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These bitches need to stop discussing each other's health. Rinna is also a damn hypocritical. She goes around spreading that she thinks Kim is still drinking and cant handle when someone insinuates she has a pill problem


Rinna may be the worst liar on this franchise


Erika was f--king messy. She was playing the LVP here throwing gasoline on the fire

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Rinna looks ridiculous and foolish. She over-exaggerates in her gossip and then, when caught, doesn't stand by her words, instead over-exaggerating the cover-up/apology. It's all done for drama and attention. She's become a cartoon. Now that the tables are turned on her and she is the subject of some light gossip, she's like the boy who cried wolf. I can't take her faux outrage seriously.


Agree about Erika. She was all "IT SOUNDED LIKE YOU MEANT TO SAY Rinna is on drugs." Dorit was like "I didn't say that so stop putting words in my mouth" and Erika was forced to backtrack and admit Dorit never actually uttered them. I thought her attack came pretty much out of nowhere for somebody who claims to stay out of the fray and is above the petty drama.



Good for them! However it still surprises me when people like Sheeran who claim to be the James Taylor to Swifty's Carly Simon (i.e. authentic types slaving together over lyrics and music for days on end) actually turn out to have the help of different songwriters and fancy producers. 

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I read some more and it looks like maybe he sampled No Scrubs, which they wrote. (I couldn't hear No Scrubs in it but there are a few traces). 

It's funny because his new album promo seems to be talking way too much about his sex life just as that has become way too much of a topic with Kandi and Pinto. All I could think was I hope Kandi warned him that if Porsha comes calling, to roll up the drawbridge.

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This has been a terrible season for Lisa Rinna. It's undermined everything about her credibility. I still like Lisa Rinna because she has a sense of humour about herself and always has. But within the confines of Real Housewives, she's a lying liar who lies and then exaggerates her mea culpas and bullshit. It's a really bad look and however things went down last year with her and LVP, it certainly undermines Rinna's position as she's a proven liar who won't take responsibility for herself. 


Erika didn't come off well with her statements about Dorit implying Rinna has a drug problem. That isn't what Dorit said and Erika had to retreat on that statement and she did it awfully quick. Dorit is harmless and would have been a useful ally to Erika. Erika is paranoid about LVP and Dorit - to me, LVP actually likes Erika and isn't interested in coming for her. LVP actually said "I like Erika" to Dorit in the last episode or two and didn't seem sly in the least about it. 


Eileen was smart to extend an olive branch to LVP and LVP was smart to take it. Those two never should have had a feud - it didn't do either of them any favours. 


Eden is a nutjob to meet up with this online date. Wendy Williams made a comment that Eden is an entitled rich girl who doesn't see the world realistically and Eden blew up on Twitter to her about it. Eden's an idiot. An absolute dud. 


I'm loving the Hong Kong trip. BH always takes the best trips. Easily the most cosmopolitan and sophisticated. 


The tea about the Atlanta reunion sounds explosive. I've tuned into this season because there's been some serious heat. I look forward to it!



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Wow -- shocking news. I hear Kim D and her family went out of town after hearing the news, possibly for their own protection.


I wonder if the FBI will take over part of the investigation since it seems like organised crime (or somebody who wanted to make it look like that). Very disturbing.



I like her too -- she's a bit of a gossip, and she blurts out all kinds of stuff, and that's just who she is. She's a talker. She's a people person. Sometimes her instincts are not wrong at all (like with Kim and Yolanda, who has now made a miraculous recovery, it seems). The problem is, she caves under pressure and then deflects massively. I'm hoping Reunion prompts her to go away for a while and quietly rethink her approach. Her problem IMO is not what she initially said, as there is always a kernel of truth there. The problem is that she tried to deny and deflect what she said. It shoots down any credibility in her words. I'm hoping she understands that her issue with the audience is not the gossiping, it's her cowardice when she gets caught gossiping. She just needs to OWN her words/opinion, and pre-emptively rein it in if something she says is blatantly untrue or seriously, nastily contentious.

