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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It’s crazy that the cast thought going into this season that Dorit was going to be the villian but she’s emerged as the fan favorite. They are all shocked and I for one am glad to see another pile up fail. Truly shocking for me bc a few months ago I would have been all in on Dorit being the target and getting a bad edit but I’m loving how she’s handling it all 

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I think it might have been the Nyquil! Now that whatever-this-viral-infection-afflicting-us-all-was is over, I'm ready to better appreciate Dorit simultaneously tear Kyle and Camille a new one. Kyle is so cowardly -- she can't bear being called out for her actions, so she brings on Camille (who is probably hurting for a paycheck) to fight her battle for her. Camille falls for this with Kyle every time. 

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A gossip site called Laineygossip (which usually does not cover reality TV stuff) posted an article recently where it praised the turnaround in Bravo with the RH shows, so this is definitely getting noticed by more mainstream, less RH-focused media outlets.

IMO, by refreshing its casts judiciously, these shows have returned to their roots. I'd like to think Miami two years ago fired the starting gun on the way it carefully anchored organic story to a dynamic cast, but certainly in spring of this year, I had my fears about the franchise. I'm so glad this fall has surpassed my expectations, led by a rejuvenated OC. BH and Potomac have totally surprised me also, in a good way.

Oh, I will post my thoughts about the Dinner Party From Hell 2.0. And thank you for the reminder about Mary who has become (and Heather must be seething about this) the lead HW of the show.

Fuller is a hack, but this reunion was real and no wonder it elicited a reaction from you and so many others. We can spot a fake, and conversely, what is real. And I agree -- Raquel has more to unpack with regards to her mom and their relationship. I do think her mom may have a genuine fear of flying, too. 

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This is why it’s so bad that they allowed the malaise to go on for so long. I can’t even imagine picking these shows back up again—once you’re done with them, you begin filling your time with other habits that are hard to break. I do feel some connection still: I see and watch the clips. I love seeing Dorit go so hard on Kyle. Reminds me of her early backbone. But digging into a new episode every week seems like a slog, even for breezy shows like Housewives.

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I agree. I think my supervisor at one of my job is the ONLY person not getting anything and traditionally she gets a cold almost always every December. Even now, it is lingering somewhat, but I've taken to getting plenty of rest in and staying on my fluids. And that is thankfully helping.


I agree with you and @Antoyne. This year has been a nice bounceback for the HW shows. And it bodes well for RHOA. And RHOM is always great and looks to be more of the same with their little cast refresh. 


Hehe. I still need to continue my OC catch-up. 

And now RHOM is about to have its own refresh as well. But I love that for the most part, there is so much good HW show content out there. And Housewives are still giving real stuff happening, and for the most part, we get to see it as fans in real time. Should make it fun when we do our BEST OFs this year.

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Yes! Mary is giving and really has been Lead, hasn't she? She is having a great showing this year. 


I think you are right about the flying. I also feel that perhaps some of Racquel's worry about her mother might be valid. Her mother is from a different time so who knows how accepting she will be. Time will tell. But since she already knows Mel and likes her, it might be nothing. We will see. 

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Dorit has emerged as the star player this season in ways I never saw coming. She’s a top tier housewife and I think her performance so far has already surpassed what fire we saw of her when she first joined. 

@DaytimeFan Yes, I couldn’t help but laugh at Camille’s little try’s and she’s a favorite of mine. I would take her back but not under Kyle.

this is the first I can actually see Kyle getting the butt. And I hope we do.


I hate to be that guy but I still don’t find the show that entertaining. Most of the episodes feel like filler and  while everyone is playing nice the friendships don’t feel authentic. The show seems so unbalanced to me and lacks focus. 

Salt Lake

The show is damn near perfect! They haven’t had one bad episode and I love how much comedy and personal story is carrying the show.  I wouldn’t touch this cast. The only show I can honestly say everyone has rooting values, including the villain. 

Edited by DemetriKane
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Well...now that I've sat down after a day of running around doing errands. And looking forward to a Friday night with no plans but cleaning...and perhaps wine....lol. I figured that I can play some catch up. I think the only thing that I had not watch (outside of OC) has been the last new SLC. And I watched the last new RHOP.


Filler. Good filler, but filler all the same. In fact, I thought the editing was very jarring. Was I that drunk busy or did I miss all the mentions of the trip to Panama...outside of Keiarna's confusion that one episode? Because the scene movement from La Dame's Love Lagoon to the start of the trip was just too abrupt. 


