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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I wonder if Nene's behavior was storyline dictated - it was just bizarre! She's always been a hot head but there was absolutely nothing likable about her last night.

Sweetie is not a servant and being Kim's personal assistant isn't equative of one, however if Sweetie hasn't told Kim to treat her with more respect it's certainly not Nene's business which was just a cover to further attack her. Sweetie does look unhappy though. The greasy, almost unkept look coupled with the chain smoking made her look nasty. I almost felt sorry for her when she toted all her luggage in front of everyone before Kim told her she could stay.

I have no use for Cynthia. She's such a spineless bitch.

Still loving Phaedra. She has officially grown on me. She had some of the best lines and soundbites last night.

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Phaedra, Lawrence, and Sheree were the only things worth watching last night. Phaedra has made her presence very felt on this show and I hope she returns for another season.

Go Away NeNe Leakes. Loud, obnoxious, bully. She's not even funny anymore.

I still like Kim. I don't care that she's been the same since season 1, she's hilarious and consistent. I really do hope if she returns for another season and NeNe does, there is no interaction between the two of them.

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Wow Im so late but finally can comment


I dont like how Kim treats her asisstant BUT she is not her friend. That is her employee and she gets paid, so she knows the deal. Its really not for NeNe to comment on and she was wrong to turn it into something racial. I did hate all the sh-t Kim kept talking about NeNe thoug. On a sidenote, assistant was annoying me so I loved Kandi, calling her out.

Its so obvious Cynthia should not be marrying Peter. Marriage is about unity and if the first thing she thinks about when she hears he closes down thier business is "now how am I going to get my money back" something is wrong. She needs to end things and go her seperate way


What a great finale. I felt so bad for Kim getting ganged up on like that. Kyle did her wrong and that was horrible how she laid out all her business like that

Taylor is only 39? She looks to be past the 40 mark

Anyone else fell cheated that we didnt see the Kelsey/Camille break up scene? I thought we would since he showed up at the end of last episode. Ugh, dont care for Camille talking about it. I wanted to see it!

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Phadra has really grown on me too. As has Sheree this season. Khandi I don't know. Some things she did esp all the gossiping she was doing "with the girls" got me not feelin her. She really cant sing that well to be honest.

I still don't like Kim

Cynthia seems slow at times

Edited by aMLCproduction
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Unless Kim was doing a "Naomi Campbell" on Sweetie, I dont see where it is any of Nene' business how Kim treats her PERSONAL Assistant. If she was all that concerned she shouldve spoken to Sweetie herself. Personally I have seebn personal Assistants treated worse, so I didnt get what the problem is, thats Kim and Sweetie's relationship.

I def found myself lking Sheree this season,and I always love Kim, and I have a crush on Phaedra!

As for BH, damn I kinda felt for Camille for the first time this season. Taylor started that shiot and I am glad her Husband is a boring Dud of a man :lol:

I feel bad that Cedric and Lisa got into a fight, I hope they make up and are on next season :mellow:

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Personal assistants, while catering to someone's personal needs, isn't necessarily indicative of a domestic capacity. They contribute to social, administrative and business needs as well to that of their employer depending on the need specified. Some PAs are very ambitious depending on the level of education required. In some work forces especially corporate you wont even be considered for the position without having a degree.

Servants are maids, specifically synonymous with domestic duties - which IS the bottom of the ladder. Unless Sweetie does all of their laundry, iron their clothes, cook, clean their bathrooms and clean their home with a fine tooth comb then she's definitely their servant.

She's clearly her employee. They don't have to be friends for her to be treated with respect which Kim clearly does not extend. If she does in fact call Sweetie those names and feels she's entitled to just because she's giving her a paycheck then it's beyond the pale.

