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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I really do not enjoy this Nneka at all. She is very impressed with herself and I see no reason for her to be.

Agreed on all counts. I did not enjoy last night's episode at all and think this season of Potomac is a dud.

Given the woman who made allegations against Chris Bassett has now admitted she made all of it up and is admitting that she's 100% in the wrong it's time to take a look at who instigated and promoted that lie. Robyn and Gizelle both fanned those flames on their podcast.

Mia is a dud. Everything Wendy said about her appears to be true.

The sole redeeming feature of the season is Karen. She is still hilarious. 

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I thought Kathy (in what looks like a gorgeous YSL throwback pantsuit) kept it classy. It sounds like she and Kyle are talking again. She wasn't jubilant, but the cool, focused way she responded told me that no tears are being shed in the Hilton household about Mauricio's likely departure from Kyle's life.

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GREAT episode, finally. I was hooked from start to finish.

First of all, Morgan Wade. Even Stevie Wonder can see what's going on between her and Kyle -- it jumped off the screen.

The entire sequence made me think about Kyle's relationships with women generally. Kyle has long defined herself by her close friendships with female friends. It reminds me of Taylor Swift's infamous Girl Squad. Kyle's most dynamic and foundational relationships have always been with women, from her mother down. These relationships are aspirational, they are super-tight and maternal, offering her a closeness she has always sought, they are also incredibly competitive (Kim, LVP, Kathy), and they are about coveting what the other woman has (a Villa Rosa lifestyle; tattoos). The coveting may reflect Kyle's ongoing search for who she actually is.

I'm also reminded that none of Kyle's friends are actually close with each other, and are often pitted against the other (Faye vs LVP, Dorit vs Teddi). After a lowkey sensual tattoo session with Morgan, Kyle ran home to Mauricio to show him. It was almost like she was trying to provoke him.

Now we are seeing an implosion in Kyle's friendship with Sutton, whom she had been trying to woo over to her side. (BTW Dorit seems almost thrilled by this turn of events). Sutton expected this shift from Kyle, which is why she had the 'Kyle's Marriage' card ready to play.

Garcelle knew it was coming -- she silenced the yappy chihuahua newbie at the Dinner Party From Hell 3.0 with a sharp "HER MARRIAGE" and stirred the pot wonderfully. 

It made a lot of sense that in an episode devoted to Kyle's female relationships, the OG Dinner Party from Hell was evoked. "He will never emotionally fulfil you, ever. As soon as the kids are bigger, you'll have nothing in common. Know that." LOL I live for those words! The appearance of Faye, Camille, and even Justin also took me back.

Denise did not show up tipsy. I think we all know Denise was on something else.


100%. Their chemistry leapt off the screen. I don't believe either of them have the acting capability to manufacture that.

New Girl reminds me of Tonya from RHOA, but much thirstier.

Edited by Cat
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Agreed on all counts. Morgan is bizarre. 

It took about 2 minutes of exposure for me to dislike new girl. 

Kyle is such a hypocrite - always has been - but I'm glad Sutton came ready to play. I thought the eating disorder comment from Kyle was really ugly. Scratch beneath the surface with that one and she's a horrible person.

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Now that I have something like a few minutes...lol.


I hope everyone is well. There has been a lot going on good and bad, but I felt I needed a bit of a break. Which for me meant soaps and housewives. LOL!!!


I'm not caught up on any shows (sorry, RHOM, but I love you.

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 ) but RHOP. And from what I can tell online, I appear to be in the minority because I've been liking it so far. Granted M2M has been hitting it out of the gate from Episode 1, but I don't mind RHOP being a little bit slower. Moreso because they did have some fallout to deal with. Thank you, Robyn Juan's Roommate.


Perhaps that's why I like it. I wanted to see Robyn punished for her lying, deflecting, and all around ditziness over Juan. And the fact that the cast AND Production have taken every...and I do mean EVERY...opportunity to clown, drag, and laugh at her is just what she deserves. Moreso because she NEEDS the money so she will film. And apparently...so will Juan now that he's jobless...a fact that EVERYONE has picked up on and picked on him and rightfully so. 


And then there's the fallout from Gizelle vs Candiace...and how it has divided the group. Similarly to what I said about RHOA (which I also need to finish), the group is now divided into two groups it seems. And while I love this past Sunday's episode because it was giving the Reasonably Shady episode, I know they cannot keep doing what they are doing by just ignoring each other or not showing up. So God bless La Dame for being the fence that everyone has to ride...hehe...and trying to get them together. Who knew La Dame could be such a mini producer a la Kyle/Gizelle/etc. But...not vicious.


