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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oooo the Bassett Hound! I never thought of Brown Dick.... I did wonder if it was Eddie for a second. Juan is still a strong contender, and like you, I don't think it is Papa Smurf or crinkly ass Michael. IA that Michael is done being a sexually frustrated mess and has tired of the spotlight. He will be a rarely seen husband from here on in. Ashley has secured the rights to her post-nupt otherwise. 



If Brandi chases Tiffany off the show with all her passive-aggressive bullsh!t, I will be so mad! We had a good episode with D'Andra and Kary sweetly reconciling, and Tiffany opening up to Kameron and Stephanie about wanting to have more time with her kids. But Brandi couldn't stand there being no discord. So she had to gaslight DTM, acting like its her fault Brandi feels guilty for being a racist fool. When Tiffany has never brought up the Instagram BS or held it against her. Honestly, good riddance to that bag of trash. 

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Three for three!!! Now THAT was more of what I was expecting during this past week's Dallas trip. Not that it did not have its fun moments. But I felt bored. Here...not so much. Maybe it's because I don't like most of Dallas's cast versus New Jersey's cast which whether I have a dislike for them (which if I think about it I would have issues with Melissa and Marge) or not, all the ladies bring some fun. And they were able to do so. Drinking. Boat rides. Prank calls. Sounds in the night. It was all in fun.


Here it was just disappointing that Melissa and Marge kept bringing up Jackie vs Tre. NOBODY CARES!!!! LOL!!! The fun stopped every time they did that. And here's the thing. It was more interesting as an episode because it was not brought up. The Dallas trip felt like the opposite to me, bringing up some drama was the only thing making it interesting. The girls are too much oil and water. The Jersey girls got so much more spark to them. I'm still giggling at Melissa and Tre's prank call to her brother and him speaking Italian when he's upset. Cute.


And if there had to be any drama, I'm more intrigued by Melissa vs Jennifer. All that tea that Jennifer spilled having to do with the latest edited-out HW (because wasn't the rumor that Michelle Pais was going to be added to the cast at one point)...some of which was true in RL...was the kinda of messy needed. Especially since Jennifer was working on making amends with Melissa. Well, having a truce at last. My favorite scene was Dolores giving Jennifer pretty great advice on how to handle it with Melissa. Sad that it seems that takes a turn next week.


TERESA. I see that someone got a receipt of Teresa KNOWING what an analogy is. However in the moment Jackie did not clarify so no dice for me. Sorry. If Jackie had tried or worded it right maybe. But since she's a lawyer, I feel she worded it the way she wanted to to do damage. So cannot be mad that Teresa is on the outs with her. So Teresa just wants to have fun. Not a problem with me this week. And she is not asking for much...apologize to my daughter. 


MELISSA. Love the prank on Joey. Don't like how she has Jackie's back when she knows that Teresa won't back down from that.


MARGE. Oooooo at what her man spilled about the fact that the Evan rumor appears to has orignated from her house. So it is not hard to ponder if the Evan cheating rumor came from...her? Meanwhile, Marge suuuure is acting like RHOA Porsha last season when she was shading Kenya in her THs when Kenya was not UNTIL she saw she was since Kenya felt they were friends again? Hmmm...is Marge finally making her move?


DOLORES. Love her advice to Jennifer. Like she was offended at Teresa thinking she did not have her back. Laughed at her and Tre running into the house first at the end. I've been enjoying Dolores a lot so far this season.


JENNIFER. Messy. Love it. No lie. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! If I'm alone, so be it. 


JACKIE. Weak ho. 


Honorable mention....the househusbands. They were a hoot. And the tea spilled. lol.


Good episode.



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Garcelle was on WWHL tonight.

And some S11 tea...


Given how last season ended...Garcelle vs Kyle, Garcelle vs Ex Soap Star...she wanted to deal with the tension early on. And SHE DID. She has a talk with Kyle. She has a talk with Ex Soap Star. 


Sutton asked about Erika's divorce the most.


Garcelle found Dorit the most annoying.


She still talks to Denise.


YES, they come for her.


Supposingly Erika is going to 'go there' in terms of being more transparent.



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Thanks for the tea! First of all, I wish there was a lowkey Kathy mention LOL because I am slightly obsessed with her being back on the show and Kyle being a little afraid of her. I wish Kim were coming back too -- 3 for the price of 1. Plus it would make Rinna's head spin!


Garcelle sounds like she put everything on the table right away. Apparently Rinna is going to be biggest pot-stirrer this year. Given that Sutton has been lumbered with the 'Let's talk about The Husband' script, I am guessing that Rinna's pot-stirring is a deflection tactic away from Erika, and maybe herself.


I would love it if Erika 'went there' but will there be talk of burn victims and crippling criminal law-suits? Or will it be 'Tom had an affair with [redacted Judge's name] I am stoic but hurt' ?


Apparently, according to G, Crystal holds grudges. Oooooo!


Garcelle, I find Dorit annoying too sometimes. 

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I hope it's not a season of micro-aggressions directed as Garcelle, because that sh*t on RHOD is not a good look.




There is video to go with audio now.


Something is not right with Jen, and it's way more than just mourning her dad or being a WOC in Utah. The way Coach Shah wearily picked up the phone she had thrown off the floor and asked if the guy was ok, tells me that he has seen this before. And he has been trying to manage it for a while.



