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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Good BH reunion last night.

While I really like BH and the girls... the season and reunion both just seemed so disjointed and pieced together. It barely flows logically. Like on the reunion, it starts out with Kyle/Camille laughing with each other... then they fight... then they laugh and support each other and apologize... then they fight. Same with Taylor/Lisa. I don't know, I just feel like it doesn't make sense. Normally on reunions when people are fighting - they are fighting the entire time unless they reach a truce. Then that truce stays the remainder of the reunion.

Anyway - next season we need something bigger and better to carry the season that is actually caught on film. This New York thing has been put to bed. I also think Camille, if she returns, will try to be good and not get in a fight with Kyle. So it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

Adrienne is just there. I love her, but she doesn't contribute or fit in at all. And when she does, Andy just shuts her up anyway.

The Lisa/Cedric thing was pretty sad. I can't believe the gall of that man. He was totally selling her out.

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Nene's not leaving. Wendy Williams asked Kim about this on her show and she was like " we all signed a contract, where the bitch going?" LOL. The only way Nene is out is if Bravo releases her from her contract and considering how she is one its stars, they wont do that. Plus I think she's smart enough to know she needs to keep the checks coming

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I held out hope that part two of BH's reunion wouldn't bore me to tears but it was actually worse than the first! It was so lame and the editing was horrific. The segments after the husbands were interviewed did not flow with the previous conversations and the entire thing was a total let down. What was even more bizarre was Kim giving Taylor pointers on how to fix her marriage. HUH?! Are you kidding me?! Not to mention Camille an Kyle's back and forth felt completely disjointed. The editing was horrendous! Bravo has to do a hell of a lot better next season. And even worse, Kyle and Kim refused to comment on the alcoholic accusation and the fight. Oh vey!

Seriously, I can't wait for ATL's. Kim was such a hater with Cynthia's wedding I hope they show the clips at the reunion to get Cynthia's reaction. Poor Cynthia... NOT. I will feel no sympathy for her when she inevitably gets divorced. Her T shirt said it all. Must have been Bravo's not so subtle joke. I noticed Kim and Phaedra (as well as Phaedra and Sheree) were hitting it off in the closing montage. I think they'll be good friends next season. And speaking of Phaedra... this chick has the most ghetto, scandalous laugh I've ever heard. Southern Belle my ass. Her conversation with Sheree was hilarious! I hope she has even more of a presence next season. I heard she questions Nene's real age in the reunion when they go at it. I can't wait! This reunion better not disappoint.

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I totally agree about the reunion and the editting didn't gel ust right at all.

I still thought the reunion was great thought. I just want to give Kim and big hug. i really like her.

When they announce season 2 i really hope Lisa, Kim and Adrienne out apart of the cast.

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So part two was much better than one, but the editing was very bad. Didnt they say it was like a 14 hour shoot? Maybe thats why. But still, very bad at editing.

CG... ugh. I actually wish i could love to hate her or find her compelling to watch. However, i do not. She actually just annoys me.

Adrianne could not return and i would not mind, however i do really like her. Same for Taylor. Kyle and Lisa are a must for next season. I would like to see everyone return minus Kim. Kim need to not return next season. She is to pathetic to watch.

As for ATL... Nene needs to go. She is played out and just a bully at this point. Cynthia added nothing and can go. Phedora or whatever her name is can also leave. I can not stand her. But still loving Kim, Kandi, and Sherae.

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But why, Jack? Camille seems right up your alley.

I'm really sad about Lisa and Ken. I was even before this episode, they increasingly seemed to me like a couple of sad, retired people. I remember some people in this thread liked Cedric from the beginning, but to me – that was always a very off relationship. He seemed completely fake from the beginning, but I didn't want to push it. It's the first thing I've asked in this thread

Camille definitely has an amazing team behind her because she got out of the season looking even likeable. Second best, after Adrienne. The dinner, however, destroys her utterly, so many things about it were so wrong. So do those awkward eye lid movements she makes when she apologizes, they always make you doubt the sincerity. Kyle, on the other hand, came like a completely different person. The photos on her BlackBerry didn't help. That was vulgar, nasty and cheap.

Poor Kim. Andy trying to set her up with one of the Maloof brothers and Adrienne basically saying: No way, that's never gonna happen. She could've chosen a different way to put it.

I often feel like this thread misses the point and goes around important issues: I mean, no one asked about the house Kyle supposedly stole from Kim. How come no one noticed or wasn't intrigued about it? That's just one thing in a bucket full of them.

The whole reunion was really nauseating, it left a bitter taste in one's mouth.

Andy's voice irritates me. As does the way he elongates certain words or something.

Edited by Sylph
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No. No, no, no. Not at all.