But that brings me to the nasty-ness of New Girl (who I don't like) vs Wendy. At first I liked it because it appeared to be going in the direction of a petty feud...a staple on good Housewives seasons. And the fact that Ashley was the one who started it? CLOCK IN, GIRL!!! That house ain't going to pay for itself. However, this past Sunday it appears like it's going to get nasty by throwing Wendy's mama into it...and cultural information that I'm not familiar with but am STILL sensitive to as a person...so seeing someone use it can be a slippery slope. And online already appears to be up in arms about it. But...I'll wait and see.


As for the ladies....to me...


LA DAME. If anyone has the memo, it's La Dame. I have laughed at her shading at the Roommate. I have hollered at her little side-plot with Messy Mia. But at the same time, she knows this group cannot stay divided. And the best way to get people together (and help herself from people saying she does not seem engaged) was to get busy. She's had group events. One on one scenes. Mini group scenes. She has been everywhere and been EVERYTHING.


GIZELLE. Making her daughters her storyline? I love Gizelle's daughters so I don't mind. And it's something that gives us something REAL. Who can't relate to the kids growing up...and we have watched them grow up on this show...and head to college. It resonates. And I...and yes, I'm saying it...liked that she has not at all IMHO softballed on talking about Juan and Roommate. She actually appears to be being a friend and trying to get Roommate to open her eyes to who she's with. But...alas. And I will always live for Wendy giving her dust. 


ROBYN. ROOMMATE. I never thought I would see the day that I feel a dislike for a Housewife even moreso than Teddi Terri Demarco, but here we are. Or maybe that is still too soon for me because I can still feel pity for her since we know the history, but this co-dependency is just smh. And she just seems so ditzy. Has Juan really gaslighted her this much? Well...not too much if she can go and sit with New Girl and start mess, but Heaven forbid someone aims mess back at her. As Ex Soap Opera Star would say...she needs to own it. 


CANDIACE. Well, I always wanted Candiace focused on her career. And we are getting that. But she's been very light this year. So far. lol. Looks like she's back next week. 


ASHLEY. Smh. Still lying. BUT she's back to stirring the pot. And it's not bugging me like it did pre-pregancy. But we will see.


WENDY. Still the target? smh. I did get a hoot out of the fact that she timed her show premiere to that episode. So...using the platform like Candiace has been. I've been enjoying watching her so far. 


MIA. We know I'm a Messy Mia fan. So I am happy to see her back. Just to see the fallout of her and G losing the company. And I know for sure she will give comic relief. 


NEW GIRL. LINT. Okay, I take it back...I saw how she treated her husband and I thought of Dr. Simone at that S5(?) M2M reunion with her warning to the husband. 





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"Just be open an' honest!" But the rare few times the tables are turned on her, Kyle doesn't like it and we get eating disorders and "You are a liar, sick, an alcoholic."

Sutton and Garcelle mentioning Kyle's marriage did not happen in a vacuum. There is no way Kyle would bring her 'friend' on the show unless a careful, legal separation had already taken place. Mauricio can barely fake it anymore he's so checked out, and Kyle is completely over Mo in a big way. S&G bought it up because the separation was already out there.

My concern is... who gets that gorgeous Encino house?


By the way.... Kathy Hilton had a Christmas event and invited everyone and their cat:

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Love the rundown. I had to laugh at the "CLOCK IN, GIRL!!! That house ain't going to pay for itself." comment. Well done. 

I definitely agree about the divide in this group, and how it can only go on for so long before people start getting cut from the show or the show itself gets too dark to be enjoyable (see: last season's RHONJ). 

I think La Dame and Gizelle both see the bigger picture here in that the show could unravel (and people could get fired) and they need to mend fences and play nice with one another. For instance, after Season 5, you could've written off any type of friendship between Karen and Gizelle, yet they're back to laughing it up and throwing innocent digs instead of deep cuts. Clearly, Gizelle made a mess for herself with the Candiace/Chris debacle which I don't see Candiace forgiving anytime soon. And I'll watch and wait to see if Gizelle conjures up any maturity in regards to playing nice with Wendy, since Wendy is still the target person to get iced off the show out of the group. 

I'm not impressed with the new girl either or what she's stirring up with Wendy's family, whether Wendy already knew about it or not. 

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Nice to see Alexis and Heather are cordial.  I truly think Dubrow started to hate Alexis so much because she went after her IMDb 1st (Angelina Jolie is a real actress is what Alexis said lol).

My view of Crystal went down a lot if her close friends are Larsa, Louie, and Teresa.

Angie K and Mary hanging out..hmmm.

Kim Richards will always be a bit quirky,eccentric, and be funny at times.  Something Kyle will never be.



Kyle is a bottomless pit of need. Mo checked out and I'm sure Morgan will as well eventually 

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