And it was just...there. I was looking forward to the La Dame/Giz team-up on Mia and Jacqueline her representative. And with that, La Dame vs Jac was good. But Gizelle vs Mia...well...even I was like Wendy side-eyeing Gizelle. Because is this the same Gizelle that came for Wendy over a look?? Mia said/did a whoooole long more and barely was attacked by Gizelle. Rumor has it...Gizelle did go harder, but it's on the cutting room floor. I just le sigh...the one time Gizelle would be justified to go off on someone and we are NOT seeing it. 


Throw it away. This season has been great and refreshing. Don't start to go back to what was not working por favor.


LA DAME. I liked that she clocked each and every time she knew Mia was causing mess and held her accountable. Meanwhile, her vs Jacqueline was a running joke on the trip that kept giving. Cuz them at the airport. Them in the same villa. Them at the dinner table. La Dame taking the picture. Just...never boring. 


GIZELLE. Smh. She was doing so well. This episode had Gizelle with some stumbles. If it was not the fact she didn't call out Mia the way she should have been called out, it was how she did not vindicate the new friendship she had going with Wendy. A shame since she was actually ki-ki-ing nicely this episode.


ASHLEY. Awww look at Ashley having a man who isn't a gremlin. lol. Outside of that, I will always live for Stacey whacking her on the head for coming for her relationship with TJ. She also gave some funny Confessional this time around.


WENDY. I admit that I hollered at Wendy being in charge of the trip and choosing chaos. Putting them ladies on a 2 hour drive so they HAVE to talk to each other. Putting La Dame and Jacqueline in the same villa when they aren't getting along with each other. Clocking Gizelle for her past actions when it was Gizelle vs Mia at the dinner table. And of course dancing with the others.


STACEY. Thank you for having fun and always having a heel on Ashley's neck.


KEIARNA. Sadly lint this episode.


MIA. You know...for someone who came to the love lagoon alone, she was acting like Jacqueline was her date as she walked Jacqueline out and talked to her when La Dame kicked Jacqueline out. And she got some good licks in during the dinner table. And then that cliffhanger!!!! Did Gordon run off with the kids? Really?


I can't believe all the housewives are on their trips. The beginning of the end. 

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I finally watched the BH episode and, for the first time ever, I found an emotional honesty in Dorit that I've not found before now. I believe her when she says she feels abandoned by most of the women. I believe her when she says,what she is going through sucks royally. The way she held her ground as Sutton, Garcelle and Camille came for her, while Kyle sat quiet as a spider, her eyes widening with pretend shock. For whatever reason, Sutton and Garcelle have forged an alliance with Kyle where they automatically back her and defend her. At least Erika is,trying to be even handed with both women. And Camille, whom i love, yet again making the bad decisions listening to Kyle who promises her another BH stint. Dorit had all those girls shaken. She torpedoed them without breaking a sweat. And next episode she's going to confront Kyle, and I am here for it.

Potomac is enjoyable but it may have hit a fallow period in the season. This may actually be a good time for the Christmas break. Surely another cast trip is around the corner.

I have just started the new season of SLC -- I'm on episode 6. It is a good one, surprisingly refreshing. I didn't think it could top last season which was so dramatic, but Bronwyn is a find who brings out the best in Lisa Barlow (in seasons' past, my least like HW). I also love how Mary has softened ever so slightly, without losing her snark. Angie has absolutely grown on me. The buzzin' cousins still annoy me, but every show needs villains. Most importantly, the show is creating a future for itself without Jen Shah which is deeply important for the shows survival IMO. I don't think SLC can afford another S3 misstep.

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I don't know why, but I always gasp when I see Camille Grammer on this show. I'm watching BH's newest episode, since I'm kinda late on it... and I just saw her and... yeah... gasped. I have to investigate why I do that. 

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I love Camille on the show typically but my god she was so unprepared for THIS Dorit. Dorit had the whole group shook.

I hated her as a member of the loser Force 5, but she’s gunning for Kyle who has desperately needed a take down.

That’s awesome to see the turn around for housewives is getting attention.

Raquel is basically the only reason I watch nuNY now. Especially after spending the holidays watching the Christmas episodes from the OG’s, it’s going to be so hard to go back to this new cast.

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