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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Alex really just cannot hold her own against other women..I don't get it...She's not even being screamed at by them either, but they just give her these verbal lashings where she just stands there with her mouth open..But with that said I never thought I could dislike a Housewife as much as I previously disliked Jill, but my god Luann has her beat and then some.

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Someone mentioned that LuAnn acted like she was the Ambassador of Moracco and that was so true. She is such a VILE BITCH! Alex has too much class, bc I wanted to see her hurl a drink at her. She is absolutely disgusting with no accountability for how rude she is.

LuAnn: "You came at me in your Herman Munster shoes"

Alex: "Ugh, they're Louie Voutton shoes"

LuAnn: "Well, even Louie Voutoon makes mistakes"

When she said she dismissed Alex, she did it to dismiss herself from embarassing herself any further, the gall of her absolutely shocked me.

Jill's hair looked darker in this episode. Almost unnatural like a wig

I cant even stand to look at Cindy after the racism allegations about her came out

LOL at Sonja cutting Cindy out of all the pictures. "Lets just say revenge is best served cold and I enjoyed every moment of cutting her out of the pictures and Im going to own it 100%. And she keeping the tags on her clothes? Im not sure I bought her excuse. To me, it was like she was trying to save money by wearing an outfit once and then returning it to the store (who hasnt done that at least once)

Did anyone elses' gaydar go up when Sonja went to her doctor and she said he's in her trampoline class and she knows plenty of girls interested in him. That woman that did the procedure on her, I thought was so rude when she said "yesterday I was reading about you". That was very inappropriate and unprofessional of her

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Caroline: "When are they coming bc I dont want to be there" :lol:

That was her best moment in the episode. Aside from that, does anyone else not care about her storyline? This radio stuff...Zzzzz....


Holy hair Kathy!

I ws surrpised at first to see the meeting between Teresa and Joe so early in the episode but I see they did that to set up the bigger one between her and Melissa for the cliffhanger. Its sad to see brother and sister at odds with each other. I hope they patch things up. The stuff they are fighting over is so trivial. She's mad bc he didnt show up to her book signing yet she never invited him and expected him to know through facebook. He's mad at her for not being an aunt to his kid, although his wife puts a block b/w them. Neither has any accountability for what the other has done. Im especially amd at Joe bc he went to that meeting with his defenses up and was expecting Teresa to apologize without accepting that Melissa has done wrong as well

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OC: Lost Footage- Bravo, WTF?!

Lynne and Gretchen's Battle of the Handbags should've made it on the real season! It was outrageous, ridiculous, dramatic and so very OC!

THIS is the Lynne appearance we should've seen, not her interactions with Tamra and Fernanda. As that went nowhere this season (OUCH! at Fernanda being cut completely from the reunion), she should've brought on the drama, especially with Tamra snarking in the corner.

I kinda miss Lynne. :mellow: Her slutty daughters, Frank. Their broke asses slumming it all over town.

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I wish they hadnt cut Lynn's mini storyline. Id have rather seen more of her in the season. Her showdown with Gretchen was interesting. Im on Team Lynn as far as the argument went. I wonder why Lynne isnt a housewife anymore. Was it her decision or was she canned? She seemed like she could have added alot

Weird seeing Ryan's father and Tamra's ex. From the show, I always got the impression that he wasnt involved in their lives

I wish Fernanda hadnt been cut from the reunion. She was already cut most of the season.

Peggy and her daughter were so cute. I couldnt beleive she was talking as well as she was at that young age. Very impressive

Edited by Cheap21
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Speaking of Ferananda.. she was the grand marshall at Pride this past Sunday... She looked ever hotter in person then she did on the show/reunion.

Seeing her on the reunion made me understand why she was cut. She wasn't a train wreck waiting to happen. Granted that would have been nice to have this season but it appears as if the powers that be disagree... oh well

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It looks like Cindy (and possibly Alex) may not return next season.

I like Cindy, and I really do not understand the hate she's been getting on some boards. She's the only normal/sane of the bunch, aside from Alex!

IMO, LuAnn and/or Kelly should leave. LuAnn is just vile, and generally toxic. If she were to leave, I'm sure things between Jill and Ramona would cool down.

Kelly has been a complete snooze this season.

In fact...I'd only keep Jill, Ramona and Cindy. Dump the rest.

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I am also very upset that Bravo didn't show the Gretchen vs. Lynne handbag drama... that seems like it could have been a longer storyline that proved to be much more interesting than half the crap we endured all season long.

I also thought they should have shown the Ryan surgery stuff, at least within one episode. It showed a tolerable, more humane version of Tamra, which was needed to balance her bitch attitude the rest of the season.

I love that Fernanda was invited to the reunion show, however I think she just proved again how much she doesn't really add to the dynamic/drama that is needed to keep the show interesting. That's why they cut her out of the reunion.


I'm still Team Melissa. Teresa is just delusional! I also thought her Catskills weekend was white trash all the way. I completely sided with Caroline there, and actually enjoyed her in those scenes.

I LOVE Kathy! I know I keep saying it, but she has potential to be one of my favorite housewives of all the series! Teresa really treats her like she's insignificant though, which is sad. I think Kathy needs to have it out with Teresa.


Still love this season! While I liked Cindy in the beginning, you can tell she got tired of the taping schedule, and now all she does is bitch and whine. She isn't really bringing anything to the table, so I would love to see her gone next season. I also think Kelly can go, she brings nothing new this season. I think Alex is still relevant... and call me crazy, but I love LuAnn. There is just something about her that I find fascinating. It might be her confidence.

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there were reports about her being a racist towards a former employee that came out. That did a number in ruining people's opinion of her. She was dead to me after that. Before it though, she just comes across boring on the show and doesnt add anything. She's just there but doesnt do much to contribute. She's very forgettable

I say keep Alex, Ramona, Jill and Sonia and get 1 or 2 new ladies. Cat from DC would be great on this but if she joins, then LuAnn should stay

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With the longer hair, LuAnn actually looks like prostitution whore, Danielle Staubb

She was f--lng nuts! Telling Alex to calm down? Alex was not getting heated or out of line in that convo but in Kelly' mind she saw somethnig completely different. I cant even explain her. She's crazy.

She should have kept her nose out of Simon and Jill's business. I can see how its weird how a married man wanting to take another married woman out to lunch can seem weird but Simon doesnt mean anything sexual about it. Jill looked like she was open to trying to patch things up over lunch until Kelly put her 2 cents in. I do have to say that its a bit ridiculous of Alex to think that she can only be friends with Jill if she and Simon are friends. No they dont have to be. They can be civil and cordial with each other when they run into each other, but they dont have to be close. As for him, it is a bit childish for him to get into a Twitter war with any of the women. I do agree with Kelly on that

Bitch LuAnn is back next week and it looks like she's gonna be getting ugly again

Cindy's daughter is adorable. Thats about the only good contribution she's added this season.

I kinda feel bad for Sonja and her troubles. I really do.

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