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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yolanda has definitely won me over. I love how she can read people and put in her digs, but she doesn't seem catty at all; rather, she's voicing thoughtful observations over how some of these girls operate. It would be FABULOUS to see someone call Kyle out on her [!@#$%^&*] stirring and two-facedness. Looking forward to her showdown with Queen Lisa next week!

Camille just looked silly trying to downplay Lisa's role at Sur. Love how Lisa shot right back at her with the truth. There's no bull with this lady. She's the real deal and she will call you out if you try to mess with her. Love, love, love.

I just love how this show has transformed into a story about Lisa, Brandi, and all the cackling hens who hate on them.

Not once glimpse of Taylor for the past 2 episodes. So irrelevant.

Ugh, next week with Adrienne denying theatening to sue Brandi. This woman is full of LIES and it's written all over her botched up face.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I LOVE Brandi and I believe her;that everyone knew Adrienne was goin after Lisa at the Reunion and NO ONE told her beforehand. Good for Camille, no one told her to brin up Adrienne an event for Brandi. Camille was agreeing with everything Brandi saud about the phone call until Lisa brok it down ad asked her the quetion, then Camille accused Brandi of lying, throwing her under the bus and then Camille stated she doesnt remember everything that waas said on the phone convo LOL!

LOVE that Yolanda sees thru Kyle's bull!!

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What a great episode...

Yolanda is great, she'll likely be a one season wonder (though I'd love her to stay), but her finally saying how awful Kyle is was a breath of fresh air and I'm sure Kyle won't forget it once the reunion rolls around, though it will be folly to challenge Yolanda who has the power and money to speak the truth and not apologize for it.

Camille revealed something about herself: she's stupid. She failed to realize that Brandi brought up Adrienne's 2% ownership of The Palms to illustrate how Pandora having her hen party at Planet Hollywood wouldn't have benefited Adrienne since she owns a tiny minority in the place...her grasping at straws with Lisa's 51% ownership of SUR was unfortunate to see. 51% is controlling interest, it's controlling ownership, 2% is an embarrassing minority interest that doesn't infer control.

Lisa, Empress of Beverly Hills, is the smartest woman to ever grace a Real Housewives franchise and any woman is a fool to challenge her. However, Lisa needs to borrow a line from RHOV's Ronnie Negus and "Know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em" when it comes to Kyle who is not her friend. Kyle is a bitch who doesn't like Lisa at all.

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I could not stop giggling when Lisa said to Ken, "well I could say to Camille that lots of people think she's a silly cow." LOL Love how the British use that term.

I loved Lisa's line about "sometimes the silence from your friends hurts more than the words from your enemies." GREAT line.

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But for Lisa to consider Vile Richards her friend boggles because Kyle was instrumental in that ambush of Lisa at the reunion.

Maloof has not recovered from that disastrous novice move while Kyle is trying to play both ends and hope that people forget her involvement. I'm waiting for Kyle to get hers. I mean, I'm waiting. Yolanda, as calm as can be, took her there. However, I need Kyle to be told what a trifling lying passive/aggressive troublemaking social climbing bitch she is!

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I cant wait for next week when Yolanda hits us with this line: "“Who is Adrienne Maloof in this world? She's nobody”


Camille was super saucy. Yolanda really composed herself well bc this would have been a perfect time for this
Anyone catch what Beyonce had to say in a recent interview?
Beyonce watches and she's taking Kenya's lines...lol.I love that she's not a hater
Edited by Cheap21
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Lisa wanted Camille to confirm that [Camille] told Brandi that Adrienne had already gathered Kyle, etc. for the attempted Lisa lynching at the Reunion. Camille's response IMO really wasn't about looking good in Lisa's eyes. It was about keeping face with Kyle, Adrienne, etc. Pfft to her bringing up the A-word, too. Why you want to be on that side, Camille? Why? Just for storyline?

I didn't know whether to laugh or curse when Brandi got Camille alone and Camille pretty much that she was faking amnesia to not be put in an uncomfortable situation. LOL, sigh.

Yolanda has my heart for calling Kyle out. Yolanda is too above reality television to do it to the extent it needs to be done but that makes any comment she tosses over there all the more rich.

I love the RHOBH so much. It has the perfect blend of fun and drama.

**Traveling east**

I don't think I can do RHONJ anymore. The show upsets me. My stomach starts hurting when I consider watching it. Theresa's husband. Theresa's reactions to her husband. Then there is the way Caroline gets everybody to gang up against one particular female. I feel uncomfortable watching RHONJ. It brings me back to being a child and seeing or experiencing things I should not have had to.


LOL, that's awesome.

