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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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If the above story is true about Joanna Krupa and Yolanda's ex husband then I say three cheers for Yolanda. There is a woman who knows her worth and that she was above staying with an unfaithful husband, it sounds like Yolanda got $35 million in her divorce settlement, which is tax free.

This week's episode of RHoBH revealed a few things...

1) Adrienne is as dumb as a bag of rocks. She could hardly formulate a sentence at her lunch with Lisa. Her "apology" was nonsense and Lisa clearly knew it. I appreciate how Lisa lives her life, she borrows from HRH Princess Margaret's motto: never complain, never explain, never apologise.

2) Kim is trying really hard. And for that, I give her a round of applause.

3) Kyle and Lisa are obviously no longer close friends. Kyle's glee at being a bitch behind Lisa's back is disgusting.

4) Taylor is irrelevant. She shouldn't return next season.

5) Camille is practically still on the show as much as she always was, it's clear that Bravo realised her worth, stealth bitch that she is,

6) Yolanda does not play games. Love her.

7) Brandi, like Kim, is making an effort.

8) Lisa, as always, is fabulous.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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Miami had another one of the Best of the Best Housewives episodes this week. I *loved* seeing all the different parents interact. It was a change of pace and something you don't get to see often. This is something that will forever be unique to Miami and they executed it very well. Elsa seemed so out of place with competition for screentime. She didn't seem to want anything to do with those old ladies lol. Lenny's mom HATED Lisa and that was entertaining. She should've been more respectful in her comments though. I hope that Lenny's mom gives her more hell. Adriana was great as well. I loved the party she threw for Frederick's parents. One thing that annoyed me was seeing Thomas at the party. Luckily he didn't do anything crass, but I hate the thought that he could've ruined such a nice event. Frederick's parents are too old for that nonsense.

I'm looking forward to reports from the reunion which is currently filming.

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Something odd about Ana sitting around gossiping about the other ladies to her daughters. She really has a weak supporting cast in her camp if thats the best they could come up with. I guess not everyone can have a Daysy or Marta. They didnt even put her in Lisa's event. Her material really feels like filler.

Ms. Drag Queen is thirsty for the spotlight. Please just go away. I dont even care for Marysol but Team Marysol by default

I feel like Im watching a soap opera with the Lisa drama. I keep expecting Daysy to offer to be her surrogate so she can have a child. Maybe Im just watching too much GH

Watching Karent as a dentist working on Rodolfo's teeth, reminded me of that woman who got revenge on her cheating ex boyfriend by pulling all his teeth out when he went in for dental work and he didnt realize until after it was done. She seems like the type of bitch that would f--k over your smile if you f--k her over

I really dug the stuff with Joanna and her mother. I like family moments like that. It provides much needed insight into the housewives

Preview for next week with the women confronting Karent with info that Rodolfo is cheating on her....wow, cant wait! Karent looked speechless and I wonder how she handles this one. Remember what I said about the teeth....lol

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I loved all the mothers meeting up! Joanna's mother seems especially loving towards her daughter.

Next week looks like it is going to be great. I kinda feel sorry for Karent; Rodrigo is obviously a total sleaze. LOL, Cheap. I hope she pulls his teeth out.

Adriana as dancing Carioca = awesome.

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It's so strange, I find myself enjoying Miami on a week to week basis more than BH and ATL. I'm sure they've earned a third season.

I also find it to be the most visually appealing of the Housewives franchises, even moreso than Beverly Hills.

Edited by Antoyne
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For all intents and purposes bc of the revamp, Miami right now feels like a season 1 and in recent years the first season has tended to be the best bc the fame hasnt gotten to the women's head and things havent gotten ugly yet. Things really tend to deteroriate by season 3s, Miami still feels very fresh and reminds me alot of Vancouver which I thought was the best franchise this year. Kudoes to Andy for turning it around bc I absolutely hated the show last year and didnt think it deserved to be brought back

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You know, I still find BH to be in the Honeymoon phase. It reminds me so much of the early years of OC or NYC before things got too crazy. I long for those seasons where it didn't depend on huge, dramatic fights. You got to see their family lives and their relationships develop. Nothing can top the first three seasons of NYC for growth and consistency. I wish somebody would try to emulate that, instead of all the craziness. I also think ATL was rock solid until this season.

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I saw my first two RHOBH episodes last Monday... don't know what season they were from (pretty sure the first one was a season premiere). Maybe I would change my mind if I had seen more but Lisa is such a fabulous, Alexis-type bitch. I just fell in love with her the moment that I saw her. And I was fascinated by the dynamics between the two sisters (one of them is an alcoholic). It was also Yolanda's first episode; she was told she has slept with all of BH! :lol:

Which reminds me; I gotta start NY Season 5, which I pray is an improvement over Season 4.

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