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I would have preferred Angie H coming back... since she was the cause of alot of season 3 drama.. especially against Lisa (Fab Ice).

However, I will say Angie K did throw out some reality to Meredith almost like she was a mirror in front of Meredith's face.  Everything Meredith was saying to Angie actually applied to Meredith.  She is caught in a world of delusion in her mood and Angie K showed her the truth and she went haywire.

Monica needs to know when to get involved and when not to...but she's new and she'll learn.  I don't get why she's bragging about sleeping with her brother in law because that just shows how vile and trashy she is... and she came in with guns blazing for Lisa... she's very calculating.

Mary needs to be a permanent friend of... it's the role she was born to play... and Little girl was right that she is a predator.. or her church is.

Little girl obviously has gotten coaching from Candiace.. but she's too rehearsed and her 'reads' don't flow as well because they don't come from the heart.

Heather has the best facial expressions and the best talking heads.

Lisa (Fab Ice) is all about Lisa... but she knows it and viewers know it.. and somehow viewers still like her because of that.  Monica will learn that in time.

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I cant wait for Monica to enter her villian hera. Watch her. She is reminding me of Raquel/Rachel from Vanderpump Rules. Too bad none of the husbands on this show are cute enough for me to buy her fcking. Maybe she can hook up with Coach Shah and reintroduce him as her new boyfriend next season. I'm here for her to be messy like Porsha was with Simon. Put that puss to work!


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The gang up, as Taylor rightly pointed out to Heather, was entirely because of jealousy regarding Heather's money. Now that Heather has sold her house for $55mn, this puts her in a stratospheric realm of wealth that none of these women will likely ever achieve. And they're bitter about it. Especially Emily, Gina, Tamra and Shannon.

Tamra has been angling to make Heather the target since she got back on the show. She never forgave Heather for returning to the show last season and not bringing her along then. The moment Tamra reconciled with Shannon in Montana, I knew Heather would become the target, and Heather knew it too. Do I think the Dubrows are obnoxious with their money? I do, but I also think Heather is a necessary component for the show. In fact, both Tamra and Heather are needed because I've never seen Heather so activated as she was this season. She's been front and centre in a lot of SLs. 

Judging by next week's trailer, Tamra is going to show her hand in the Get Heather plot. What's incredible to me is the way Gina is going to duck accountability yet again, playing the 'Poor me, I thought Heather was my friend' card. She's been waiting to play that card all season. If you rewatch the Mexico dinners, you will notice that Gina is the one who starts a lot of the initial, seemingly innocuous questions that put Heather on the spot and trigger the passive-aggressive attacks from others, but she hides it behind a bright, friendly smile. She's also been stirring her buddy Emily against Heather. I wonder if she and Tamra have had a quiet alliance all this time.

Given the recent DUI news with Shannon, watching these Mexico episodes have been illuminating. From her Tequila tagline, to her barely-hidden drinking, to her insecurities triggered by John, a lot of the signs point to what was to come off-screen.

I've been catching up on the last three episodes and this has been their best season RHOC has had in YEARS. Jenn Pedranti is a great addition, Heather is activated, Tamra is at Peak Season 7 ruthlessness, Shannon is Shannon, Vicki and Taylor are solid FOHs, Emily is finally settling into the cast... I have really been entertained by it all. A welcome return to form.

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And speaking of moves...





WHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A NEW RHoSyndey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Amen. lol. Perhaps it is because like La Dame over on RHOP, Fabulous Ice is in on the joke and plays to it.

I do agree that I feel Monica will get the hang of it in time. 

I admit that given she's been trying to crawl onto the show for two seasons, it does feel odd to not see Angie H. 

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Little Girl has responded very, very defensively.


So the thirsty never-was that was Jennie decides (while SLC is currently airing) to show up at Whitney's event with her own camera crew?? I'm shocked Little Girl didn't have security escort her out. I get that in the moment she probably didn't know how to react, but im not sure I would have agreed to a photo. Because we all know a photo preserves that moment in time for posterity.