She is ALMOST right up my ally. I am all about the fake vapid shallow bitches. Trust. However i like them self aware. Camille is so diluted and truly believes she is the blameless, faultless, poor, innocent victim who has been used by... anyone and anything. You can just tell that she thinks she is this new perfect person who isnt ever at fault for anything. Not the type who plays the part but knows full well she is.

I could not disagree more about them being a sad, retired couple. Not at all. They seem full of life and energy. They also seem to very in love and have a good humor. I think with the cedric thing, and it was obvious from the begining, He was not into it. She was. She obviously took him in and cared for her, but i think that is just her nature. I dont know, when you are a kind and caring person and have a friend who is in need you can be blinded. Its happened to me, and others. She got played and used.

I think the fact that the series ended the season with her husband leaving her for a younger woman added to the way she came out. of course they glossed over that she herself got with him in much of the same way.

I do not think a different way was needed nor would have been of her character. She was as tactful as one can be without flat out saying "no [!@#$%^&*] way in hell will that ever happen" and i do not blame her.

What is there to say? I just assumed Kim couldnt either afford it or was unable to manage it so Kyle took it over and put her name on the house, taking kims off. I can see why if that is what happened.

I love Andy. I wish he was my boo.

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Jack, you are so wrong. Which is something I thought would never happen, but ever since your DOOL love started to reflourish, it started happening a bit more frequently than I'm used to. :P

That's the thing: I don't think she does belive she is blameless and faultless. I seriously don't. She even admitted of being wrong, sometimes very effectively. Sometimes, though, laboriously. Which you can't say about Kyle, who came out awfully. Just awfully. You are wrong about this. And I think you know it. You try to push your view, but it ain't working. For me, anyway. :P

Oh, they do. There was so much built up pain and depression when both of them cried, you could read it on their faces. And just two minutes ago I read this comment:

Take that as you will.

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Apparently not.

God knows I'm not saying it was wrong to say no, but it the way to do it was.

I win. :):P

Plenty. Plenty of stuff about this fishy business Kyle calls "private stuff". So much about it doesn't add up. You are free to ignore it, but I am free to be very annoyed by you ignoring it and painting it pink.

I know you do. And it's annoying. LOL. :P

His a bit too... Forced. He came off as forced and unnatural as a host, it just didn't flow. It was question A then answer, question B then answer, just forced, unnatural, with no flow. Add to that those bizarre add-ins, as in him wanting to kiss Nick and that other thing about Lisa's house or something in the previous part of the Reunion.

He's a bit too self-enamoured, and I detest that.

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So ive been more requently wrong from about mid 2009? Thats a long time! LOL.

I do think she thinks so. I think it is obvious and i am not sure how or why you are trying so desperately to make it clear cut when it is not. Any time she almost took ownership and restorability for anything she would then back track it and in a way not own up to it. She maybe clearly apologized and owned a thing here or there, but even the dinner party she just says got out of hand and it wasnt her intention, it so was. She even, at some point recently, denied that she told crazy psychic lady anything when there was a scene showing her telling her everything.

I am not trying to push my view. I can not stand her. Period. Kyle has nothing to do with it, and doing a side by side comparison is so not your style so again, i am confused as to why you are pushing it.

As for the Lisa/Cedric thing, i do not take that comment as much of anything. Even if they were swingers or brought him or whatever, it doesnt matter. She cared for him, obviously, and he played her. Do i think it was sexual? No. But i do not know it wasnt anymore than you know it was.

I do not think the way she said it was wrong at all. I think she worded it as nicely as it needed to be worded. Could she have made a whole story up and assured Kim it wasnt because anything was wrong with her and perhaps she just isnt his type, etc.. yes. But that was so not needed and would have been terribly fake on her end. Just not her.

It is not that i ignore it. It is that i do not much care about it. It is something that me, you, and the rest of the internet debating will not solve. If it comes out, i will be all over it. If it does not, my life will be ok. Really.

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I just think you've... lost interest in SON. It's as if at a certain point you just couldn't be bothered. You loved DOOL, posted only about DOOL, that produced a few if any results at all, there were just Cat and Dr. Daytime posting in those threads and you could tell their opinions without reading them. I don't know. Just like everyone else, you've just deserted the place.

I don't. She was nasty, she made terrible comments. The psychic was a hired gun. I wrote about it before. Yet... And I know it doesn't make things any better, but Kyle did the same. It was just a pre-set battle. Camille/psychic vs. Kyle/decorator. I guess I'm constantly pushing Kyle into it because – you're not. For several reasons, whether it's really true or not, the story about Camille being vicious and vile doesn't hold up. As much as it used to.

Edited by Sylph
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Why wouldn't it be natural to talk about her too? The side-by-side comparison seems effective in this case. No?

Speculations are running wild: people are mentioning drugs, sexual preference of certain people in that triangle, knives and stabbing. It's awful.

Well, I don't. LOL.

Mine would be too.

I just wanted to clearly point out how interestingly fishy it all is.

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