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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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BH Reunion looks. They didn't even try.

Kyle's face is completely unrecognisable now, and I swear Sutton wore this exact same dress at a previous reunion.



I'm ready to give Messy Mia a chance this year, given that last season was filmed at the height of Covid and curtailed everything. But what I don't want is Mia to turn out like Anila on M2M or Jen Shah on SLC -- just a little too knowing about how RHs works and just a little too inauthentic as a result of that. 

The good thing about Potomac is just how quick the cast is to spot fakery. If Mia cannot back up what comes out of her mouth, they will be on her like a ton of bricks. Even Robyn can be very astute in pointing out embarrassing lapses. The women are like a check-and-balance on BS.

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Who Looks Good

Crystal. While her dress is incredibly basic, she has not embarassed herself. 

Who Will Look Good Sitting Down

Erika. She will look beautiful seated.

Kathy. She showed up in her own 'working' diamonds. I respect that. 

Who Tried...but Failed

Kyle. A mess of straps and sequins and stringy hair.

Dorit. There's just too much going on despite a beautiful colour choice. 

Who Looks Bad

Garcelle. Love her...but why? That is just a hideous outfit.

Sutton. God awful baby doll dresses belong on no one over the age of 8 years old. And her hair is awful. 

Who Looks like a Bratz Doll

Rinna. The transformation is complete. She isn't even her old species anymore. 

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I love Garcelle, but there's usually one thing 'off' about most of her looks. And Sutton... poor thing. She always looks like she's being eaten alive by anything she wears. Just no sense of what works for her body and posture. She looks so much better dressed down. 

Rinna must be ecstatic that people are comparing her to a Kardashian. That Madonna filter on her face... good grief.


None of these taglines feel like classics to me, but Heather's is pretty good, and Meredith's is a good combination of cleverness and pointed delivery. Lisa's feels like a bit of a mouthful and maybe could have used one more edit, but it's very in-character. And why does Whitney always sound like she's reading her tagline but it's in a language she's only seeing for the first time?!


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Hmmm sounds like the BH finale might be worth watching for who got exposed...and of course that Faye cameo.


And going with the rumor for tomorrow's reunion trailer drop...things that make you go hmmm.


Ex Soap Opera Star messed with the wrong one. 

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