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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Luann is evil? That's going a bit far... not when we have so much real evil going on in the world right now! As far as karma is concerned, Luann got paid back and then some. She had Ramona throw her first marriage in her face, and EVERYBODY threw her second one in her face seasons 8 and 9. As far as I am concerned, Luann learned her lesson after the pirate episode and when she eventually lost Jacques. She was demoted to FOH in season 6, but instead of being a pot-stirrer, she focused on bonding with the other women (I think the presence of Heather as a positive person who confronted the toxicity, also helped set the tone for Luann). In particular Luann was a supportive friend to Sonja who was in danger of losing her home and in complete denial over it. That is when I knew that deep down, when the chips are down and the Count's money is no longer there,  Luann stays positive, keeps it moving, and remains a good friend. As a viewer and a fan, she won me over from that season on. 


She's made some very public missteps since then but evil? No. Human, imo. Relatably human and flawed. But also not somebody who wallows in her own misfortune, plays the victim, or triumphs in the misfortune of others. That is an asset in my book. Tbh the attraction of a show like RHONY is not good-or-evil personalities, but shades of grey. There is far more to all these women than just being good or bad. And I enjoy it that way! It keeps me on my toes as a viewer. 

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RHOD cast celebrating D'Andra and her husband's 4-year wedding anniversary in full length gowns, in true 80s Dallas style. Tammy Faye Bakker Mama Dee was there too! Only person missing was Brandi (hmmmm). I wonder if Dallas is filming and if this party was included in the filming. I sure hope so! Dallas deserves a S3. It was arguably the best franchise of 2017.



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So they ARE filming for S3. That's great! 


Glad all the cast is back. I'm not wild about Kameron but I can take her in small doses. Brandi is needed for pot-stirring and drama. And D'Andra has been a revelation. 

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Why does Beverly Hills always rely on one dumbass non-event as their main story arc throughout each season?  it's so exhausting.  If it weren't for the glamour, money and big trips, this series really would be over.  After Season 3, I just haven't really loved it.  I also see next week that Erika pulls another Hong Kong and attacks Teddi out of nowhere.  I really enjoyed Erika during her first season, but when she's really being a bitch, she's being a bitch, and it ain't cute.


I can't wait for NYC to return.  Atlanta and BH have been underwhelming this year.

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The Potomac trailer just dropped.  It looks ok.  New housewife and Charrisse has been dropped to Friend status.  The Karen stuff looks good, but not really here for Ashley or Robyn's marital issues. 


Wasn't Katie supposed to be back??  I guess that didn't work out.



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LOL I was like 'Are we only halfway through the season?'

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LVP did it perfectly. You know everyone else will talk smack about the 'sniper' waiting to punish Dorit publicly... but this is hardly revenge in the most evil sense of the word. Dorit talked behind LVP's back, LVP knows it and has mostly forgiven her, but is going to toy with her a little bit to remind Dorit not to become too complacent. Even PK seems to understand this and made no effort to make a scene and defend his very own Donna Martin like some porky David Silver. 


From the previews, looks like some of the women are out to get Teddi. It's a shame, because I am warming to her. Teddi makes her own mind up and is not swayed by the other women. Some would say LVP might have a problem with somebody like that, but -- surprise, surprise -- it is self-proclaimed truth-bombers Erika and Rinna who are gunning for her. Rinna was on WWHL recently and there was suggestion that Teddi should be fired after this season. So the agenda is clear here.


Speaking of Rinna... I'm wondering if this is her final season. She seems ready to bow out after four seasons. Her heart is not into it, she's not really filming with the others and doesn't seem particularly close with any of them tbh.

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