Edited by Cat
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I thought the episode was boring too until the confrontation between Kenya/Phaedra. That battle was so telling, and confirmed how Phaedra is such a liar and a fraud. The episode even made Nene tweet about it last night: 




In other news, Potomac's intro:


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Potomac taglines aren't bad. It helps that the opening is so well done. I don't even mind that they reused the other girls looks. I'm excited for Potomac! I'm over RHOA and ready for a big season ten and I'm SO excited for RHOC which is finally getting a mini-reboot which hopefully means the storylines and alliances can evolve. RHONJ I couldn't care less about unless they give me a reason to. Can't wait for RHONY which has surprisingly now become the most consistent. 

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@Cat & @DaytimeFan, if you 2 don't get in here...


Tonight strengthened my disdain for Rinna and Erika. Tonight also strengthened me being Team Dorit too. 


Now Erika's dull ass did the absolute most tonight. She's said for weeks that she is over panty-gate, but clearly she isn't. She practically picked a fight with Dorit on that boat, and then wanted to be comforted afterwards. Bitch, what?! 


Then Rinna getting in Dorit's face...

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 I wanted Dorit to sock the sh*t out of her numerous times this episode. I was so glad that Kyle and LVP called Rinna's ass to the carpet for doing the exact same sh*t that Kim did to her 2 previous seasons. Bringing up the husband? Low class. Rinna can never bring up Kim saying, "Do you wanna talk about the husband" again. 


Also, when Erika and Dorit were trying to have a heart to heart, Rinna kept jumping in and I wanted Dorit to strangle her. I was so glad that Kyle shaded her in her talking head about Rinna's lips being so big that maybe she can't keep her mouth shut. 


Then for Rinna to ask if Dorit/PK had crack in their house or some sh*t? Just trash. Comments like that will have DFCS knocking on Dorit's door. These bitches need to learn to keep people's families out their damn mouth! Ugh!


Back to Erika, she has to be absurd to think that Dorit owes her husband an apology? For what? No one told you to go out and spread your damn legs wide enough for people to know you had no panties on. I wanted Dorit to tell Erika to "choke on a d*ck." Then when Erika blew up on Eileen for a stupid, off the cuff comment was weird. Eileen didn't wish death on Erika's son for real. Just too f-cking extra. 


Rinna needs to go. Erika needs to go. Eden needs to go. I'm on the fence with Eileen tonight as she can at least hop off Erika's cl*t every blue moon. 


These bitches got my blood pressure high tonight...

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I just watched it. I am in shock about what I saw. They all earned their paycheques tonight, that's for sure.


Rinna is despicable. Her behaviour this episode was a jump the shark for me. She threw exactly the same dig at Dorit that Kim threw at her which she's dined off on for years. Kyle got in a few good hits on Rinna's position and she was 100% right (when have I ever said that about Kyle?) Rinna inserted herself into the conflict between Erika and Dorit without any reason, whatsoever, and her venom was palpable. Then she throws out a cocaine allegation which doesn't make any sense. 


Erika lost me tonight when she turned on Eileen. That was the most irrational, insane reaction since NYC's Scary Island. Eileen made a harmless comparison trying to diffuse the situation and Erika just snapped and went over the deep end. It was obvious to most of us that Erika was never going to let Pantygate go and while it's a waste of her time it's her grudge to bear. But it became clear that Dorit could never adequately make amends, so Erika brought it up only to castigate Dorit and make a big fight about it. Make no mistake, Erika went looking for that fight.


When Eileen, Kyle and LVP are all on the same rational side, trying to bring an end to conflict, you know an argument is insane. 

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Eileen was trying to point that out re: Erika not there for any amends but Erika was  not here for that.


How dare she curse Eileen out.


And Lips pot stirring...ugh...no.


Edited by Taoboi
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