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So if Sweetie was Nene's friend or someone who wasn't in a subordinate position it would then be fine for her to speak up? I guess it's true what they say: any one who is perceived to be in a domestic role really doesn't have any rights. Even Khandi commented on how Kim treats her. If I had a problem with how my friend treats their workers it would be logical to go to my friend - not the worker. The only problem was that Nene used what she saw to attack Kim because of her dislike for her. It had nothing to actually do with Sweetie which was unfortunate. Should Sweetie be on the receiving end of a "Naomi Campbell" and be physically abused for it to be unacceptable?

Sweetie was dead wrong when she said slaves don't get paid. Even though it may be their relationship that doesn't mean it's a healthy one.

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If you noticed before the fight, both Candy and NeNe admitted that Kim and Sweetie talk smack to each other, they both argue with each other, thats why I say her "concern" for Sweetie was bull. She didnt mention Seetie until she realized Kim wasnt goin to cowtow to her and be quiet and let he rant. NeNe ddnt even weant Sweetie to stay at Kim's man's house, which wasnt her call, and then she went ona tirade that made her look ridiculous :o

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I saw that over the weekend bc of you and they didnt even let him speak! When trhy asked him about DC, Barbera Walters asked another question and without letting him answer, the other b-tches started talking voer him.It was one of the most aggravtaing interviews bc I was actually interested in what he had to say

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Haha - love you all - but let's get this straight:


Not Candy, not Khandi... just KANDI.


Do y'all think they'll start the Atlanta reunion on Superbowl night, or will they wait 2 weeks? I'm just trying to figure out the timeline... I feel like there is still too many weeks between the reunions being over and NYC and the OC starting. Guess they'll show repeats for a few weeks in between... ?

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Finally caught the ATL episode. It did not disappoint.

Cynthia: boring, she's just so dull and lifeless. For a model, she has no spark at all. The marriage with Peter is a total disaster in the making, financially they sound like a disaster. Too old, haggard and (ducks) fat to be working..."I'm one of the best at what I do"...oh dear. Delusional. If you're Naomi, Linda, Iman, Cindy, Christie...okay, that comment could work...but otherwise. Just sad.

Kandi: she was very fair in her critiques of Kim and Nene. Aside from that, Kandi is also boring. Felt sorry for her with that promo tour. It reminded me of the mall tours that the 80s pop tart Tiffany used to do.

Sheree: she's the Ramona Singer of ATL, she went from zero to hero this season. So likeable this year. Sheree may have a schizophrenic attitude towards her careers, but she's a lot of fun and exercises good common sense and has a good attitude generally. She's a grown up with a backbone. Kadoooz (copyright Ramona Singer) Sheree!

Phaedra: LOVE her. She's got more common sense than anyone else in the bunch, functions with logic and a sense of humour. "We've got strippers on deck..." LOL. Oh Phaedra, you have a way with words! She's so no nonsense and uses her brain. Excellent addition the show.

Kim: I still like Kim. I find her transparent. I find her no BS. She simply is who she is and although she's a totally superficial person, she's honest and she isn't fooling anyone, nor does she intend to. She's frivolous. She's just like her single, 'Tardy for the Party'...meaningless, but still fun and in on the joke.

Nene: she's jumped the shark. Bringing in her attack dog, Diana, was an interesting choice. Nene is becoming unwatchable and totally unlikeable. Sad. I used to really enjoy her.

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For the very first time I tweeted Nene and told her her behavior was uncool in the latest eppy. She promptly blocked me. She has such a fat head! Nene's problem is that she think she is ATL. Watch her sing a different tune if BRAVO has enough of her bullshit and threaten to replace her.

I thought Cynthia was being facetious when she got the call for the modeling gig and said she was going to throw up her food. In the latest eppy she told Nene she couldn't eat because the gig was later in the day. She painted a really disturbing image. The dark circles and bags under her eyes are big enough to pack luggage.

I forgot to mention the way Phaedra salivated over those strippers I wonder what her reaction would be if Apollo got together with his boys and did the same. I don't think she would be very happy!

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