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Theresa's gown is a real-life "what you ordered vs. what you got" situation given the designer's sketch from the NY Post

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also poor Dolores, always the bridesmaid, never the bride, and without the dignity of being invited to the engagement party.  I wonder if Jennifer's brother the jeweler gave them the earrings?

Edited by j swift
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Tre’s hair kinda looks like Margaery Tyrell’s from Game of Thrones at the Purple Wedding lolol.  This wedding looks so f’n tacky.  Dolores really looks lovely, though.  I hope she got paid real well by Bravo after everything Teresa put her through.  And, of course, the real drama is who wasn’t there—Joey & Melissa, Kath (+ Victoria, Joey, aaand RICHIE lol) & Rosie and their mom, and Dina (I really want the full story here beyond not wanting to appear on Bravo).

Re.: BH this week… wtf was that, Rinna?!?  She’s scared she hasn’t brought anything to the table beyond Lois but she was the one who humiliated her damn self with whatever that was.  I do agree that Sutton should just say she did it to defend Garcelle.  Like why not??  And to Rinna’s credit, I will also agree that Sutton’s, in her own words, “moment of flippantness” did defame Harry… husbands who keep their noses clean (NOT Mo and PK!) should be left alone, in my opinion.  But this misunderstanding (and it does feel like it was) is beyond lol.

Ya didn’t miss Kyle, Crystal, and Diana at all.  And, ya, Dorit is so much lighter & brighter away from The Coven, but she is a treacherous chameleon through and through.

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Housewives Behind the Scenes Potpourri 



Dolores wasn't invited to Teresa's engagement party because Dina was invited and Dolores had written a letter of support for Dina's ex-husband (Caroline's brother in law) who'd been arrested with the brutal assault of Dina and her husband: https://pagesix.com/2022/05/24/dina-manzo-claims-dolores-catania-wrote-letter-to-free-tommy/


Marlo's abrupt end of her mountain getaway trip? Word on the street is there was a Covid-19 exposure and they had to shut down filming immediately, so production orchestrated the scenes to make it appear that it was Marlo's doing that it all ended. 

You can note that the following episode appeared to happen weeks later given the kid's birthday parties. 

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I heard this about Dina/Dolores!  So crazy.  The fact that she and, of course, wrote letters on Tommy’s behalf is horrify.  Like actual horror.  Otoh, I don’t know how Dina married into the mob and thought she could just walk away.  It really illuminates what’s going on in these people’s lives.  I wonder who isn’t mob connected on this show.  Why do these people go on television?!?

And that glass house Caroline was living in all those years moralizing on people………..

But Albert “Tiny” Manzo’s (Caroline’s FIL) mob career WAS as notorious as his murder.  Danielle should’ve thrown THAT book on the table!  (There is one!)

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What's the view on Marlo? Is she putting in work because she lit a fire under Kandi and got her to deliver some amazing comebacks in the last few weeks? ("BITCH, IM WORLDWIDE" is going to stay with me for some time). Or is she an annoying thirst bucket desperately throwing any lie at the wall to see what sticks?

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Reunion films on Thursday.






I knew I forgot to do something. Lol. My life has been a roller coaster and looks like another week of the same. 


Well...that episode was unexpected. It looked like Brooks vs Sara was going to really blow up. Instead...it filtered out, replaced with...a silly, fun dance-off. Who knew? lol.


Lesa decided to have a dancehall party and even took the girls to a dance session so they can dance Jamaican style. And I have to say that was the best part of the episode. 


Low point was all those newlyweds confessionals with Caroline and Sergio. Well except for that one. That one where it sounded like Sergio outed himself. But wait!!! Hmmmm.


CAROLINE. See? Caroline is just like Kandi. They say they can't dance for jack and then you see them (in Kandi's case...even old music videos) and then I side-eye them because they CAN DANCE!!! I see rhythm, timing, and a feeling for the beat. So I don't know what they are talking about. It's as bad as when my Goth dancing partner wants all his friends to see me dance and I feel shy and then they SEE me and their jaw drops. But I digress. It was the fact that Caroline was relaxed this week. And fun. Even in those goofy confessionals.


AYAN. As usual, she was her comedic self. And yes, I liked that Brooks tried to drag her into the middle of the Brooks vs Sara mess, but she had already said what she had to say earlier in the episode so all she had to do was repeat herself. Which means what she says behind someone's back is the same as what she says to their face. #facts Nice try, Brooks. And I loved her and Sara taking that AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL-que picture. They were both beautiful. And what else was beautiful...is that she CAN'T dance, but she makes up for it in energy and I loved that someone noticed that. She was a hoot throughout.


MILAN. I loved her idea to have a dancehall party for the girls. I loved the sessions. I especially loved that she got in front of the camera to talk about an issue that has definitely popped up on HW shows: racial/cultural authenticity. Rather than fans being mad at someone for it on social media (think RHOA Kenya and the Indigenous headpiece), she faced it head-on. And...no complaints that I've seen. Good job.


NINA. She continued this week to give me D'Andra vibes, a serious woman with family drama who still had a sense of humor. And she also danced well IMHO. hehe.


SARA. Hmmmmm. On one hand, I am happy to see that Sara and Brooks appeared to have worked it out. However, on the other hand, it should be noticed that Sara does not like to be wrong or seen as flawed. I just feel like that is a character trait that could grow into something bad as the seasons go on. She really did not back down. Nor did Brooks. And then they were going to fight??? Just something to think about. That...and a need for the last word. 


BROOKS. Happy to see she and Sara appeared to be working their way through their issues. Also interesting was to see her with her ex-husband. It could be filed under things that makes you go hmmmm. And while they did not work out, it was nice to see him apologize for whatever he put her through. But the fact they are business partners though...is odd. It's clear Brooks is still dealing with a lot of pain from him (and other exes) so it does not seem like a wise thing to do. That said...it was good to see her let her hair down. Outside of Lesa, she gave good wind. 


WOW!!! I didn't even think they would have a cast trip since...well...DUBAI. lol. It looks like it will be fun. And of course there would be some mess. 


This episode was pretty easy and breezy. I really think they are gelling. Not unlike the ladies of RHOM. 

Edited by Taoboi
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