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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Mary in season 1 lived in her closet either because she was guarding the skeletons hiding in her closet or she believed her closet led to the magical land of Narnia.  Since then she's had a difficult time understanding the ways of our world....production and the other women should be there for her during this trying time.

Monica... chill out sweetie...you don't need to be so thirsty.  Sometimes that can come back and haunt you.

What is little girls.... I mean.. Whitney's purpose on the show?  

Heather's daughters are more mature than Heather.

I think Angie K is Greek...but I could be wrong.

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It's an astute move. Get ahead of the narrative, air your dirty laundry yourself and therefore control the narrative. As opposed to letting the other RHs write the narrative for you (think Denise and S10 -- and isn't it interesting how Kyle's SL this year sort of resembles Denise's).


An entire season (S4) involved a full cast gang-up on LVP for bringing up the affair rumors! I wonder how they will be handled this season. I expect Kyle never to confirm it directly, but she'll do one of those knowing drink-sips to imply, yeah, he cheated.


Mo's face dropped when she came back at him. He is no longer being protected by his wife to ensure their brand, and she seems really over him.

I did feel bad for her kids. I don't think their reactions were fake or scripted.


"IN BEVERLY HILLS, you can have it all -- but it only leaves you wanting MORE." 

"I'm switching sides in BEVERLY HILLS, but the only team I bat for is my famb'ly's."

"IN THIS TOWN of secrets, I'm exposing my own!" 

"IN BEVERLY HILLS, love is a price worth paying for." ~sniffle~ 

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Brought to you by Ozempic. 

I'm here for The Fall of the House of Umansky. Yes, we'll get the usual "oh woe is me / pity me and my innocence" theatrics from Splits Richards, but it will still be delicious to watch unfold.  Rinna who?  Dang, Lips was hoping RHOBH would be a snoozefest without her. Considering it was rumored to be a ho-hum season until the Kyle/Mauricio news broke, I wonder if anything worthwhile will end up getting scrapped altogether. 

Dorit's "story" is the post traumatic stress of last year's robbery. Hey kitty gurl, you may be on your 9th life with this series. [My prediction for 2024: Dorit and PK will "break up" or there will be "an affair" or something of that nature to keep her on the show] 

Crystal is still there. Okay. 

Sutton, who also looks thinner this year, showed up to work and continues to stir the pot and call a bitch out. Me likey.  And there's always Garcelle to co-sign. 

Erika mentioning Denise Richards' $7 Onlyfans bundle, yet her Las Vegas show tickets can currently be purchased for as little at $7.00. Irony!  Her only redemption is her weight loss; not exactly personal character growth. 

That said... I'll be watching! LOL 

RHOBH's real-life dramas is what prevents this show from becoming too stale or long in the tooth. I don't think any whisperings of rebooting this franchise will pop up anytime soon. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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