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So after much fighting with my tv system and being busy, and I finally got to see Part 3 of the reunion. 


I felt the Part 1 and Part 2 were definitely more forward moving. This one was just there. Perhaps just setting up the new dynamic for Season 2. 


Heather vs Jen was the main point. I guess we all knew it was coming. Heather did emerge as the fan favorite. Meanwhile, Jen fell from favor...not helped by all those recent leaked videos when she has lost it. Clearly, there is more to the story with her. And I hate to say it since for some people it does take time to mourn a parent...but perhaps it is not ALL about the parent. Meanwhile...this was a BAD look for Heather. I said during Part 2 that Heather revealed that just like Jen, Heather was studying the fan base pre-premiere. And birds of a feather. She was just subtle about it versus Jen trying to be roughshed. However, here she was coming across very shady. Meanwhile, Jen...took some accountability. Pre-video...I would have said she was on a good road to get some of the fans back. Now...oooo...Season 2 seems like it will be a doozy for BOTH of them.


JEN. Not everything is about race. Well, okay it is in a lot of cases. However THIS was not one of them for me. Right message, WRONG time for me. I felt she was trying to weaponize race to deflect from her bad behavior. And I've mentioned this waaaaay too many times during DALLAS to say the difference now. Bad look on Jen. So at least, I liked that she took some accountability. Her apologies sounded sincere...especially to Meredith. But her actions have to match her words. We'll see.


MEREDITH. I agree with her on Jen. So if she is back next season, it will be interesting to see where this goes since she has been and acts very adamant that she is over her friendship with Jen. Meanwhile, I was happy to see her and Seth as an united front. But it seems like the problem they had (the distance) is still there. And I found that worrying.


LISA. Fabulous Ice managed to get her personality back from Jen. lol. She was pretty low key in this part after stirring it up in the first two. She took the high road this part as Heather kept coming from her. She came out so well at the end. And she has so much potential now. She has the ongoing feud with Heather, her friendship with Jen, the aftermath of both on her friendship with Meredith...so good for her for making her relevant.


HEATHER. I started to side-eye her in Part 2. Now? I honestly wonder...was it all a lie? She was taking all kinds of digs at Lisa. And perhaps it was deserved at some times, but most of it was not at all. She was putting herself in situations that had nothing to do with her. And then she would be no naughty. Where was the chill girl I used to know? Of course, it truly might have been she was bugged by the friendship growing between Jen and Lisa, which we already knew she was insecure about. Or...the fame has gone to her head. Season 2 will let us know what is up though. Can she avoid the second season curse?


WHITNEY. I was sorry about her dad. This has happened before. So it must have hit harder this time. Other than that, she did not do much this time around for me.


MARY. Is LOVE. All of her reactions throughout have been feel real. She is truly an enigma. And I liked her husband had her back. But all the husbands had their ladies back which was refreshing. And awwww...are Jen and Mary bonding just a little? Who knew? 


Good episode, but not as good as 1 and 2.


Bring on Season 2. 


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It's interesting what you point out about Jen and Heather being two sides of the same coin. I definitely believe both Jen and Heather did their homework with regards to the fanbase and what the audience might want to see and hear, harnessing the odd buzzword du jour. Jen Shah's strategy was obvious early on; Heather's only really became apparent going into Reunion.


This is not to say that I cannot appreciate aspects of these women's personalities, or take the good with the bad. I like a multifaceted HW. I think this sets up for a more interesting S2, especially with Lisa trying to get in the mix, and Mary just being generally fascinating. 


I will say that those audio and video leaks of Jen Shah are a shocker, and make it harder for me to find the multifaceted human beneath. The no-neck rage monster screaming at an employee, throwing a phone at them, threatening them, calling them a 'fuckin piece of sh!t' ? And the excuse for that was... reunion was coming up? She is spoiled, entitled brat until she shows otherwise. That Coach Shah could not even intervene was shocking, too. Her reunion 'epiphany' is now looking increasingly hollow.




I'm not 'crying a river 'for either woman sitting in their luxury mansions during a pandemic. But I see Bethenny has taken an opportunity to promote her ass and her wretched podcast by blasting another female (of COURSE she gives Harry a pass!). It must really burn her that wellness-podcaster-in-all-but-name Meghan probably couldn't pick Bethenny out of a line-up. Nobody is associating Oprah's newest buddy with 'Bethenny from the Real Housewives'. Nobody, except delusional Bethenny, that is, who appears to be experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms from the lack of attention ever since she threw Bravo's contract in their face.

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I didn't want to believe it about Heather because she seem so genuine. And I trust a lot of what people say here, but it was not matching up to me. That is until Part 2. When she mentioned about her doing research...it just click together like a scene from a mystery when a person realizes who the killer is. How she was acting. How she had been acting which I took as her defending herself. But in hindsight, she was coming for Lisa and Jen. And it makes a lot more sense. So I am curiously if she is going to be the 'Kyle' of this group come Season 2. 


I agree as well. I feel like the reunion was really Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 might as well just be a prologue of what is to come in Season 2. Because the whole dynamic has now changed. 


I think if the videos had not leaked, Jen might have made it out of the reunion on better standing going into Season 2 because she tried to make amends and was giving off the vibe she would try to change. Those videos though...just make her look crazy and show off a history of her being crazy (and Coach Shah enabling?). Not a good look at all.


As for Bethanny...SPEAK ON IT, CHRISELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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