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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm glad Kandi was vindicated as this season ended and it looks like the reunion will be a triumph for her. Kandi is my favorite and is the only housewife who is 100% honest and shows the good and the bad of her life each season. She doesn't get the credit she deserves. She carried this entire season! I cannot wait for this reunion! I just wish they'd cut the last two episodes so we could've already seen the finale (which looks good) and jump into the reunion. Season Ten is shaping up to be epic. I don't expect Porsha and Phaedra to be back. At best we might see one of them, but I could easily see both leaving, especially with Kim and Nene back.

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Lord Jesus! They're making that look like the most epic reunion ever. Even better than the Kenya vs. Porsha megaphone fight. 


It looks like good ass juicy drama, and I love that Kandi is 100% real. She doesn't play up for the sake of the cameras; she is enraged, outraged, and offended. Porsha is so damn messy and Shady Phae Phae better not slither her buttered booty out of this. 


I wouldn't want either heifer back other than to see them obliterated by a triumvirate Kandi, Nene & Kim. 


FOUR parts? LAWD.... I wonder if they'll air on consecutive Sundays or if one or two installments randomly airs on another night. 

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I think they'll air consecutively on Sundays for the next month. Bravo is gonna milk this for all that it is worth. 


I actually want Phaedra and Porsha back next season with Nene possibly returning. I want her to drag them from one end of Atlanta to the other. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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lord knows I did not like Nene her last couple of seasons but that was bc she had a stank attitude and was too stubborn. With that said, she wasnt dirty, lying on people, going out of her way to scheme, plot and ruin lives. She was just an unlikeable bitch. Phaedra though? She is dirty and a gutter snake. There is always someting very calculating about her. The only redeeming thing about her is her kids

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Thank you for saving my life! This looks like it is going to pay dust to Kenya and Porsha's altercation!


First of all, everybody looks good her (with the possible exception of Cynthia's wig). Kenya's hair looks drop-dead gorgeous!


I just want to say how much I LOVE Kandi. She has shown her life, for better or for worse, and taken a lot of potshots for it. She is authentic a HW as I have ever seen. Andy asks her straight out about women, whether there were one or many, and she just straight-up answers him. I love that she wasn't coy about the whole thing. I am ready for her to do the tremble-voice cry, then DRAAAAAG Frick and Frack by their weaves. I am so ready to see that arrogant pea-brain Porsha smacked down, and for shady Phae-Phae to get EXPOSED. And by exposed, I mean EVERYTHING coming out about her! She is in it up to her eyeballs!


I am pleased Kandi called out Andy at one point. In some ways, he is complicit for letting people like Phaedra get away with the worst.



So true. Nene hated openly and, in a way, honestly. She was jealous of Kim Z and told her to close her legs to married men (which was TRUTH), but never actively tried to destroy her reputation (what little was left of it) or spread lies that she had committed a felony. Phaedra always knew not to piss Nene off though. I wonder why she pissed Kandi off,when Kandi is like Nene: when she gets angry about an injustice done to herself or someone else, there is no stopping her, she is is like a dog with a bone exposing hypocrisy.

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I'm all for one more year of Phelony Phae Phae if it means Nene drags her butterball from here to eternity. No Porsha though. Frick needs to be shaking in the wind without Frack to help tie her down. 


1.9 million for BH season finale. 1,267,000 for NYC premiere. Hmm. Soft opening, but I fully expect that number to grow. They have the disadvantage of being on Wednesday, but were able to come out on top by the end of last season. 

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