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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It seems like they kind of test people out or have well laid back-up plans with castmembers, by taping scenes that may or may not ever make it to air. Didn't they film last year with Kesha Knight Pullium with the potential of her being an added housewife? And in season 3, it started out with Lisa Wu-Hartwell still being a castmember until things happened behind the scenes (lack of storyline, not willing to create a fake storyline, shady business, whatever the issue was) and she was dropped and we only saw her once in a group party scene at Kim's. Perhaps Porsha was one of the lucky ones who made it to housewife status after Kim left.

Wasn't that also the case with that Marlee Matlin lookalike who was friends with Jill in New York's season 3, a test spot that ultimately went to Sonja?

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Jennifer Gilbert from RHONY was filmed for several months and I recall in the build up to season 3 she was mentioned quite a bit in the press. It was a shock to her when she saw how greatly reduced her role was. I seem to recall a bio being on the Bravo website, but it being removed. I'd love to see some of that stuff as bonus footage, even for the lost footage episode it would be great.

Lisa's another good example of a HW who faded away. I found that a shame since she was a popular and important part to those first two seasons. I'd love to see her return.

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If Im not mistaken, Lisa was never a season 3 housewife. She moved out of ATL, so that took her out of the equation. She was commuting back and forth from wherever she was to it, so it wouldnt have worked out for her and Bravo

Jennifer (I think was her name) was a friend like Sonja. I read both were gonig to be full housewives but they chose to only go with Sonja. I think Jennifer had 2 or 3 episiodes and wasnt really featured in any of them. I dont get why she even got "friend" billing

Speaking of which, has this woman even appeared on BH yet? Camille is on more than she is, yet she's supposed to be one of the "friends"


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Marisa started filming much later and first appears next week. She's in the previews on Bravotv.com. And with Jennifer on RHONY, I don't remember her even getting the Friend of billing. They only really showed her scenes as a party planner.

One thing I'm noticing is that pretty much everything featured in the supertrailer for ATL and BH has already happened or is happening within a couple weeks. That tells me we have no idea whats in store for the rest of the season. I'm curious to see where things are going to go since we know these seasons will probably have 20 episodes. ATL in particular since we now see Nene and Kenya are good friends. I'm curious how things get to that point and if this "Crazy Kenya" will remain the entire season. What happens to make Nene like her?

Edited by Chris B
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Nope, haven't seen her yet. I think I read she appears in like episode 8 or 10, or something way down the line (though I guess it'll be here before we know it!)

I just recently watched the whole season 3 of New York (love, love, love! So much I could say about that season... it is EPIC) and you can definitely tell that Jennifer was meant to be something more than just a casual friend. From the way they introduced her through Jill and then later when crazy Kelly is recapping her warped version of what happened on Scary Island, it was her, Jill, LuAnn, and Jennifer seated at the restaurant. Jenn didn't say much. Maybe she did in actuality, but we didn't see it. But knowing what I knew beforehand while watching it, you could definitely see her as being the 8th housewife. Can you imagine EIGHT in an opening?

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Same thing happened with Fernanda on the OC for Season 6. Peggy got the HW spot, and Fernanda was in the press as the first lesbian housewife... she was even in the professional group and single photos taken for the promos/website, and had a bio as a housewife for awhile. I think they realized she didn't give much and her role was left on the cutting room floor. I remember her big Independence party - no one went to, not even her friend Tamra.

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So next week is the season finale for Miami? Dang :( This season was definitely longer than Season 1, but I also feel like it was shorter than the normal NJ/ATL/NYC/OC/BH seasons.

Any idea if there is a reunion this year? I'm sure there will be. I hope they let Alexia stay on the full reunion too... she had more of a role this year than Ana!

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15 episodes is pretty decent but it did feel short bc so much was done and it feels like theres still so much more that could be done. I was thorughly entertained

I dont even get what the point of Alexia being downgraded was, bc she was always on and right in the middleof things. She felt like just one of the other housewives. Its almost as if Bravo didnt want there to be 8, so they kept her around as a "friend"

As for the last episode, I really cant stand Marysol and loved Leah calling her out. Marysol looked like a fool as she had no defense and woudlnt even own up to her ish. I swear the only thing she is good for is providing the wonderful Elsa. Speaking of which, LOVED Elsa being upset with those witches for what they did to Karent. Good for her to call them out!

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Just didn't think my hatred for Kyle could run any deeper, but wow! It is ok to start chit at any event as long as it's not Mauricio's? Lisa is having a tasting and the first thing out of Kyle's mouth is what's up with Brandi and Adrienne? God, I hate her! Didn't take out two seconds to tend to Kim when she was falling apart in the bathroom a week ago. All she cared about was sticking it to Brandi. It looks as if some feel that if they can't get Lisa, which is a no no, the will go for the next best thing, her friend Brandi.

Kim?? I was in your corner for a minute, but you are sober now (I think) so you should have known better than to spill, especially at that time. Back to hating this drunk wretch! But I have to say, chit starter Kim is a tad interesting.

Taylor? Why is that monstrous bitch still on this show? Shouldn't she be signing up for Destitute Housewives Of Bravo? I believe Sheree's already attached.

Lisa? Utter Utter FABULOUSNESS! Looks like a trillion bucks in jeans and a jacket.

Paul is turning out to be the biggest bitch of the season.

Adrienne, I get it. You don't want anyone to know that you didn't have time to carry your own children. I totally get it! Taking Brandi to court only means you have to prove what she said was false. Hope you realize that.


Kenya not acknowledging Porsha was so damn hilarious. But it looks like Porsha will be holding her own tonight. She may gain some serious points.

Liked that Phaedra didn't laugh in Kenya's face while being upset with that inappropriate behavior. Let that bitch know that it aint right.

This guy does not want Kenya any more than I do.

Kandi is really turning into a worthless wretch.

Kim is gone! YAY!!!!!!!

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