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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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God, part 2 of reunion is tonight and I'm not even sure I can sit through it honestly. Part 1 left such a bad taste in my mouth..I think I'm done with the NYC ladies after this season even if I do love me some Ramona and Sonja. I know to some it's this awful thing to say but I really do think the show suffered big time without Bethenny this season. I'm not a fan of her show and I'm not a fan of NYC Housewives without her, I feel like they both need each other..But god knows she's never coming close to that show again.

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Yep, the reunion was very trying.... but as a whole, I still love NYC housewives, with or without Bethanney. I think they really need to dump Kelly and Cindy and add a very strong, rich woman. Whether that's Cat from DC, which would be awesome, or some newbie that is actually a housewife. The problem with Cat is that we won't see her family, most likely.

A sick part of me still loves Luann. At times she's vile, but I also think she can be reasonable. She's not like Jill in this respect. For instance, she sided with Sonja and went against Cindy and Kelly both. She's just very proud of herself and not about to back down.... she's very brave and strong. I like that about her. I think Jill is just mean to be mean because she has an agenda. I think Luann is just real.

It sickened me to see the brunettes just dismiss Alex everytime she said something. It was like it was planned at the beginning to all treat her a certain way. You can tell they want her off the show. Jill especially sickened me with her flat out "You're a f*cking b*itch, there i said it!". It was like she didn't even care about Alex's feelings, and it was a 180 from what was portrayed on the show (the burning ceremony).

NJ last night was cute... I just love Kathy and her family. I just really hope the show and other housewives embrace them, because as of right now, it's like she's insignificant to them and don't even want to give them the time of day. I hope by the end of the season, we can see Kathy mix it up with Caroline and Jacqueline a bit more. Teresa is absolutely rude to Kathy anyways. Teresa's husband on Christmas morning was disgusting... you can tell he's the laziest POS on this planet, and his daughters are not having it. Gia is old enough to realize what scum he is, you could see in her face how annoyed and hurt she was. Teresa was upset too, you could tell, but she was trying to stay postivite and ham it up for the cameras.

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Jill going ballistic on Ramona and warning her not to go after LuAnn's kids , and proceeding to threatening to walk out bc of that was so over the top. She seemed too heated for no reason. All the drama seemed so fake and staged. I dont get when Ramona and Jill became such bitter enemies. I dont buy it. They fight and insult each other but they never came across as hating the other as they did in the reunion. That was done purely for the ratings

And when did Cindy get a voice? She was such a pushover all season yet there she was calling people out, insulting and being a bitch. She knew she was on the chopping block so had to do something to give the producers a reason to keep her

I really wish Bravo wouldnt encourage this. Watching middle aged women getting so nasty and vulgar is not entertaining....its a turn off as seen by the OC crowed. You need drama but it cant be pure ugliness coming from women that are just miserable for the sake of being miserable. These women need to have redeeming qualities and fun and light moments to balance it out, but it seems we've been getting less of that. Thank goodness NJ has a good balance but I cringe at the thought of those women going downhill next season

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I just know that I could NOT stand Kelly during the reunion. Absolutely Kelly and Cindy need to go, they add nothing... one is just a boring miserable bitch, and the other is just a boring weird bully. I couldn't stand how Kelly treated Alex this season, and especially during the reunion.

I also think most of this is fake. Ramona, I love her, but she is so fake with her acting. I could totally buy Ramona and Jill being secret friends... Also, anyone catch that small minute clip they showed (most Bravo shows have this small segment)... Basically Luann and Alex were laughing with each other about her dress and giving it to Luann's charity. In that moment, amongst all the hatred, you could tell they all can laugh and be friendly with each other. It almost makes no sense.

I like Alex, and really support her... so I hope she is on next season. Not that she truly BRINGS anything to the table, but she is so nice and good-spirited, she doesn't deserve to be kicked out if the others aren't.

Part 2 was the lowest rated episode of the season... they lost ~600,000 viewers between Part 1 and Part 2. NOT good, especially given the majority of the 2-part reunions always rate better for Part 2, the final episode. I also noticed they aren't planning a lost footage episode this year. Although they did technically get another 3-part reunion like last year, with both parts being 90 minutes.

Bring on Beverly Hills baby! It's so weird, we went from 3 housewives shows to just one now. I'm not getting my housewife fix anymore!

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Having not watched all of NYC and only going by what I saw of this season and then the reunions, it seems there are two ladies that are just dead weight: Cindy and Kelly. Kelly added absolutely nothing substantial to the episodes nor the reunion except to randomly yell out insults and call people weird. Cindy is just tag-along bitch who has an ax to grind with anyone just for the sake of having something to do. Get rid of those two.

Ramona and Sonja just make me laugh. They can be superficial and ignorant, but at the same time so humorous and fun-loving.

Alex is always dismissed, her comments are always belittled. She just seems to be the nerd that everyone makes fun of. I don't necessarily like her or root for her, but she's better than the 2 lumps on a log on the brunette couch.

LuAnn, yes she is haughty and thinks of herself as the high authority, but there's something about her I like. Maybe it's because she reminds me of a dragqueen. That RuPaul-like song of hers is catchy! wink.png

Jill. I liked her mostly while watching during the season, but she came off as a real sanctimonous see-you-next-tuesday on the reunion.

I'm not surprised that the reunion lost viewers for the 2nd half. There was WAY too much talking over each other, sometimes 6 of the 7 going at once, nothing cohereant. It was worse than when The View ladies all go off at the same time.

I do agree with you all that to go on another season with this same cast would be incredibly forced and not believable, even for reality TV.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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On Twitter Andy Cohen wrote the following:

"Thanks for all your comments about the RHONYC reunion and season. I hear you loud and clear!"

If Andy is smart and I think he is, he'd dump everyone but Sonja, Ramona and LuAnn and start fresh. Those three get along well enough and run in a similar enough circle that transitioning them with 2 or 3 new housewives would be a breeze.

Jill, Alex, Kelly and Cindy are just horrid in their own ways and should all be dumped.

Failing that, just start completely fresh and fire everyone, though I do love Sonja.

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How much influence does Bravo have over the season? Don't they script the meetings between the ladies (as much as they can anyway) and edit most of the material? I wonder if they were surprised at this not getting a good reaction, or if they just did what they could with the material and they aren't happy either.

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Its amazing that with your limited exposure, you hit it right on the money with most of your points. IA. Cindy and Kelly are most definetly dead weight. The blondes need to stay as does Jill. Hate LuAnn but she's emerged as a good villian. Definetly someone I hate

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Very early in the year a promo for RHoNYC was revealed and then abruptly pulled. The theory was that the show underwent a lot of retooling and that the show lacked something without Bethanny. Frankly, this has proven to be true and I think Bravo did what it could with the footage they had. This was definitely one of the most humourless, if not the most humourless, season of any of the RH franchises.

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I definitely recall that "thug in a cocktail dress" and the Marriage Equality March were featured...the promo itself seemed good, but it seemed that Bravo didn't feel comfortable with starting the season on time and that the show needed reworking.

This season was crap, the only Housewife whose still remotely likeable is Sonja because she kept up her sense of humour and owned all the disasters in her life. Time for a new cast or just put this franchise to bed.

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