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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Sick burn, any person in their right mind would be pissed at guests who decide to show up like nothing's wrong three hours after the fact and probably well into the next day when someone has to be up and possibly to work or wherever she was scheduled to go.

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Yeah! I'm interested in seeing what happens... will she just be introduced late, like Porsha... or was she cut last minute like Fernanda, Season 6?

Just caught up on Atlanta and BH --- LOVED them both - love Paris and Hollywood (my stomping grounds). 3 hours is too late for a dinner party, IMO, but if you still have guests in the house, then you're doing it for show.

Marissa was supposed to be on this Paris trip. Had she actually gone, it would be very interesting to see her role. It's a 3 episode trip, so I wonder if this would have put her to Housewife status and Taylor would have been dropped? Adrienne and Taylor were both missing from this trip, and I didn't miss them a bit.

Anyone taking bets on couch placement spots for BH reunion? I'm guessing Kyle and Lisa have the prime seats next to Andy. I'm guessing Kim and Brandi have the middle seats, and Yolanda and Taylor have the ends. Lisa, Brandi, and Yolanda are together; while Kyle, Kim, and Taylor are together.

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During the tough times, Lisa and Kyle have been there for me. Lisa can be brutally honest -- but if she cares for you, it comes from the heart and with the best of intentions. It wasn't right for Kim to question Lisa's concern for her when Kim was clearly disoriented. If Lisa didn't care for her, she wouldn't have spent the morning shopping and talking with her. As they were shopping and Kim was rambling, she was saying how much she liked Lisa and how she wanted to spend more time with her back in Beverly Hills. Kim was talking negatively about Kyle at the same time saying she wasn't "real" to her and that she had changed.

Later that evening when the age old question emerged "Where's Kim?" it became clear that Kim's recollection of the day's events were quite different than reality. She was angry with Lisa for pointing out the inconsistencies in the day's events. Lisa was merely identifying the gravity of Kim's confusion.

Watching Lisa, I could see how puzzled she was at Kim's lapse of memory concerning the timeline of events that day. I found it ironic that Kim started the day praising Lisa and criticizing Kyle and by the evening she wanted nothing to do with Lisa labeling her "fake and phony" while asking Kyle to sit, listen and support her as she cried in the van. I was bewildered by Kim as the girls made their way around Paris.


Edited by JackPeyton
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Brandi OWNED Kyle -

Kyle admits that she is jealous of Lisa's friendship with me. Kyle says that Lisa and I are a mismatched pair. . .Hmmm wonder what she means by that? Lisa and I have the exact same sense of humor. My friends' ages range from 22 to 65 years old. As far as social circles go, I was at P. Diddy's White Party many times way before Kyle's White Party and even before I knew who Kyle Richards was. I guess Kyle was referiing to our bank accounts because that is the only real mismatched thing about Lisa and I. I'm working very hard to change that


Edited by JackPeyton
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OK I might be in the minority tonight but Lisa annoyed me a bit tonight with the entire Kim matter. I realize that it comes from a genuine place, HOWEVER, Lisa needs to butt out. I was glad when YoYo said that Lisa was grating her nerves, and it wasn't just me. But on the flip side, Kim needs to get a backbone and soon b/c she will always been judged when it come to her addiction till the day she dies. She better learn to roll with the punches.

In other news, Adrienne and Camille are trying to get people not to sign onto future seasons of RHOBH. Bitter party of two? tongue.png


Also, Trampra Barnyard states she is learning to appreciate Jesus Jugs. Just reads suspect like when she befriended Gretchen last season. IMO, I think Trampra is trying to clean up her act in hopes of getting a wedding spinoff like the RHOA's b/c she know RHOC does not draw ratings like they do. Ugh. RHOC needs a reboot and needs to clean house, including Vicki too.


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The best thing about Adrinne and Camille being so bitter and pressed is that they both have outed secrets (Taylors abuse) and made allegations/lies (Brandi drinks around her kids). Both are just pissed that Brandi and Lisa are more popular than them, but this is really Adriennes fault as she is the one who set up teams and attacked Lisa causing people to take sides and bonding Lisa and Brandi.

Loved that Andy just laughed on twitter about it. Please. As if many housewives in Bev Hills would pass on it.

And as for it hurting buisness - funny, because Lisas buisness' dont seem hurt. And what does/did Camille have? And really, even Adrinne for that matter? Thats hurt because of the show?

I cant. So glad these bitches are gone. They call Brandi trash, but then they act like this.

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