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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think Beverly Hills is EXCELLENT this year. We finally got back to what I enjoy about these franchises: the glamour, trips, day-to-day life and showcasing family. Many said it was slow, but I LOVED that for the early episodes we were just re-introducing the ladies and dealing with their lives with minimal drama. I LOVE that the main thing they were fighting over was Erika's panties and silly things like that. I don't want to see all this life or death feuding with them wanting to kill each other. That's too toxic. They found the sweet spot IMO. Now with Kim's alcoholism being brought back it could've been a downer, but Rinna getting caught in her lie and LVP's reaction has added a comedic element to it. I would say keep this cast and do more of the same for next year. My only thing is I'd let go Eden and Camille NEEDS to be full time.

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IMO they dont bc they kept Kim and Brandi FAR longer than both needed to stay. Those two are the only truly toxic cast members to me. Adrienne could have been but she left of her own accord before it got too bad with her. Yolanda was more draining than toxic and that was primarily from how the ladies interacted with  her. Kim and Brandy though? Both were super messy and werent afraid to get dirty and ugly. They really did bring the show down and were so vulgar in a way that didnt jive with the tone of the show


ETA: I'll add one more thing. The witch was toxic. i cant even remember her name but Bravo made the good decision to get rid of her after one season. Accusations of racism, casting spells and all that sex bondage stuff was just too much for this show. I found her very existence a bit offensive so Im glad BH didnt keep her

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Those moments are when I love Erika. But there are moments -- in her VTs -- where she really DOES care about how she is perceived. For example, in her scenes with Tom, she is bending over backwards telling us in the VT that Tom truly understands her, treats her so well, etc. She clearly doesn't like it when people imply she is only with Tom for his money. I am interested to see her scenes next week with her mother, and see another side to Erika. 


I am willing to cut Eileen some slack. I keep thinking about Reunion last year where she told LVP "I don't really trust you" (fair enough) "and I don't like you." The latter was said in such a hard tone. I've loved ED on Y&R and Days for a long time, I've loved the empathy of her portrayals, which is why I was shocked at how humorless and absolutist she was. I guess that is what grief can do to you. You don't see light at the end of the tunnel; everything is hardened and brutal. You become hardened, too. At least, that is what my personal experience with grief has been. Maybe, after a while, Eileen will be able to enjoy the show (and even LVP) for what it is and who they are. (Even though she is adamant that grief was not the reason she had issues with LVP last year).


ETA: I hope things are slowly getting better with your grief this year, Soaplovers. 

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Oh, by the end of Season 1, it was clear what the BH template would be: glamorous, aspirational wealth, tongue-in-cheek moments (everything Camille) -- laced with dark Hollywood secrets (Kim's addictions, PrickKelsey, the Armstrongs and their toxicity ending with SUICIDE, Adrienne's secret about her kids, etc). Eventually, the dark nasty secrets became fodder for the show. I watched Seasons 1-2 transfixed tbh, but when they tried to recreate those kind of stories in Seasons 3,4 and 5, Brandi and Kim were like sledgehammers (which is too bad because wrong-side-of-the-tracks Brandi was an initially interesting addition to the show in S2).


Brandi had a specific purpose with production to bring out all the mess, and when she left, the burden of action fell to others -- specifically Rinna, and Eden. 


I don't know if Bravo's rebrand away from women and gay men (I guess we are out of fashion atm  ) will affect whether production rethinks the formula for RH shows -- or scraps them (which would be too bad imo. There is still life in the old dog yet!).

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Haha omg glad I wasn't the only one. For all her wealth, Carlton seemed to look, live and act tackily. Her outbursts about witchcraft and racism felt cheap. Contrived. Same with the "I love women's bodies" stuff. If she's bi-curious or likes to be a dominatrix or whatever, more power to her, but it all felt contrived and 'look at me, I'm so daring.' 


I understand that along with Cindy Chupak on RHoNY, she is one of the least-liked HWs ever, so I can see why BH dropped her. I'd even go as far to say that I marginally preferred that raging b!tch Cindy over her.

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I do agree Kim and Brandi were kept on longer then they should of...but theyre gone now (at least Brandi is)..with Kim only back for guest appearances.


Carleton was too toxic and Joyce was too intelligent and normal (by housewife standards) for the show.  Though I would have had Carleton on the OC just to see how vicki and tamra wpuld have reacted to her especially seeing Vicki go all spastic.


I recall once when ramona was a guest on bethannys talk show..Ramona described Carleton as the scaryblady who cast spells on people so i think Ramona reacting to carleton would have been funny lol

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They are? Well as a gay man who watched a lot more of Bravo 10 years ago than I do now (I mostly keep up with some of the Housewives shows because I enjoy this thread more than anything else), I guess they don't have any great interest in me then or now. What are they going to have...Monster Road Truckers hosted by Stassi?


They went very hard into where they are now and it's a little late to shift gears. 

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I guess I should qualify that. Bravo want straight men ADDED to their existing audience. I believe straight men already watched  (I heard Million Dollar Listing is popular with that demographic? And RHs have a husbands audience), but you know how marketeers on these networks can get. I have no idea how Bravo's ratings/demos are doing, but I do enjoy RHs and Southern Charm lol. 

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Woooooow see I assumed she was upset about the lesbian thing. No wonder this developed into a deeper anger for Kandi. Accusing someone of conspiring to drug and rape you is VERY serious. I also need to get to the reunion so Phaedra can finally get called out for being the one who actually started this rumor. This is M-E-S-S-Y and also why Kandi is the MVP of RHOA. She's not the loudest or best shade thrower, but she's the most honest and always has her own storylines, money and very interesting relationships with the ladies.

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Same. This is why I like Kandi too.


And that dumbest Poorsha was so dumb, she thought that by threatening people with gossip and lies, she guaranteed her place on this show. This lie is so clearly something Kandi would not bother doing. She showed her ass and I hope she gets dragged through to Reunion about it. Lol and Sheree telling her to drop the drug thing? That's not even code anymore. She's hinting that Poorsha has a problem with them.

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The rumored RHOP taglines:


Gizelle Bryant– “Word on the street is, I’m still the word on the street.”

Karen Huger– “Potomac put me on a pedestal, and the view is spectacular.”

Robyn Dixon– “Don’t let the green eyes fool you. I’m as real as they come.”

Charrisse Jackson Jordan – “Why cry over spilt milk when you can laugh over champagne?”

Ashley Darby– “I played by Potomac rules, but now, it’s time to play by my own.”

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