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Just as i figured, Camille came off desperate and thirsty for her spot back. This her is much more interesting than her fake nice act of last season. Your a bitch, own it and become a fabulous one please. Also girl please, dont act like you never been a pole.

As for Adrienne, is this bitch for real? Did she say that Brandi TELLING THE TRUTH about her will hurt her chance at growing her buisness? And i think she was trying to be subtle and throw shade when comparing her looking at designs done by other people and putting her name on it to Brandi dancing on a pole. It didnt work. and "Paul loves to plan the victim" maybe he actually is one, being married to this bitch. Jesus.

Lisa was amazing. Yolanda was too. Lisa's the things i do for you!" to Brandi was great, they are such a good example of a real friendship in this series that is rare. I love seeing Jen from Sober House! Basic ass Marissa.. i actually feel for her, she is clearly very uncomfortable with herself, her life, her husband, etc..

Gosh, I love the Four Seasons Las Vegas! One day I will be able to afford to stay there and not leave for the entire weekend with massages,

Yolanda and Lisa are so on point.

Kyle is two faced in every way and totally because she really does have two sides to her. There is that vicious, evil side to her of her sicking her minions on others and acting innocent. Then there is a fun, carefree side to her. Its interesting to watch. But again showing a real issue in her relationship w/ Kim she doesnt much care to connect newly sober with pain medication. Kim isnt addicted to booze, shes addicted to the effect it does in letting her not deal and pills can do that. Her only concern was Kim not getting her permission. I cant with her. But then I feel for her because I have a brother a lot like Kim and theres nothing I can do.

Kim... who just goes to maybe get a nose job in a day? I cant.

Too bad Adrienne isnt here, this would be another Dinner Party From Hell! But damn at Jen outing truths about Adrienne calling Brandi and Brandi calling Camille. You could see the terror on Cammiles face! This all over the maloof Hoof, dead! Camille def knew they were going after her and she is trying to play innocent. Now she is scrambling trying to get out of this. This is camilles true self coming out and shes getting up trying to walk out so she doesnt have to deal w/ this and there goes Kyle running after her. Camille doesnt wanna be sued. Period. Look at lisa look right through camilles lies. Love it!

The bachlorette party thing again? Really?! pandora went to her godfathers place or whatever, and i love that brandi just opened the box on that bitch not owning the palms. 2%? DEAD! Kyle still trying to say Brandi lied about the surrogacy? I really cant. She already confirmed they only own 2% of the plams but if Adrienne denys that you know she will say brandi lied there too. And now Kyle is attacking Brandi?

Oh, Camille. trying to go in on Lisa. Bye bitch, you about to go down. Lisa owns 51% - she owns the place! Lisa owning 51% vs Adrienne owning 2% is not comparable. Lisa owns sur. Bless Yolanda for telling Kyle to sit down & shut up and Adrienne isnt here so get over it. And now camille is trying to go in on Yolanda? Claiming this is one sided? No Camille, had Lisa owned 2% of SUR then youd have a valid point.

ugh. Kyle. 1. Las Vegas is NOT Adriennes town. She owns 2% of a off strip hotel. 2. You are the one with the issue w/ it. 3. Its not silly gossip. It is true. 4. You found it hard to jump in? YOu find it crazy that Lisa defends Brandi? WHAT?!

Kyle is that high school bitch who needs everyone in the clique to be her friend above and beyond every one elses. She needs to be the center of thr group, the one that holds it together. Nobody can be better friends with eachother than they are with her.

OHHHH! Next week! I AM HERE FOR THIS! Yolanda spilling truth on Adrienne being a nobody. Taylor turning on Adrienne. Lisa calling Kyle out. Brandi still being a HBIC and not backing down from Adrienne. yes.

"Sometimes the silence from your friends hurts more than the words from your enemies" BEST. LINE. EVER.

As for NJ, i too will give it an ep or two chance this season but if its the poor teresa show im done. she deserves that hate she gets. Ive already given up on ATL so if i really quit that would take me down to just OC and BH, possibly NYC depending on who is in it. Weird cuz I used to watch them all.

Edited by JackPeyton
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I don't love Teresa, but Caroline is the epitome of manipulative viciousness (she makes Kyle Richards look like a fetus in that area) IMO so I want to root for whoever she hates on that fact alone.

Just found this article linked on Twitter. Dina and Me are of like-minds on BH versus NJ:

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I think a big reason I dont mind Caroline and dont see her as ralling up troops and turning them against Teresa is that she just points out what Teresa has done to them, to others, that it is her true self and shes sown & proved it time after time. She doesnt lie and make things up or even twist the truth. If teresa wasnt such an awful, vile person it wouldnt be happening. She has brought this on.

That said, I do still feel sad for her in her marriage. It looks like such a toxic relationship. But that doesnt give her a free pass to act the way she does.

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