I saw the 'trailer' for RHOSydney. I have thoughts. First of all, that trailer showed so little of the season that I have to hope another, fuller, better trailer will be forthcoming. Because this peek gave me no incentive to watch.

Secondly, all they could get of the old guard was Krissy Marsh (who did some solid RH work, it has to be said) and her silent BFF Nicole? What about the three MVPs of S1 -- Victoria, Athena X and Lisa?? OK so Lisa was probably despised because she was trolling the cast the whole time, and Athena was legitimately batsh!t, but Victoria wasn't available? I'm surprised they didn't bring at least one of those three to the reboot.

Thirdly....I miss my Melbourne ladies! A franchise like Sydney is 100% missing a Janet or a Gamble.

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Gina was the ultimate Real Housewife. Beyond Iconic. If we are compiling a true list of Real Housewife legends, alongside Nene and LVP, there absolutely has to be Gina Liano.

I wish she and Lydia would return to the Melbourne retool, but I think they've moved on with their lives. Lydia would be more likely to return than Gina, in fact.

As for SLC --- Little Girl was way too defensive, and I notice she saved all her F-bombs for the viewers questioning her about the photo (!), rather than the racist thirst-trap who showed up uninvited to her event. As a business, you absolutely have the right to quietly remove someone from your premises during an important launch. The priority is the event, which must not be derailed. What was Whit afraid that sad-sack would do? Boohoo outside in the snow?

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Little Girl...

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The thing is Little Girl is legitimately stupid. Sure, desperado Jennie showed up, but the correct response is pay her dust!

I think RH of Sydney will be a bust. Krissy was a nobody bitch in the first iteration. Lisa is the one I would have loved to see back because she was so consistent in undermining all the other women. She drove them insane. In hindsight, Lisa was right about all of them. Athena X was literally insane, so I'm cool with not having her back.

RH of Melbourne needs to return so badly, with the OG's Janet and Gina - absolute Real Housewives icons...who knows what will happen. Janet hosted a lunch for several of them and the executive producers back in April...


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I paid the video dust. Though I did see how she was fighting for her life in everyone's online comments. And I do mean EVERYONE's. I was sitting back binge watching LOTR this weekend and self caring laughing cuz...why are you under people's comments...normal people...commenting when they did not even TAG you? 


I only know Lisa from her MANY clips and her RL gossip aside that I heard...she looks hilarious. And her shade about that white party...as a Southerner...always gags me. As a STAR WARS fan...her shade on that was always funny. She knew how to go IN. As for the trailer (though I'm still on Episode 2, but tbf it's behind due to RHOA and RHOM on my viewing list), it reminded me of new NY...which I liked but felt the trailer gave very little, too. So maybe...?


You remind me that I really need to get back to my RHoMel viewing because I miss me some Gina as well. 


This, this, ALWAYS THIS. When all of you mentioned her years ago, I was looking forward to seeing THIS Gina. And she has not at all disappointed me. And when I think of the MVP of RHs, I soooo think of her as well. 


And that's another thing I loved about RHoMel. They really do hang out outside of the show. I LOVE seeing Gina with Gamble and Pettiflueur a few months ago dancing to Kylie Minogue's PADAM PADAM. 



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Oh this gives me a lot of hope! The glorious thing about RHOM OGs was how full their lives are. They are genuinely thrilled about their RH experience but continue to live their great lives fully. If the cameras are there, great. If not... life goes on. The fact that they reunited with Gina, Chyka (who went to London, Paris and Tuscany on an amazing holiday this summer) and Lydia makes me happy as a fan.


Dancing to the goddess Kylie's fantastic comeback --- this is how life should be lived.   

And yes Gina remains a MVP. Always!

Lisa was hilarious. She really pricked the other women's pretentiousness and gave LOL moments. Krissy and Nicole can only wish. Speaking of Star Wars, didn't she call Krissy Chewbacca?

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