that ho before she even walked in the place. I love how Gretch and Heather had no time for her and her BS

Lydia. Poor girl didn't know what she signed up for. She is clearly out of her element here

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I dont think she has that attitude AT ALL. However, I absolutely get why people think she does.

Nobody on BH would eat her alive. She is very similar to Lisa in her outlook on life and how she treats people, imo. People say Lisa has a stick up her ass too, but she doesnt. Both woman are aware of who they are and where they are in life, are genuine people, with real friends and a loving family. If either were that stuck up or superior, they wouldnt be friends with the likes of Brandi or Gretchen, imo.

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Nobody has made her out to be the devil or even a mean person.

She was called out on being phony and being an inauthentic person and decided to jump on the bully bandwagon. Tamara and her were adressing their issues - just like she did with Vicki in seasons past - and Heather said she does come off fake and she turned to Gretchen for support, and Gretchen didnt want to be dragged into it but told her she sees where people get that from, even tho she knows her so she sees beyond that and Alexis couldnt handle it.

She does lease cars, live in a rental home, have a fake ring, claims to be a super christian but does very unlike things, she is fake. I actually like Alexis when she isnt trying to be the picture of perfection, but that is so rare.

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When Alexis showed up and went straight up to Tamra and congratulated her and said she was there to support her, I kind of felt proud of Alexis. It seemed like she was trying to make amends, and that's why I defended her in my earlier post. She talked about how Tamra showed her and Vicki the plans for the gym and how it meant a lot to her... BUT then she opened her mouth and had to make it all about her and her "couture" line. It was, like, girl, stop. Just be modest and let Tamra have her moment in the sun. The other women were not in the mood to hear Alexis fall back into her fake "I am a businesswoman, too, you guys!" talk. It's like she can't help herself trying to one-up another person. If she had apologized about threatening to sue, that might have made helped. Alexis was Mean-Girled at Tamra's event, for sure, and has been Mean-Girled by Tamra for years, but it was her place to extend the hand of friendship. All she sees is the meanness done to her, rather than the underlying reasons for that meanness. If she came to terms with that, then maybe she would accept a modicum of responsibility. And by doing that, she would show that she is trying to become a better human being. Instead she just plays victim and hides behind her 'Crishtianity.'

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While I agree that Alexis is no angel, I think that Tamra and friends have come off much worse then Alexis right now. Obviously, these three women should know that if you gang up on someone then people will usually side with the one being ganged up on.. no matter who is in the right or wrong.

Plus, I do agree with Alexis. She is being bullied by these mean girls. Makes me think she really needs the money if she chooses to stay around all of that toxic mess. Hopefully, the Skyzone venture does well enough that she can quit the show.. and the family can have a sustainable lifestyle.

I'm kind of hoping the show is revamped if it comes back in season 9... it is reaching season 4 NY toxic levels. Time for Tamra and Gretchen to go! And I loved Gretchen up through last season.. guess being friends with the devil warps anybody LOL.

Though I loved Dr. V on WWHL giving it to Tamra. awesome!

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I really don't think OC is toxic at all. If you really think it is than you should recheck season 6. This is VERY tame in comparison to what we got that year. I go back and forth between whether that or NYC S4 was the most vile season in the entire franchise

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Depends on if the people are new to the show, long time viewers dont like Alexis, that was clear last season when she was supposedly hang ganged up on and no one sided weith her LOL, she is to OC what Tre is cept Tre is liked even if u dont agree with her!

Alexis onlu playing the bully card cause she is odd man out as in the past she herself had no problem being a bully when she was liked by some of the girls.

Its def says a lot that she lost two of her closest friends when they called her out on her fakeness!

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Well, I just don't see it as the on one. They all have valid issues with her and she is the one who brings it up usually. Heather simply doesn't like her but when she's attacking heather is heather to say nothing because she's already fighting with Tamra? Gretchen really does stay out of it until Alexis brings her into it. And she chooses to do this. It's not like the three sit around to make an attack plan and go at her for fun. The Mexico trip wasnt handled well, but it had been building up and it really was tame until she flipped out and dragged everyone in and played a perfect innocent victim when that's not the case.

Gretchen is someone who was bullied. Truly bullied. By Tamra and Vicki. They did sit around and come up with attack plans and invited her out just to attack her. Alexis isn't being bullied, she's on a reality show and is being confronted with her fakeness and is now seeking it out.

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I do agree that Gretchen is majorly bullied by Tamra and Vicki, to a slightly lesser extent. Part of me wonders why she would be friends with Tamra after all the crap that Tamra pulled on her.. but then I know that she is probably doing it for survival.

It's said that if someone is bullied, they can sometimes end up being a bully themselves as a way to protect themselves from being bullied. If the season previews are correct, then it looks like Gretchen will soon be back in the bullied role again.

Even though season 8 is not as toxic as season 4 of NY nor season 6 of OC.. it is showing signs that it could possibly become like that. I do think that a reboot is in order if the series comes back for season 9. I'm not sure if they need to toss out Tamra, Gretchen, or Alexis... or all three. Tamra seems to be the lead mean girl, but if she is tossed out.. then either Heather, Vicki, or Gretchen could take her place.. Alexis seems to rile them up, but if she is gone.. then the mean girl focus might turn on Lydia, or even Vicki. Finally, Gretchen doesn't seem to have a story right now.. but then none of them seem to.

I wonder if perhaps the show should become a hybrid of what it use to be, and what it is now. I read something awhile back that Andy Cohen had been trying to get Lauri back since season 6, but that she was hesitant due to the fact that the show had vastly changed in tone/focus since she had been on. Hence, why she agreed to come visit again in season 8.. to test the waters. If she has any secrets she wants kept secret, that could be why she is hesitant to become a full time housewife again. Since the first 3 or 4 seasons, didn't really showcase any of the scandal stuff as much from what I can recall... and watching season 3 recently confirms that I might be right.

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I find OC usually light. Even it's heavy moments in the past two seasons haven't been uber depressing or vile.

I think Gretchen and Tamara both knew they had tho move forward before it got any deeper and did a fine job of doing that.

As for next season I don't think a major shakeup is needed. At least not yet. I'd say toss out Alexis and maybe Lydia, add two new women. Gretchen doesn't have a story now but I think that has to do with what's going on with slides kid and she clearly gets story as the season goes on. I'd love a Gretchen and Slade show, honestly. I could see Tamara going but not until they have someone to take her place as queen of mean. I'd love to see briana as a wife.

EW to lauri coming back. I hate her. Jeanna I'd kill for.

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