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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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HAHAHAHAHA!!!! One mention of Kenya's potential role this season has sparked a whole discussion branching out to the other shows.




@Cat you make me want to watch Season three of NYC. It seems like forever since a housewives had gotten a comeuppance (RHoV Jody RHOA Shady Pha Phae this past season, and OC Tamra almost during season 9 comes to mind).

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Ironically, Dallas is the most enjoyable series on Bravo right now.  I've always thought Brandi was trashy, but the last two episodes have made me feel for her... with the miscarriage and feud with Stephanie. This season is really entertaining so far. 


OC - Lydia, bless your heart.  That "drag" of yours 

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 I find myself rooting for Meghan this season, and I see why she earned her spot back as a full-time housewife.  This season is really dragging.  Next week's looks good with Gretchen and Lizzie, but it still doesn't bring the cast together from what I can tell.  I'm IG friends with all of them and there's no sign of the two side coming together, so obviously something has to give next year.

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So glad that Meghan's pot stirring has been brought to the light. For 3 seasons she has been doing it, and I enjoyed Kelly blowing her sh-t up. Meghan asked for that verbal a** whooping that Kelly delivered. What I couldn't take tonight was Shannon making excuses for Meghan pot stirring and pinning it on Vicki. Like enough. If it rains, floods, or snows, Shannon wants to blame it on Vicki. It's old now. Kelly producing the texts too further displayed how messy Meghan was. No one pities you, ostrich neck. You've been exposed. Her attempt to try and conquer and divide Vicki backfired and put a rift between she and Kelly. 


Speaking of Vicki, I am gonna need for her to stop giving ammo to her enemies. She does that sh-t all the time and it is annoying. Sometimes, silence is golden. If Vicki bit her tongue she'd be good in many situations. 


I do believe though that these women are staging a witch hunt against Vicki b/c their skeletons are falling out their closet, and Vicki is speaking the truth. All 3 (Meghan/Tamra/Shannon) of them are in loveless marriages. 


Lydia was absurd tonight trying to demonize dressing drag. Bravo needs to get rid of her again, and don't bring her back. She and Peggy bored me to tears tonight. 


Now speaking of two women that should've been brought back this season full-time, I am so glad that the long awaited return of Gretchen & Lizzie has arrived! I cannot wait for the messiness they are gonna bring next week, and it'll be much deserved seeing as Tamra delved into their family business too. 




Leanne needs to chill. Her hatred and determination to bring down Stephanie makes her look obsessed and is gonna leave her isolated. 


Brandi is another one that is gonna be on an island too. She is too messy going back and forth between Steph & Leanne. She's making their rivalry worse too. 


Stephanie came off b-tchy tonight too. Her mask slipped again. Her hatred & determination to bring down Leanne is gonna be her downfall as well. 


Though Kameron's voice annoys me, the impressed me tonight. I like how she called Brandi out about inviting Steph/Cary on a trip w/ her right there. That's classless. I would've dug into Brandi's behind too. 


D'Andra's mom is a hoot. I could not take my eye off that damn 1995 TV in the corner. She really needs to step down and let D'Andra take over. D'Andra is not gonna be the one to tank their company. It is gonna be her for not modernizing their businesses ... and that office. 

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I did not pity her at all tonight. She asked for Kelly to pounce on her. Also, Tamra mentioning that Kelly attacked her the same way last year made me roll my eyes. Kelly told them all from day one that she'll only go for the jugular when necessary, and tonight was necessary. Meghan's rumors can cause detriment to Kelly's family much like Kelly's jab could. An eye for an eye. Turnabout is fair play. 

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lol now I feel like a mean person! 

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 But IA with @Cheap21 . I like Tinsley as a person, and am happy that she seems to have found a nice, solid guy who is not some social scion or wannabe obsessed with status. But I just don't think she is interesting enough to warrant another season as a HW (FOH at best, and IMO Bravo are missing a trick by not hiring Dale!). And trust me, I understand the need for an Alex type in RHONY to balance out the bitchery and toxicity. I just don't think Tinsley has the relatability, incisiveness or self-awareness of an Alex.


Thanks for posting the RHOD clips. I haven't watched OC or Dallas yet, but I want to say that D'Andra is one of the best new housewife additions in a while! Not just because her mom is Tammy Faye Bakker -- D'Andra is a character herself. Her taking LeeAnne to task was honest and direct without being mean, and it rang true of real friendships. Also her scene with that sketchy dead-eyed stepson. She really shows a lot of her life, and I like that a lot. It's not just pink dog food and Cabo. *cough*

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Rhony does need a little shake up..nit major but some fine tuning.  Carole adds nothing to the show...she isn't doing anything...time to drop her at last. Tinsley just didn't fit either.  So id drop those two...and add maybe one new housewife.  I think every season should add or take out a housewife to keep it from going stale.


Rhoc benefited from an overhaul going into season 9...and it's time for another one for season 13.  No to Gretchen or Lizzie.  Maybe drop one or two..and keep it at 5 or 6.


Dandria...where did they find her?  She's perfect on Dallas.  Maybe OC needs to steal the casting director from Dallas for season 13.

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Yes to Gretchen/Lizzie. They would've added more to this show than Lydia and Peggy are currently doing. I'd rather watch Gretchen fabricate stories, which is what Shannon, Tamra, and Meghan already do, then watch what is on there now. 


This season's cast should've been Team Vicki (Gretchen/Kelly/Lizzie) VS. Team Tamra (Shannon/MegaNeck/either get Heather back or brought back Tamra's pet, Quinn). It should've been an all out war and bloodbath with Tamra getting decimated, and season 13 being the retool. 

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