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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It was a good move career wise for Camille to rejoin since she needed to stay relevant. She's already an after thought in Hollywood. BRAVO was trying their damnest to make her sympathetic in the end to entice her to stay so this isn't surprising.

If BH is smart they'll amp the feud between Kyle, Taylor and Lisa with the twist of Kim and Camille being friends.

And if ATL is smart they'll get Victoria Rowell on the phone. STAT!

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Saw OC. Alexis, dont know you, but I like you

Surprised to see Slade in the opening with Gretchen. How long have they been together?

I noticed that Tamra's kids arent in the opening with her anymore. Just the oldest one. Does Simon have custody of them?

I hate how everyone on the cast is a blonde. This is the least diverse cast ever.

VR is the type of crazy this show needs. I bet she can out-quack pregnant Phaedra! LOL. Seeing Nene try to fight her would be tv gold

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pretty much but you wouldnt know it bc the one brunette didnt even make it into the opening. I didnt even know she was a housewife till I saw she had a bio on Bravo.com. Not sure why she's not in the opening bc she was in the episode and interacted more with the ladies than the other new chick


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:lol: OMG! The coincidences! The same thing happened to me – I was thinking Why don't they hire this Brazilian lesbian?! And then WHAM! She popped up on Bravo's website! :lol:

By the end, it was just as I thought: they all seem on the edge. Like total wrecks. This season bringing the total desintegration and meltdowns. It was all this pathetic nastiness stemming from their lives which don't fulfill their needs and desires. Awful.

And I can't believe Tamra is 43 and has a 20-year old son. :o

P. S. LOL at the Amex/'Aymex' discussion! :lol:

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Tamra's son Ryan was 20 like when she first started doing this show. I think he's 23/24 now bc she was a teen mom

I think Fernanda might be the first lesbian housewife. Im surprised they arent pushing that more.

IA though, they did all seem bitter. Vicki used to be so fun and crazy but she seemed so catty in her interviews. Tamra got ugly in her second season. Gretchen just seems mean spirited now. The only hope is the new chicks. I didnt see Alexis last season but I liked what I saw of her last night. She could be my favorite if she doesnt get nasty as well

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Yeah, I was just being approximate.

And the way she pushed herself onto Tamra?! :ph34r::lol:

It was all Catty! Nasty! Wreck! Bitchy! Drunk! I haven't seen that much misery since... I don't know.

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I just got back from NYC, so haven't seen the premiere of OC yet...

But last season ended so ugly with everyone, so I'm not surprised! I'm surprised Vicki is even back, she was through at the reunion. She said 'the fun is out of it' now. I think Tamra causes all the [!@#$%^&*]-stirring, enough so that even Simon divorced her and now apparently won't let his kids on the show (a la Sheree/Dina/et al).

Alexis/Vicki had a feud last season, and Tamra/Gretchen has always had a feud. Sounds like Gretchen is finally standing up for herself, in a bitchy way though?

Slade and Gretchen have been together since before Season 5 started filming, so he was in all of last season (5).

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Bravo put up a new Season 4 preview for NYC:


Looks like it'll be good! Blondes vs. Brunettes!


The Salahis are just ridiculous. They were asked to leave Celebrity Rehab because they have no real addiction! hahahaha


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